Oh, thank you, thank you, Im sure, replied the general, considerably taken aback. May I ask where you have taken up your quarters?
Nowhere, as yet.
What, straight from the station to my house? And how about your luggage?
I only had a small bundle, containing linen, with me, nothing more. I can carry it in my hand, easily. There will be plenty of time to take a room in some hotel by the evening.
Oh, then you DO intend to take a room?
Of course.
To judge from your words, you came straight to my house with the intention of staying there.
That could only have been on your invitation. I confess, however, that I should not have stayed here even if you had invited me, not for any particular reason, but because it is well, contrary to my practice and nature, somehow.
Oh, indeed! Then it is perhaps as well that I neither DID invite you, nor DO invite you now. Excuse me, prince, but we had better make this matter clear, once for all. We have just agreed that with regard to our relationship there is not much to be said, though, of course, it would have been very delightful to us to feel that such relationship did actually exist; therefore, perhaps
Therefore, perhaps I had better get up and go away? said the prince, laughing merrily as he rose from his place; just as merrily as though the circumstances were by no means strained or difficult. And I give you my word, general, that though I know nothing whatever of manners and customs of society, and how people live and all that, yet I felt quite sure that this visit of mine would end exactly as it has ended now. Oh, well, I suppose its all right; especially as my letter was not answered. Well, good-bye, and forgive me for having disturbed you!
The princes expression was so good-natured at this moment, and so entirely free from even a suspicion of unpleasant feeling was the smile with which he looked at the general as he spoke, that the latter suddenly paused, and appeared to gaze at his guest from quite a new point of view, all in an instant.
Do you know, prince, he said, in quite a different tone, I do not know you at all, yet, and after all, Elizabetha Prokofievna would very likely be pleased to have a peep at a man of her own name. Wait a little, if you dont mind, and if you have time to spare?
Oh, I assure you Ive lots of time, my time is entirely my own! And the prince immediately replaced his soft, round hat on the table. I confess, I thought Elizabetha Prokofievna would very likely remember that I had written her a letter. Just now your servant outside there was dreadfully suspicious that I had come to beg of you. I noticed that! Probably he has very strict instructions on that score; but I assure you I did not come to beg. I came to make some friends. But I am rather bothered at having disturbed you; thats all I care about.
Look here, prince, said the general, with a cordial smile, if you really are the sort of man you appear to be, it may be a source of great pleasure to us to make your better acquaintance; but, you see, I am a very busy man, and have to be perpetually sitting here and signing papers, or off to see his excellency, or to my department, or somewhere; so that though I should be glad to see more of people, nice people you see, I however, I am sure you are so well brought up that you will see at once, and but how old are you, prince?
No? I thought you very much younger.
Yes, they say I have a young face. As to disturbing you I shall soon learn to avoid doing that, for I hate disturbing people. Besides, you and I are so differently constituted, I should think, that there must be very little in common between us. Not that I will ever believe there is NOTHING in common between any two people, as some declare is the case. I am sure people make a great mistake in sorting each other into groups, by appearances; but I am boring you, I see, you
Just two words: have you any means at all? Or perhaps you may be intending to undertake some sort of employment? Excuse my questioning you, but
Oh, my dear sir, I esteem and understand your kindness in putting the question. No; at present I have no means whatever, and no employment either, but I hope to find some. I was living on other people abroad. Schneider, the professor who treated me and taught me, too, in Switzerland, gave me just enough money for my journey, so that now I have but a few copecks left. There certainly is one question upon which I am anxious to have advice, but
Tell me, how do you intend to live now, and what are your plans? interrupted the general.
I wish to work, somehow or other.
Oh yes, but then, you see, you are a philosopher. Have you any talents, or ability in any direction that is, any that would bring in money and bread? Excuse me again
Oh, dont apologize. No, I dont think I have either talents or special abilities of any kind; on the contrary. I have always been an invalid and unable to learn much. As for bread, I should think
The general interrupted once more with questions; while the prince again replied with the narrative we have heard before. It appeared that the general had known Pavlicheff; but why the latter had taken an interest in the prince, that young gentleman could not explain; probably by virtue of the old friendship with his father, he thought.