Processing your request, a monotone voice said on the other end. I waited, sitting on the nearest gravestone. The communicator flashed five minutes later. Sending transport now.
The trunk of a large, gnarled tree about fifteen feet in front of me shimmered, and the outline of a door appeared. A tall, slender man walked out. Well, not man, really. His figure was distinctly male, although it seemed stretcheda little too narrow. With delicate features and almond-shaped eyes straight out of an anime cartoon, his face was, simply put, beautiful. It made your heart ache with the desire to do nothing but stare at him for the rest of your life. He smiled at me.
Shut up, I said, shaking my head. Did they have to send Reth? Sure, the Faerie Paths were the fastest way from here to there, but that meant going from here to there with him. And unlike the happy fantasy of faeries as delicate, tiny winged things who love natureyeah, not so much.
Faeries are a lot more complicated than that. Complicated and dangerous. Walking briskly up, I held out my hand and clenched my jaw.
Evelyn, he purred. Its been too long.
I said shut up, didnt I? Lets go.
He laughed, a silvery sound like bells, and traced one long, slender finger along my wrist before taking my hand in his. I tried not to shiver. He laughed again and we stepped through the oaken doorway.
I closed my eyes; this part always freaked me out. I knew what I would see if I lookednothing.
Absolutely nothing. Nothing under my feet, nothing above me, nothing around me. I put one foot in front of the other and held onto Reths hand as if my life depended on it. Since it did. No human could walk the Faerie Paths alone without being lost forever.
And then it was over. We stepped out into one of the cool, fluorescent-lit hallways of the Center. I yanked my hand away from Reths; his special brand of warmth had already spread through my arm and was creeping even farther.
Not even a thanks? he called after me as I stalked down the hall toward my unit. I didnt look back. Suddenly he was right next to me. We havent danced in so long. His melodic voice was low and intimate. He reached for my hand again and I jumped back, pulling out Tasey.
Back off, I hissed. And if you come out without your glamour on again, Ill report you. His glamour wasnt much less good-looking than his real face, but it was regulation for faeries.
What is the use? I could never hide anything from your eyes. He moved closer.
I shoved down the feelings bursting through me. Not again. Not ever again. Luckily we were interrupted by a shrieking alarm. Something was loose. A hairy little gremlin, mouth open wide and acidic saliva dripping from sharp teeth, was booking it on all fours toward us.
I watched it as if in slow motion. The gremlin made straight for me, a rabid gleam in its eyes. It leaped into the air and I kicked out hard, sending it sailing down the hall, right into the arms of the containment worker chasing it. Goal! I shouted. Dang, I was good.
Thanks, the worker said, voice muffled through the mask.
You betcha. Reths hand had found the small of my back. I wanted to lean into him, let his arms wrap around me, let him take me away. Then I remembered the time. Oh, crap! I ran down the hall past the worker and still-snarling gremlin. After a couple of turns, I put my palm on my door pad, bouncing impatiently until the door slid open. Reth hadnt followed me. I was glad. Okay, maybe a little disappointed. And then mad at myself for being disappointed.
I dashed inside, grateful that my settings kept the unit at eighty-five degrees, and flopped onto the purple couch. Turning on the flat-screen TV that took up nearly the entire pink wall, I sighed in relief. My favorite high school drama, Easton Heights, was just starting. Tonights episode promised to be spectaculara masquerade ball in which tiny masks somehow hid identities enough for everyone to make out with the wrong person. Where did they come up with this stuff?
The vid screen next to my couch buzzed again. It had been doing that off and on for the last thirty minutes. Finally, my show over, I hit the connect button. I was staring into a pair of green eyes, right in the middle of a green-tinged face. The image wavered, like always, since Alisha was underwater.
Why havent you checked in yet? a monotone voice asked. I always wondered what her real voice was like. All we got was the computer program translating what she said into something we could hear.
Got done earlymy show was on.
Her eyes crinkled up into a smile. It was good that she had expressive eyes, since her mouth barely moved. How was it?
You wouldnt believe it. It was a costume party. First Landon? He totally made out with Katrina.
Whos dating Brett, right? But then Brett thought he was with Katrina, but really it was Cheyenne, her sister, who knew that he thought she was Katrina and tricked him into kissing her, then took off her mask and he was, like, what on earth? And then Halleryn filmed Landon kissing that tramp