It only takes a day to get back the culture results. If its strep, Ill give you the medicine then.
Gotta walk all the way into town. Takes up half my day.
Suddenly Claire understood what the real issue was. Every lab test, every new prescription, meant a mile-long walk into town for Mairead, and then another mile walk home.
With a sigh, she pulled out a prescription pad. And for the first time that visit, she saw Maireads smile. Satisfied. Triumphant.
Isabel sat quietly on the couch, afraid to move, afraid to say a word.
Mary Rose was very, very mad. Their mother was not home yet, so Isabel was all alone with her sister. She had never seen Mary Rose behave this way, pacing back and forth like a tiger in the zoo, screaming at her. At her, Isabel! Mary Rose was so angry, it turned her face wrinkled and ugly, not like Princess Aurora anymore, but more like an evil queen. This was not her sister. This was a bad person inside her sister's body.
Isabel huddled deeper into the cushions, watching furtively as the bad person in Mary Roses body stalked through the living room, muttering. Never get to go anywhere or do anything because of you! Stuck at home all the time. A baby-sitter slave! I wish you were dead. I wish you were dead.
But Im your sister! Isabel wanted to wail, though she didnt dare make a peep.
She began to cry, silent tears plopping onto the cushions, making big wet stains. Oh no. Mary Rose would be mad about that, too.
Isabel waited until her sisters back was turned, then she quietly slipped off the couch and darted into the kitchen. She would hide in here, out of Mary Roses way, until their mother came home. She ducked around the corner of a kitchen cabinet and sat down on the cold tiles, hugging her knees to her chest.
If she just stayed quiet, Mary Rose wouldnt find her. She could see the clock on the wall, and she knew that when the little hand was on the five, their mother would come home. She needed to pee, now, but she would just have to wait because she was safe here.
Then Rocky the parakeet began to screech. His cage was a few feet away, by the window. She looked up at him, silently imploring him to be quiet, but Rocky was not very smart and he kept screeching at her.
Their mother had said it many times: Rocky is just a birdbrain, and he was proving it now by all the noise he made.
Be quiet! Oh please be quiet or she'll find me!
Too late. Footsteps creaked into the kitchen. A drawer was yanked open and silverware clanged to the floor. Mary Rose was flinging around forks and spoons.
Isabel wrapped herself into a ball and squeezed more tightly against the cabinet.
Rocky the traitor stared at her as he squawked, as though to shout out: There she is! There she is!
Now Mary Rose paced into view, but she wasnt looking at Isabel. She was staring at Rocky. She went to the cage and stood looking at the parakeet, who continued to screech. She opened the door and thrust in her hand. Rockys wings flapped in panicked whooshes of flying feathers and birdseed. She captured the struggling bird, a squirming puff of powder blue, and took him out of the cage. With one quick twist, she snapped the birds neck.
Rocky went limp.
She flung the body against the wall. It plopped to the floor in a sad little heap of feathers.
A silent scream boiled up in Isabels throat. She choked it back and buried her face against her knees, waiting in terror for her sister to break her neck as well.
Rocky went limp.
She flung the body against the wall. It plopped to the floor in a sad little heap of feathers.
A silent scream boiled up in Isabels throat. She choked it back and buried her face against her knees, waiting in terror for her sister to break her neck as well.
But Mary Rose walked right out of the kitchen. Right out of the house.
Noah was sitting on the front steps of the high school when Claire arrived at four oclock. She had rushed through her last two appointments, and had driven straight to the school five miles away, but she was a half hour late, and she could see he was angry about it. He didnt say a word, just climbed into the truck, and slammed the door shut.
Seat belt, honey; she said.
He yanked on the shoulder strap and rammed the buckle in. They drove for a moment in silence.
Ive been sitting around forever. What took you so long? he said.
I had patients to see, Noah. Why were you in detention?
It wasnt my fault.
Whose fault was it, then?
Taylor. Hes turning into such a jerk. I dont know whats wrong With him.
Sighing, he slumped into his seat. And I used to think we Were friends. Now its like he hates me.
She glanced at him. Is this Taylor Darnell youre talking about?
What happened?
It was an accident. My skateboard ran into him. Next thing I know, hes shoving me around. So I shoved him back, and he fell.
Why didnt you call a teacher?
There werent any around. Then Miss Cornwallis comes out and suddenly Taylor starts yelling that its my fault. He turned away from her, but not before shed glimpsed the embarrassed swipe of his hand across his eyes. He tries so hard to be grown up, she thought with a twinge of pity; but hes really still a child.