Who told you?
The best authority; one of themselves.
Who? who?
Paul Evelyn; I met him as I passed Brookes, and he told me that Lord Grey had resigned, and the King had accepted his resignation.
But Mr. Rigby, who, though very fond of news, and much interested in the present, was extremely jealous of any one giving him information, was sceptical. He declared that Paul Evelyn was always wrong; that it was morally impossible that Paul Evelyn ever could be right; that he knew, from the highest authority, that Lord Grey had been twice yesterday with the King; that on the last visit nothing was settled; that if he had been at the palace again to-day, he could not have been there before twelve oclock; that it was only now a quarter to one; that Lord Grey would have called his colleagues together on his return; that at least an hour must have elapsed before anything could possibly have transpired. Then he compared and criticised the dates of every rumoured incident of the last twenty-four hours, and nobody was stronger in dates than Mr. Rigby; counted even the number of stairs which the minister had to ascend and descend in his visit to the palace, and the time their mountings and dismountings must have consumed, detail was Mr. Rigbys forte; and finally, what with his dates, his private information, his knowledge of palace localities, his contempt for Paul Evelyn, and his confidence in himself, he succeeded in persuading his downcast and disheartened friends that their comfortable intelligence had not the slightest foundation.
They all left the room together; they were in the hall; the gentlemen who brought the news looked somewhat depressed, but Mr. Rigby gay, even amid the prostration of his party, from the consciousness that he had most critically demolished a piece of political gossip and conveyed a certain degree of mortification to a couple of his companions; when a travelling carriage and four with a ducal coronet drove up to the house. The door was thrown open, the steps dashed down, and a youthful noble sprang from his chariot into the hall.
Good morning, Rigby, said the Duke.
I see your Grace well, I am sure, said Mr. Rigby, with a softened manner.
You have heard the news, gentlemen? the Duke continued.
What news? Yes; no; that is to say, Mr. Rigby thinks
You know, of course, that Lord Lyndhurst is with the King?
It is impossible, said Mr. Rigby.
I dont think I can be mistaken, said the Duke, smiling.
I will show your Grace that it is impossible, said Mr. Rigby, Lord Lyndhurst slept at Wimbledon. Lord Grey could not have seen the King until twelve oclock; it is now five minutes to one. It is impossible, therefore, that any message from the King could have reached Lord Lyndhurst in time for his Lordship to be at the palace at this moment.
But my authority is a high one, said the Duke.
Authority is a phrase, said Mr. Rigby; we must look to time and place, dates and localities, to discover the truth.
Your Grace was saying that your authority ventured to observe Mr. Tadpole, emboldened by the presence of a duke, his patron, to struggle against the despotism of a Rigby, his tyrant.
Was the highest, rejoined the Duke, smiling, for it was Lord Lyndhurst himself. I came up from Nuneham this morning, passed his Lordships house in Hyde Park Place as he was getting into his carriage in full dress, stopped my own, and learned in a breath that the Whigs were out, and that the King had sent for the Chief Baron. So I came on here at once.
I always thought the country was sound at bottom, exclaimed Mr. Taper, who, under the old system, had sneaked into the Treasury Board.
Tadpole and Taper were great friends. Neither of them ever despaired of the Commonwealth. Even if the Reform Bill were passed, Taper was convinced that the Whigs would never prove men of business; and when his friends confessed among themselves that a Tory Government was for the future impossible, Taper would remark, in a confidential whisper, that for his part he believed before the year was over the Whigs would be turned out by the clerks.
There is no doubt that there is considerable reaction, said Mr. Tadpole. The infamous conduct of the Whigs in the Amersham case has opened the public mind more than anything.
Aldborough was worse, said Mr. Taper.
Terrible, said Tadpole. They said there was no use discussing the Reform Bill in our House. I believe Rigbys great speech on Aldborough has done more towards the reaction than all the violence of the Political Unions put together.
Let us hope for the best, said the Duke, mildly. Tis a bold step on the part of the Sovereign, and I am free to say I could have wished it postponed; but we must support the King like men. What say you, Rigby? You are silent.
I am thinking how very unfortunate it was that I did not breakfast with Lyndhurst this morning, as I was nearly doing, instead of going down to Eton.
To Eton! and why to Eton?
For the sake of my young friend here, Lord Monmouths grandson. By the bye, you are kinsmen. Let me present to your Grace, MR. CONINGSBY.