He removed his clothes, the frayed and blood-stained shirt, the urine-soaked jeans. He undressed with the same care he devoted to every other task in his life, leaving his clothes in a tidy heap on the toilet lid. He turned on the shower and stepped in without waiting for the water to warm up; the discomfort was only momentary scarcely worth a shiver in the context of his cold and uncomfortable life. He washed the blood out of his hair, the laceration stinging from the soap. He must have sliced his scalp open when he fell on the woodpile.
It would heal, as all his other cuts had. Warren Emerson was a walking testament to the durability of scar tissue.
The cat renewed her meowing as soon as he stepped out of the shower. It was a pitiful sound, despairing, and he could not listen to it without feeling guilty.
Still naked, he walked to the kitchen, opened a can of Little Friskies chicken bits, and spooned it into Monas cat bowl.
She gave a soft growl of pleasure and began to eat, no longer caring whether he came or went. Except for his skill with a can opener, he was extraneous to her existence.
He went to the bedroom to dress.
Once it had been his parents room, and it still contained all their possessions. The spindle bed, the bureau with the brass knobs, the photographs hanging up in their tin picture frames. As he buttoned his shirt, his gaze lingered on one photo in particular, of a dark-haired girl with smiling eyes.
What was Iris doing at this moment? he wondered, as he did every day of his life. Did she ever think of him? His gaze moved on to another photo. It was the last one taken of his family, his mother plump and smiling, his father ill at ease in a suit and tie. And wedged between them, with his hair slicked to one side, was little Warren.
He reached out, fingers touching the photo of his own twelve-year-old face. He could not remember that boy. Up in the attic were the toy trains and the adventure books and the brittle crayons that once belonged to the child in that photo, but that was a different Warren whod played in this house, who had stood smiling between his parents for a Sunday photograph. Not the Warren he saw when he looked in the mirror.
Suddenly he felt a terrible longing to touch that childs toys again.
He climbed the steps to the attic and dragged the old blanket chest under the light. With the bare bulb swinging overhead, he lifted the chest lid. Inside were treasures. He took them out one by one and set them on the dusty floor. The cookie tin with all the Matchbox cars. The Lincoln Logs. The leather pouch of marbles. At last he found what hed been looking for: the set of checkers.
He lay out the board and set up the checkers, red on his side, black On the opposite.
Mona came padding up to the attic and sat beside him, her breath smelling of chicken. For a moment she regarded the board with feline disdain. Then she tiptoed over to it and sniffed at one of the black pieces.
Is that your first move then? said Warren. It was not a very smart move, but then, what did one expect from a cat? He moved the black piece for her, and she seemed satisfied.
Outside the wind blew, rattling loose shutters. He could hear the branches of the lilac tree scratch against the clapboards.
Warren advanced a red checker and he smiled at his companion. Your move, Mona.
At six-thirty, as she did every weekday morning, five-year-old Isabel Morrison crept into her older sisters bedroom and climbed under the covers with Mary Rose. There she wriggled like a happy worm in the warm sheets and hummed to herself as she waited for Mary Rose to wake up. There would always be a great deal of sighing and moaning, and Mary Rose would turn from one side to another, her long brown hair tickling Isabels face. Isabel thought Mary Rose was the most beautiful girl on earth. She looked like the sleeping Princess Aurora, waiting for her prince to kiss her. Sometimes Isabel would pretend she was Prince Charming, and even though she knew girls werent supposed to kiss each other, she would plant her lips on her sisters mouth and announce: Now you have to wake up!
One time, Mary Rose had been awake all along, and had sprung up like a giggling monster and tickled Isabel so mercilessly that both girls had fallen off the bed in a duet of happy squeals.
If only Mary Rose would tickle her now. If only Mary Rose would be her normal self.
Isabel leaned close to her sisters ear and whispered, Arent you going to wake up?
Mary Rose pulled the covers over her head. Go away, pest.
Mommy says its time for school. You have to wake up.
Get out of my room!
But its time for-
Mary Rose gave a growl and lashed out with an angry kick.
Isabel slithered to the far side of the bed, where she lay in troubled silence, rubbing her sore shin and trying to understand what had just happened. Mary Rose had never kicked her before. Mary Rose always woke up with a smile and called her Dizzy Izzy and braided her hair before school.
She decided to try again. She crawled on hands and knees to her sister's pillow, peeled back the sheets, and whispered into Mary Roses ear: I know what Mommy and Daddy are getting you for Christmas. You wanna hear?