Нанба С.Б., канд. юрид. наук, старший научный сотрудник отдела конституционного права ИЗиСП глава 4 раздела I;
Островский А.В., д-р экон. наук, профессор, заместитель директора Института Дальнего Востока РАН (ИДВ РАН) глава 14 раздела II;
Пуляева Е.В., канд. юрид. наук, старший преподаватель кафедры государственно-правовых дисциплин ИЗиСП глава 10 раздела I (в соавторстве с Н.В. Путило);
Путило Н.В., канд. юрид. наук, заведующий отделом социального законодательства ИЗиСП глава 10 раздела I (в соавторстве с Е.В. Пуляевой);
Селезнев В.А., канд. экон. наук, старший научный сотрудник отдела административного законодательства и процесса ИЗиСП глава 3 раздела I;
Семилютина Н.Г., д-р юрид. наук, заведующий отделом гражданского законодательства зарубежных государств ИЗиСП глава 12 раздела II (в соавторстве с Н.Г. Дорониной);
Серегина Л.В., канд. юрид. наук, ведущий научный сотрудник отдела законодательства о труде и социальном обеспечении ИЗиСП глава 9 раздела I (в соавторстве с О.В. Моцной);
Тихомиров Ю.А.(отв. ред.), д-р юрид. наук, профессор, заместитель заведующего центром публично-правовых исследований ИЗиСП, заслуженный деятель науки Российской Федерации предисловие, глава 7 раздела I, заключение;
Шведкова О.В., канд. юрид. наук, советник Департамента финансов и бюджетной политики Постоянного Комитета Союзного государства глава 15 раздела II (в соавторстве с Р.А. Курбановым, А.М. Беляловой);
Шульга С.В., канд. юрид. наук, ведущий научный сотрудник отдела конституционного права ИЗиСП глава 16 раздела II.
Khabrieva T.Y., Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Titular Member of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Tatarstan, Deputy President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the ILCL, Member of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission of the Council of Europe) To the readers;
Andritchenko L.V., LLD, professor, deserved jurist of the Russian Federation, the Head of the Public law legal research centre of the ILCLChapter 1 section I;
Baranchikova М.М., of the ILCL Junior Researcher, East Asian Legal Studies Division Chapter 17 section II;
Belikova K.M., Professor of the Chair of Civil Law and Process and International Private Law, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Associate Professor Chapter 18 section II;
Belyalova A.M., Acting Head of the ILCL International cooperation department Chapter 15 section II (in co-authorship with R.A. Kurbanov, O.V. Shvedkova);
Vasilyeva L.N., PhD, the leading scientist of the Constitutional law department of the ILCLChapter 11 section I;
Doronina N.G., Chief Researcher of the Department of Economic and Legal Problems of State and Municipal Management of the ILCL, Doctor of Juridical Science, Professor Chapter 12 section II (in co-authorship with N.G. Semilyutina);
Zhuravleva O.О., PhD, Leading Researcher, Financial, Tax and Budget Legislation Department of the ILCLChapter 6 section I;
Kaifei Ou, graduate student of the Joint Innovation Center for Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights and Interests of the China Institute of Border and Marine Studies, Wuhan University (PRC) Chapter 13, Section II;
Kuznetsov V.I., PhD, the bachelor of legal science (hereinafter PhD), the senior scientist of the Administrative legislation and procedure department of the ILCLChapter 2 section I;
Kurbanov R.A., Head of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of the Russian Economic University named after GV. Plekhanov, Doctor of Juridical Science, Professor Chapter 15, Section II (in co-authorship with O.V. Shvedkova, A.M. Belyalova);
Lukjanova V.Yu., PhD, the Head of the Legal analysis and forecasting department of the ILCLChapter 5 section I;
Minina E.L., PhD, the leading scientist of the Natural resources legislation department of the ILCLChapter 8 section I;
Motsnaya O.V., PhD, the senior scientist of the Labour law and social welfare provision support legislation department of the ILCLChapter 9 section I (in co-authorship with L.V. Seregina);
Nanba S.B., PhD, the senior scientist of the Constitutional law department of the of the ILCLChapter 4 section I;
Ostrovsky A.V., Deputy Director of the Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Professor Chapter 14 Section II;
Pulyajeva E.V., PhD, of the ILCLChapter 10 section I (in co-authorship with N.V. Putilo);
Putilo N.V., PhD, the Head of the Social legislation department of the ILCLChapter 10 section I (in co-authorship with H.V. Pulyajeva);
Seleznev V.A., PhD, the senior scientist of the Administrative legislation and procedure department of the ILCLChapter 3 section I;
Semilyutina N.G., Head of the Department of Civil Legislation of Foreign States of the ILCL, Doctor of Juridical Sciences (in co-authorship with N.G. Doronina) Chapter 12, Section II;
Seregina L.V., PhD, the leading scientist of the Labour law and social welfare provision support legislation department of the ILCLChapter 9 section I (in co-authorship with O.V. Motsnaya);
Tikhomirov Yu.A.(chief editor), LLD, professor, the Vice-Head of the Public law legal research centre of the ILCL, deserved personality of the Russian Federation science Preface, Chapter 7 section I, Conclusion;