After that, Hawley took me up-stairs and introduced me to the spirit of Napoleon Bonaparte, with whom I passed about twenty-five minutes talking over his victories and defeats. He told me he never could understand how a man like Wellington came to defeat him at Waterloo, and added that he had sounded the Iron Duke on the subject, and found him equally ignorant.
So the afternoon and evening passed. I met quite a number of famous ladies Catherine, Marie Louise, Josephine, Queen Elizabeth, and others. Talked architecture with Queen Anne, and was surprised to learn that she never saw a Queen Anne cottage. I took Peg Woffington down to supper, and altogether had a fine time of it.
But, my dear Surrennes, I put in at this point, I fail to see what this has to do with your defence in your trial for stealing spoons.
I am coming to that, said 5010, sadly. I dwell on the moments passed at the club because they were the happiest of my life, and am loath to speak of what followed, but I suppose I must. It was all due to Queen Isabella that I got into trouble. Peg Woffington presented me to Queen Isabella in the supper-room, and while her majesty and I were talking, I spoke of how beautiful everything in the club was, and admired especially a half-dozen old Spanish spoons upon the side-board. When I had done this, the Queen called to Ferdinand, who was chatting with Columbus on the other side of the room, to come to her, which he did with alacrity. I was presented to the King, and then my troubles began.
Mr. Surrennes admires our spoons, Ferdinand, said the Queen.
The King smiled, and turning to me observed, Sir, they are yours. Er waiter, just do these spoons up and give them to Mr. Surrennes.
Of course, said 5010, I protested against this; whereupon the King looked displeased.
It is a rule of our club, sir, as well as an old Spanish custom, for us to present to our guests anything that they may happen openly to admire. You are surely sufficiently well acquainted with the etiquette of club life to know that guests may not with propriety decline to be governed by the regulations of the club whose hospitality they are enjoying.
I certainly am aware of that, my dear King, I replied, and of course I accept the spoons with exceeding deep gratitude. My remonstrance was prompted solely by my desire to explain to you that I was unaware of any such regulation, and to assure you that when I ventured to inform your good wife that the spoons had excited my sincerest admiration, I was not hinting that it would please me greatly to be accounted their possessor.
Your courtly speech, sir, returned the King, with a low bow, is ample assurance of your sincerity, and I beg that you will put the spoons in your pocket and say no more. They are yours. Verb. sap.
I thanked the great Spaniard and said no more, pocketing the spoons with no little exultation, because, having always been a lover of the quaint and beautiful, I was glad to possess such treasures, though I must confess to some misgivings as to the possibility of their being unreal. Shortly after this episode I looked at my watch and discovered that it was getting well on towards eleven oclock, and I sought out Hawley for the purpose of thanking him for a delightful evening and of taking my leave. I met him in the hall talking to Euripides on the subject of the amateur stage in the United States. What they said I did not stop to hear, but offering my hand to Hawley informed him of my intention to depart.
Well, old chap, he said, affectionately, Im glad you came. Its always a pleasure to see you, and I hope we may meet again some time soon. And then, catching sight of my bundle, he asked, What have you there?
I informed him of the episode in the supper-room, and fancied I perceived a look of annoyance on his countenance.
I didnt want to take them, Hawley, I said; but Ferdinand insisted.
Oh, its all right! returned Hawley. Only Im sorry! Youd better get along home with them as quickly as you can and say nothing; and, above all, dont try to sell them.
But why? I asked. Id much prefer to leave them here if there is any question of the propriety of my
Here, continued 5010, Hawley seemed to grow impatient, for he stamped his foot angrily, and bade me go at once or there might be trouble. I proceeded to obey him, and left the house instanter, slamming the door somewhat angrily behind me. Hawleys unceremonious way of speeding his parting guest did not seem to me to be exactly what I had a right to expect at the time. I see now what his object was, and acquit him of any intention to be rude, though I must say if I ever catch him again, Ill wring an explanation from him for having introduced me into such bad company.
As I walked down the steps, said 5010, the chimes of the neighboring church were clanging out the hour of eleven. I stopped on the last step to look for a possible hansom-cab, when a portly gentleman accompanied by a lady started to mount the stoop. The man eyed me narrowly for a moment, and then, sending the lady up the steps, he turned to me and said,