Елена Анатольевна Корнетова - Английский язык. 20 смешных историй для обсуждения и пересказа


Елена Корнетова

Английский язык. 20 смешных историй для обсуждения и пересказа

Jack and the flowers

It was the first of September. It was the beginning of the new school year. Parents were taking their children to school.

Jack had a very special day because it was his first day in first grade. It was early in the morning and the whole family was helping the boy prepare for his school day. The grandmother made a delicious breakfast, the mother ironed his suit and shirt and the father helped his son pack his school bag.

The morning was cloudy and rainy. Once the whole family got dressed before leaving the house, the grandmother took the flowers from the vase that she had picked for the teacher. The flowers had not blossomed yet and had buds, which surprised Jack a lot. Looking at the flowers in amazement, he asked:

 Grandma, why do we give flowers with buds to the teacher?

 So that they last longer in the vase,  she answered.

He thought for a moment and then said:

 Then we have to give her seeds!


beginning начало

school year учебный год

to prepare for готовиться

delicious вкусный

breakfast завтрак

to iron гладить (утюгом)

suit костюм

shirt рубашка

to pack a school bag собирать портфель

cloudy пасмурный, облачный

rainy дождливый

to get dressed одеваться

to pick срывать

to blossom распускаться

bud бутон

to surprise удивлять

in amazement удивлённо

to give дарить

to think думать, размышлять

seed семя

Answer the questions:

1) On what date did the story take place?

2) Why was this a special day for Jack?

3) What did the whole family do early in the morning? What did the grandmother do? What did the mother do? What did the father do?

4) What was the weather like in the morning?

5) What did the grandmother do after the whole family got dressed before leaving the house?

6) Who picked the flowers for the teacher?

7) What were the flowers like? How did Jack feel when he saw them?

8) What did he ask?

9) What did the grandmother say?

10) What did Jack suggest at the end of the story?

Express the same in English:

1) особенный день;

2) готовиться к учебному дню;

3) вкусный завтрак;

4) недолго думать;

5) гладить костюм и рубашку;

6) дарить семена;

7) пасмурное и дождливое утро;

8) перед выходом из дома;

9) начало учебного года;

10) собирать портфель;

11) одеваться;

12) срывать цветы;

13) распускаться;

14) бутоны;

15) смотреть удивлённо;

16) дарить цветы;

17) первый день в первом классе.

Retell the story.

Ants and cockroaches

The Smiths lived on the outskirts of a small town. Their apartment building was very old and had to be renovated. In their rundown apartment there were a lot of cockroaches and ants. Annoying insects made the whole familys life difficult. When Mrs. Smith cooked food, huge brown cockroaches crawled around the kitchen. Insects crawled around in the bath when the daughter Emma washed herself. Mr. Smith even found huge ants in his clothes when he went to work.

One day the neighbors came to visit the Smiths. At dinner, everyone discussed various topics, including the annoying insects. One of the visitors, Mrs. Black, said that she had once read in the newspaper that ants and cockroaches could not live together in one room. Mrs. Smith was very surprised, because there were ants and cockroaches in their apartment. Suddenly Emma interrupted the conversation:

 Mom, maybe the cockroaches and ants have not met yet?!


on the outskirts на окраине

small town маленький город

apartment building многоквартирный дом

to renovate ремонтировать

rundown ветхий

cockroach таракан

ant муравей

annoying надоедливый

insect насекомое

huge огромный

to crawl ползать

clothes одежда

neighbor сосед

to come to visit ходить в гости

dinner ужин

to discuss обсуждать

including в том числе

visitor гостья

newspaper газета

to live together жить вместе

surprised удивлённый

suddenly внезапно

to interrupt вмешиваться

to meet встречаться

Answer the questions:

1) Where did the Smiths live?

2) What was their apartment building and their apartment like?

3) What kind of insects were in their apartment?

4) How did the insects bother the family members?

5) Who came to visit them?

6) What did everyone discuss at dinner?

7) What did Ms. Black say?

8) How did Mrs. Smith feel and why did she feel that way?

9) Who interrupted the conversation?

10) What did Emma say?

Express the same in English:

1) на окраине маленького города;

2) многоквартирный дом;

3) ветхая квартира;

4) тараканы и муравьи;

5) усложнять жизнь;

6) ползать по кухне;

7) готовить еду;

8) мыться;

9) идти на работу;

10) одним днём;

11) приходить в гости;

12) за ужином;

13) обсуждать различные темы;

14) читать в газете;

15) жить вместе;

16) в одном помещении;

17) быть удивлённым;

18) вмешиваться в разговор.


The theory of evolution

Little John was a very curious boy. He was interested in everything that surrounded him. He constantly asked his parents questions about space, animals and plants. Johns parents were very patient and educated people who wanted to answer all their son's questions.

One day the father decided to explain the theory of evolution to him. Since John was only five years old, his father tried to explain in simple words:

 Your great-great-great-grandfather was descended from monkeys.

Perplexed, the boy answered:

 Really!? I thought people were descended from aliens.

 Of course not! A famous scientist proved that our ancestors were monkeys.

A day later, the father decided to check his sons understanding of what he had learned. He asked his son to explain the meaning of Darwin's theory. John answered cheerfully:

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