Certainly not Beryl.
He spied his sister as she reentered the ballroom. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes glittering with some unearthly fire. Close on her heels was the American, looking just as flushed and more than a little bothered. Ah, thought Jordan with a smile. A bit of hanky-panky in the garden, was it? Well, good for her. Poor Beryl could use some fresh romance in her life, anything to make her forget that chronically unfaithful surgeon.
Beryl whisked up a glass of champagne from a passing servant and headed Jordan s way. Having fun? she asked him.
Not as much as you, I suspect. He glanced across at Richard Wolf, whod just been waylaid by some American businessman. So, he whispered, did you wring a confession out of him?
Not a thing. She smiled over her champagne glass. Extremely tight-lipped.
But Ill have another go at him later. After I let him cool his heels for a while.
Lord, how beautiful his baby sister could be when she was happy, thought Jordan. Which, it seemed, wasnt very often lately. Too much passion in that heart of hers; it made her far more vulnerable than shed ever admit. For a year now shed been lying doggo, had dropped out entirely from the old mating game. Shed even given up her charity work at St. Lukes-a job shed dearly loved. It was too painful, always running into her ex-lover on the hospital grounds.
But tonight the old sparkle was back in her eyes and he was glad to see it. He noticed how it flared even more brightly as Richard Wolf glanced her way. All those flirtatious looks passing back and forth! He could almost feel the crackle of electricity flying between them.
a well-deserved honor, of course, but a bit late, dont you think, Jordan?
Jordan glanced in puzzlement at Reggie Vanes flushed face. The man had been drinking entirely too much. Excuse me, he said, Im afraid I wasnt following.
The Queens medal for Leo Sinclair. You remember Leo, dont you? Wonderful chap. Killed a year and a half ago. Or was it two years? He gave his head a little shake, as though to clear it. Anyway, theyre just getting round to giving the widow his medal. I think thats inexcusable.
Not everyone who was killed in the Gulf got a medal, Nina Sutherland cut in.
But Leo was Intelligence, said Reggie. He deserved some sort of honor, considering how hedied.
Not everyone who was killed in the Gulf got a medal, Nina Sutherland cut in.
But Leo was Intelligence, said Reggie. He deserved some sort of honor, considering how hedied.
Perhaps it was just an oversight, said Jordan. Papers getting mislaid, that sort of thing. MI6 does try to honor its dead, and Leo sort of fell through the cracks.
The way Mum and Dad did, said Beryl. They died in the line of duty. And they never got a medal.
Line of duty? said Reggie. Not exactly. He lifted the champagne glass unsteadily to his lips. Suddenly he paused, aware that the others were staring at him. The silence stretched on, broken only by the clatter of an oyster shell on someones plate.
What do you mean by not exactly? asked Beryl.
Reggie cleared his throat. SurelyHugh must have told you He looked around and his face blanched. Oh, no, he murmured, Ive put my foot in it this time.
Told us what, Reggie? Jordan persisted.
But it was public knowledge, said Reggie. It was in all the Paris newspapers
Reggie, Jordan said slowly. Deliberately. Our understanding was that my mother and father were shot in Paris. That it was murder. Is that not true?
Well, of course there was a murder involved-
A murder? Jordan cut in. As in singular?
Reggie glanced around, befuddled. Im not the only one here who knows about it. You were all in Paris when it happened!
For a few heartbeats, no one said a thing. Then Helena added, quietly, It was a very long time ago, Jordan. Twenty years. It hardly makes a difference now.
It makes a difference to us, Jordan insisted. What happened in Paris?
Helena sighed. I told Hugh he shouldve been honest with you, instead of trying to bury it.
Bury what? asked Beryl.
Helena s mouth drew tight.
It was Nina who finally spoke the truth. Brazen Nina, who had never bothered with subtleties. She said flatly, The police said it was a murder. Followed by a suicide.
Beryl stared at Nina. Saw the other womans gaze meet hers without flinching. No, she whispered.
Gently Helena touched her shoulder. You were just a child, Beryl. Both of you were. And Hugh didnt think it was appropriate-
Beryl said again, No, and pulled away from Helena s outstretched hand. Suddenly she whirled and fled in a rustle of blue silk across the ballroom.
Thank you. All of you, said Jordan coldly. For your most refreshing candor. Then he, too, turned and headed across the room in pursuit of his sister.
He caught up with her on the staircase. Beryl?
Its not true, she said. I dont believe it!
Of course its not true.
She halted on the stairs and looked down at him. Then why are they all saying it?
Ugly rumors. What else can it be?
Wheres Uncle Hugh?
Jordan shook his head. Hes not in the ballroom.
Beryl looked up toward the second floor. Come on, Jordie, she said, her voice tight with determination. Were going to set this thing straight.