Maybe that's why Guy Barnard was starting to annoy her.
But it was more than just his talk about Bill Maitland. In some odd, indefinable way, Guy reminded her too much of her father.
The tuk-tuk suddenly hit a bump in the road, throwing her against Guy's shoulder. Pain sliced through her arm and her whole body seemed to clench in a spasm.
He glanced at her, alarmed. "Are you all right?"
"I'm-" She bit her lip, fighting back tears. "It's really starting to hurt."
He yelled at the driver to slow down. Then he took Willy's hand and held it tightly. "Just a little while longer. We're almost there "
It was a long ride to the hotel.
Up in her room, Guy sat her down on the bed and gently stroked the hair off her face. "Do you have any pain killers?"
"There's-there's some aspirin in the bathroom." She started to rise to her feet. "I can get it."
"No. You stay right where you are." He went into the bathroom, came back out with a glass of water and the bottle of aspirin. Even through her cloud of pain, she was intensely aware of him watching her, studying her as she swallowed the tablets. Yet she found his nearness strangely reassuring. When he turned and crossed the room, the sudden distance between them left her feeling abandoned.
She watched him rummage around in the tiny refrigerator. "What are you looking for?"
"Found it." He came back with a cocktail bottle of whiskey, which he uncapped and handed to her. "Liquid anesthesia. It's an old-fashioned remedy, but it works."
"I don't like whiskey."
"You don't have to like it. By definition, medicine's not supposed to taste good."
She managed a gulp. It burned all the way down her throat. "Thanks," she muttered. "I think."
He began to walk a slow circle, surveying the plush furnishings, the expansive view. Sliding glass doors opened onto a balcony. From the Chaophya River flowing just below came the growl of motorboats plying the waters. He wandered over to the nightstand, picked up a rambutan from the complimentary fruit basket and peeled off the prickly shell. "Nice room," he said, thoughtfully chewing the fruit. "Sure beats my dive-the liberty Hotel. What do you do for a living, anyway?"
She took another sip of whiskey and coughed. "I'm a pilot."
"Just like your old man?"
"Not exactly. I fly for the paycheck, not the excitement. Not that the pay's great. No money in flying cargo."
"Can't be too bad if you're staying here."
"I'm not paying for this."
His eyebrows shot up. "Who is?"
"My mother."
"Generous of her."
His note of cynicism irritated her. What right did he have to insult her? Here he was, this battered vagabond, eating her fruit, enjoying her view. The tuk-tuk ride had tossed his hair in all directions, and his bruised eye was swollen practically shut. Why was she even putting up with this jerk?
He was watching her with curiosity. "So what else is Mama paying for?" he asked.
She looked him hard in the eye. "Her own funeral arrangements," she said, and was satisfied to see his smirk instantly vanish.
"What do you mean? Is your mother dead?"
"No, but she's dying." Willy gazed out the window at the lantern lights along the river's edge. For a moment they seemed to dance like fireflies in a watery haze. She swallowed; the lights came back into focus. "God," she sighed, wearily running her fingers through her hair. "What the hell am I doing here?"
"I take it this isn't a vacation."
"You got that right."
"What is it, then?"
"A wild-goose chase." She swallowed the rest of the whiskey and set the tiny bottle down on the nightstand. 'But it's Mom's last wish. And you're always supposed to grant people their dying wish." She looked at Guy. "Aren't you?"
He sank into a chair, his gaze locked on her face. "You told me before that you were here on family business. Does t have to do with your father?"
She nodded.
"And that's why you saw Kistner today?"
"We were hoping-I was hoping-that he'd be able to tell us in about what happened to Dad.''
"Why go to Kistner? Casualty resolution isn't his job."
"But Military Intelligence is. In 1970, Kistner was stationedin Laos. He was the one who commissioned my father's last flight. And after the plane went down, he directed the search. What there was of a search."
"And did Kistner tell you anything new?"
"Only what I expected to hear. That after twenty years, there's no point pursuing the matter. That my father's dead. And there's no way to recover his remains."
"It must've been tough hearing that. Knowing you've come all this way for nothing."
"It'll be hard on my mother."
"And not on you?"
"Not really." She rose from the bed and wandered out nto the balcony, where she stared down at the water. "You see, I don't give a damn about my father."
The night was heavy with the smells of the river. She new Guy was watching her; she could feel his gaze on her neck, could imagine the shocked expression on his face. Of course, he would be shocked; it was appalling, what she'd just said. But it was also the truth.
She sensed, more than heard, his approach. He came up side her and leaned against the railing. The glow of the lanterns threw his face into shadow.