What she needed was a door she could close and lock behind her. What she needed was a corner to press herself into, a place to make herself small, where she could see into every space and under every counter, and know no one would come in. Shit, she hadnt had to deal with anything like that since shed entered the Church, she hadnt expected it to be so bad.
She huddled next to the cold porcelain bathtub with her arms wrapped around her knees, curling herself into the tightest ball she could. It was okay, she was okay. It was just magic. It was unpleasant but no one had actually touched her. It hadnt hurt. She was safe; she was with the Squad and the Squad was Church and they were safe. She was okay. She was, she was okay, and she kept repeating it in her head, reminding herself with every shuddering breath she managed to take until finally the pain in her chest started to ease.
And a new one to take over. Fuck, what was wrong with her? She was okay, it was just some dumb magic, why the hell couldnt she just deal with it? How was she going to get anywhere if she couldnt handle a little sex magic?
Her bag sat right next to her, pressed up against her side. Her left hand rested on it, right near the zipper. She could It wasnt a good thing to do, no. It wasnt the right thing to do. She was working, she was supposed to be working, and shed already messed up by not testing the energy from those bags and comparing them. The Church had given her an opportunity and she was already wasting it.
But her head hurt and her chest hurt and her mind raced, all those memories she didnt want swirling around in a kaleidoscope of shit. If she could just make them go awayshe needed to make them go away, and she needed to do it fast because Jillian could be back any second and no way was Chess going to let her see that anything was wrong. Not only could it mess things up as far as her workher futurewas concerned, but it was none of Jillians damn business, anyway. It was nobodys business.
But she was working
Right. Okay, then. She was fine, and shed be fine on her own, she didnt need
Her hands were moving. Without her telling them to, theyd unzipped her bag. While she thought about how fine she was, they were digging around in it; while she thought how she didnt need it, theyd found the flask shed bought at a secondhand store on her eighteenth birthday and started unscrewing the top.
Before she could stop them, they raised the flask to her lips and tilted it up. And before she could stop it vodka poured down her throat.
Not a lot. No, definitely not a lot; she did manage to do that, to stop it after shed swallowed half a mouthful or so. Not even a real shot. It hardly mattered because it wasnt even a full shot, it was barely more than a sip. Right?
She told herself that was right. She knew it wasnt.
Fuck! What was thewhat was wrong with her, damn it? Even as warmth spread in her stomach and drifted out through her bloodstream, even as her eyes half closed in relief and her head sank back to rest against the wall behind her, she felt it, the shame, the sickness festering deep inside her, the fear of what it meant. Her first day outside of class, her first real work for the Church, and she couldnt even make it four hours before she was at the flask.
Never again. Okay, shed done it, but shed never do it again. Yeah, it was her first day, but it was a grisly ghost murder, and really, most people would be freaked out by that, right? Most people were freaked out just hearing about such things; sure, it had been seventeen years, but people still remembered. Theyd always remember. And even if they tried to forget, the Festival still happened every year, the dead still walked the surface for six nights, reminding humanity that they were still there and the Church was still in charge.
So it was perfectly natural that, being faced with two corpses chopped to bits by ghosts, shed need something to calm her down a bit. Doctors even prescribed a little nip to people whod had a shock, right?
Right. It was totally understandable. It was totally natural. Shed just never do it again, was all.
Never again. She promised.
With her head somewhat cleared, her body calmed, she glanced around the bathroom. She couldnt stay in thereshe had to get pictures of those spells for Jillianbut she could sit just a few more seconds. And grab some cinnamon candies from her bag, too, because shed need them. Vodka might not have a specific smell but it certainly smelled of alcohol, and she couldnt have that.
As she stood up and popped the candy into her mouth her gaze fell on something beside the sink. Another spell, it looked like; well, sure, lots of people kept magic somewhere theyd be likely to see it often and come in contact with it, since most spells relied on physical closeness to work. People kept sleep-safes under their bed or behind the headboard, that sort of thing, whichActually, yeah. Why had the luck charms been in the closet? Why had the sex spell been in the closet?
Chess braced herself and reached out to touch the bag, feeling brave because her mind was still calm enough from thewell, the thing she shouldnt have done.