As they reached the Sacred Way, with the suddenness of some fearful epiphany, six armed men emerged from the Arch of Titus. At the sight of the naked steel in their hands, Menophilus skidded to a halt, jerked his own blade up into a blocking position. At his shoulders, the soldiers did the same.
Is Vitalianus dead?
Yes, Menophilus said.
We should have executed Sabinus too, Valerian said.
Gordians orders were explicit. Menophilus lowered his sword.
A mistake. The Prefect of the City commands six thousand men in the Urban Cohorts.
Menophilus suppressed his irritation. You were there, you know as well as me, neither Gordian nor his father would hear of it.
Valerian shrugged. Potens should have been killed as well. He has another seven thousand in the Watch.
Silently, not even moving his lips, Menophilus recited the Greek alphabet. After Gordian had been proclaimed Emperor with his father in Africa, the most important of his initial orders had been this mission to take control of Rome. No one but the Praetorian Prefect was to be killed. The new regime was to be one of principle, bound by restraint, different from the bloodstained tyranny that had gone before. Menophilus struggled for the words to make Valerian understand. If we had killed them, we would be no better than Vitalianus, and Gordian would be no better than Maximinus.
A mistake, Valerians complaints continued their ponderous course. When the Liberators cut down Caesar, they spared Mark Antony, and everyone knows how that turned out. Why kill Vitalianus, when there are less than a thousand Praetorians in Rome, and leave alive two men just as close to the regime of Maximinus, who between them
Enough! They had been through all this. There was no time now for Menophilus to go from alpha to omega again. We have our orders, and we will obey them.
Valerian scowled. Evidently he did not relish being interrupted by the younger man.
We all know our roles. Menophilus nevertheless felt it was his duty to repeat them. Gordian had entrusted this to him. There could be no mistakes. Valerian, there is little time, but it is not far to the Caelian. Fulvius Pius will not have left his house yet. With the other Consul away, tell him the Res Publica depends on him. When you are certain Fulvius Pius will summon the Senate, collect his neighbour Pupienus as well, and escort them both to the Curia. Everything now depends on how quickly we act.
Valerian nodded.
Menophilus turned to the one other present who was not a soldier. Maecius, when you reach the Carinae, go straight to the home of Balbinus. The patrician is notoriously indolent. He may be reluctant. Flatter him, bribe him, do whatever. Use threats if necessary. Balbinus has many connections among the Senators. We have to have him at the meeting. Only when you are sure he will attend, go to the house of the Gordiani, and warn Maecia Faustina. Lock and bar the windows and doors of the Domus Rostrata. Arm the slaves. Stay with your kinswoman. Remember the safety of Gordians sister rests on you.
The gold ring on Maecius hand flashed as he waved to acknowledge his orders. Then both the young equestrian and Valerian turned to go.
Trying to hide any misgivings, Menophilus watched the two men depart. Each was trailed by his utterly inadequate escort of just two soldiers. The next few hours might see them all dead. Duty demanded that he send Maecius to the house of Balbinus before securing the Domus Rostrata. Yet it was not an easy decision. Gordian was not close to his sister, but he might find it hard to forgive Menophilus if something happened to her or his ancestral home.
Regarding Valerians broad back as it receded under the Arch and off up the Sacred Way brought a certain comfort. The older man provided a wordless lesson in duty. Valerians young son was a hostage in the imperial school on the Palatine. The day held the sure promise of violence; at the least riot, and perhaps savage repression and revenge. And Valerian was going to summon the Consul of Rome from the Caelian, instead of rushing to protect his son.
It was time to go. Menophilus regarded his two fellow assassins. Filthy, reeking with blood, eyes popping and wild; his own aspect would be no better. He motioned them to follow, and marched out into the Forum.
Libertas! he roared, and raised his fatal blade to the skies.
Libertas! the soldiers echoed.
A row of astrologers, dream diviners and others of similar callings sat or stood in front of the House of the Vestals.
Libertas! Menophilus cried to them. Citizens, your freedom is restored. Here in Rome we have cut down your oppressor. The Prefect Vitalianus is dead.
They regarded him with misgiving, these down-at-heel peddlers of divine foresight. Nothing in their self-proclaimed expertise had given them any warning. They exchanged anxious looks. A couple began to gather up the tools of their trades.
The tyrant is dead! Menophilus brandished his sword. The news has come from the North. Maximinus has been slain. Beyond the Danube, his corpse lies mutilated and unburied.