Lars Kepler
The Nightmare
A cold shiver runs down Penelope Fernandezs spine. Her heart beats faster and she darts a look over her shoulder. Perhaps she feels a sense of foreboding of whats to come as her day progresses.
In spite of the television studios heat, Penelopes face feels chilled. Maybe the sensation is left over from her time in makeup when the cold powder puff was pressed to her skin and the peace-dove hair clip was taken out so they could rub in the mousse that would make her hair fall in serpentine locks.
Penelope Fernandez is the spokesperson for the Swedish Peace and Reconciliation Society. Silently, she is being ushered into the newsroom and to her spotlighted seat across from Pontus Salman, CEO of the armaments manufacturer Silencia Defense AB. The news anchor Stefanie von Sydow is narrating a report on all the layoffs resulting from the purchase of the Bofors Corporation by British BAE Systems Limited. Then she turns to Penelope.
Penelope Fernandez, in several public debates you have been critical of the management of Swedish arms exports. In fact, you recently compared it to the French Angola-gate scandal. There, highly placed politicians and businessmen were prosecuted for bribery and weapons smuggling and given long prison sentences. But here in Sweden? We really havent seen this, have we?
Well, you can interpret this in two ways, replies Penelope. Either our politicians behave differently or our justice system works differently.
You know very well, begins Pontus Salman, that we have a long tradition of-
According to Swedish law, Penelope says, all manufacture and export of armaments are illegal.
Youre wrong, of course, says Salman.
Paragraphs 3 and 6 of the Military Equipment Act, Penelope points out with precision.
We at Silencia Defense have already gotten a positive preliminary decision. Salman smiles.
Otherwise this would be a case of major weapons crimes and-
But, we do have permission.
Dont forget the rationale for armaments-
Just a moment, Penelope. Stefanie von Sydow stops her and nods to Pontus Salman, whos lifted his hand to signal that he wasnt finished.
All business transactions are reviewed in advance, he explains. Either directly by the government or by the National Inspectorate of Strategic Products, if you know what that is.
France has similar regulations, says Penelope. And yet military equipment worth eight million Swedish crowns landed in Angola despite the UN weapons embargo and in spite of a completely binding prohibition-
Were not talking about France, were talking about Sweden.
I know that people want to keep their jobs, but I still would like to hear how you can explain the export of enormous amounts of ammunition to Kenya? Its a country that-
You have no proof, he says. Nothing. Not one shred. Or do you?
Unfortunately, I cannot-
You have no concrete evidence? asks Stefanie von Sydow.
No, but I-
Then I think Im owed an apology, says Pontus Salman.
Penelope stares him in the eyes, her anger and frustration boiling up, but she tamps it down, stays silent. Pontus Salman smiles smugly and begins to talk about Silencia Defenses factory in Trollhattan. Two hundred new jobs were created when they were given permission to start production, he says. He speaks slowly and in elaborate detail, deftly truncating the time left for his opponent.
As Penelope listens, she forces aside her anger by focusing on other matters. Soon, very soon, she and Bjorn will board his boat. Theyll make up the arrow-shaped bed in the forecabin and fill the refrigerator and tiny freezer with treats. She conjures up the frosted schnapps glasses, and the platter of marinated herring, mustard herring, soused herring, fresh potatoes, boiled eggs, and hardtack. After they anchor at a tiny island in the archipelago, theyll set the table on the afterdeck and sit there eating in the evening sun for hours.
Penelope Fernandez walks out of the Swedish Television building and heads toward Valhallavagen. She wasted two hours waiting for a slot in another morning program before the producer finally told her shed been bumped by a segment on quick tips for a summer tummy. Far away, on the fields of Gardet, she can make out the colorful tents of Circus Maximus and the little forms of two elephants, probably very large. One raises his trunk high in the air.
Penelope is only twenty-four years old. She has curly black hair cut to her shoulders, and a tiny crucifix, a confirmation present, glitters from a silver chain around her neck. Her skin is the soft golden color of virgin olive oil or honey, as a boy in high school said during a project where the students were supposed to describe one another. Her eyes are large and serious. More than once, shes heard herself described as looking like Sophia Loren.
Penelope pulls out her cell phone to let Bjorn know shes on her way. Shell be taking the subway from Karlaplan station.
Penny? Is something wrong? Bjorn sounds rushed.
No, why do you ask?
Everythings set. I left a message on your machine. Youre all thats missing.