Даниэль Дефо - Робинзон Крузо / Robinson Crusoe стр 4.


So, I enlisted the full support of Xury and became a full captain of our ship, and a master of one-person crew. In fear, that our ex-patron, pirate from Sallee, could sent us the chase,[69] I decided to make one trick: while our ship was in view from the coast line, I stood out directly to sea with the ship, that they might think me gone towards the Strait of Gibraltar[70] (as indeed any one must have been supposed to do).

But as soon as it grew dusk[71] in the evening, I changed my course, and sailed directly south and by east, bending my course a little towards the east, that I might keep in with the shore; and having a fresh wind, and a smooth, quiet sea, I made such sail that I believe by the next day, at three o’clock in the afternoon, when I first made the land,[72] I could not be less than one hundred and fifty miles south of Sallee.

During the next five or six days the tail-wind continued to blow, though I would not stop, or come to an anchor and go on shore, yet such was the fright I had taken of Moors. I concluded, that if any of them were in chase of me, they would now give over, therefore I decided to sail near the coast line.

We sailed along the coast of Africa, close to the shore. Sometimes we heard lions and other wild beasts. We needed fresh water, but we were afraid to go ashore, for fear of wild beasts and savages.[73] However, one day, I came to an anchor in the mouth of a little river, I knew not what, nor where, neither what latitude, what country, what nation, or what river. The principal thing I wanted was fresh water.

We came into the small bay in the evening, resolving to swim on shore as soon as it was dark, and discover the country; but as soon as it was quite dark, we heard such dreadful noises of the barking and roaring of wild creatures, of we knew not what kinds. We decided to stay aboard till day, and in the morning to go ashore with two guns, some powder and shot. We were afraid not only about lions and other wild beasts, but moreover about men, who could be as bad to us as all wild creatures.

We dropped our little anchor, and lay still all night; I say still, for we slept none; for in two or three hours we saw vast great creatures (we knew not what to call them) of many sorts, come down to the sea-shore and run into the water, wallowing and washing themselves for the pleasure of cooling themselves; and they made such hideous howlings and yellings,[74] that I never indeed heard the like.

But we were both more frighted when we heard one of these mighty creatures come swimming towards our boat; we could not see him, but we might hear him by his blowing to be a monstrous huge and furious beast. Xury said it was a lion, and I said it might be so. I had no sooner said so, but I saw the creature (whatever it was) within two oarslength,[75] which something surprised me; however, I immediately stepped to the cabin door, and taking up my gun, fired at him; upon which he immediately turned about and swam towards the shore again.

But it is impossible to describe the horrid noises, and hideous cries and howlings that were raised, as well upon the edge of the shore as higher within the country, upon the noise or report of the gun, a thing I have some reason to believe those creatures had never heard before.

However, we were obliged to go on shore somewhere or other for water, for we had not a pint left on a board; when and where to get to it was the point. Xury said, if I would let him go on shore with one of the jars, he would find if there was any water, and bring some to me. He said that I should stay aboard.

“Why should you go, Xury?” I asked. “Why should I not go, and you wait aboard?”

Xury replied in words that made me love him ever after: “If wild men come, they will eat me, and you will escape.”

“Well, Xury,” said I, “we will both go and if the wild men come, we will kill them, they shall eat neither of us.” So I gave Xury a piece of rusk bread[76] to eat, and a dram[77] out of our patron’s case of bottles which I mentioned before; and we moored our ship to the shore as we thought was proper,[78] and so waded on shore, carrying nothing but our arms and two jars for water.

I did not want to go out of sight of the boat, fearing the coming of canoes with savages down the river; but the boy seeing a low place about a mile up the country, rambled to it, and by-and-by I saw him come running towards me. I thought he was pursued by some savage, or frighted with some wild beast, and I ran forward towards him to help him; but when I came nearer to him I saw something hanging over his shoulders, which was a creature that he had shot, like a hare, but different in colour, and longer legs; however, we were very glad of it, and it was very good meat; but the great joy that poor Xury came with, was to tell me he had found good water and seen no wild beasts.



faubourg – предместье


to earn bread – зарабатывать на жизнь


case go to the mountain – дела идут в гору


lawyer – адвокат, юрист


intention – намерение


sincerely – искренне


craft – ремесло


to link my future life with… – связать мою будущую жизнь с…


approval зд. благословение


passion – гнев


passage – проезд


in an ill hour – не в добрый час


pitching – качка


the nausea stepped up to the throat – тошнота подступала к горлу


entreaty – мольба


repentance – покаяние


“Return of the prodigal son” – Возвращение блудного сына


sober – здравый, рассудительный


clapping me upon the shoulder – хлопая меня по плечу


sea-room – морской простор


tailwind – попутный ветер


came to an anchor – встать на якорь


ground-tackle – якорное устройство, канат, на который крепится якорь


we had all hands at work to strike our topmasts – понадобились все рабочие руки, чтобы убрать стеньги (стеньга – мор. удлинение нижних мачт)


sheet-anchor – запасной становой якорь


Providence punishment – наказание Провидения


Lord, be merciful to us! – Господи, смилуйся над нами!


mate and boatswain – штурман и боцман


fore-mast – фок-мачта (фок-мачта – мор. первая, считая от носа к корме, мачта на судне с двумя или более мачтами).


main mast – грот-мачта (грот-мачта – мор. обычно вторая мачта, считая от носа судна).


drived from their anchors – сорвались с якоря


the leak in a hold – течь в трюме


master began firing guns for help – капитан начал палить из пушек, призывая о помощи


venturing their lives – рисковали жизнью


we extended them a rope – мы протянули им канат


sink – погружение на дно


moor to the bank – пришвартовываться к берегу


lighthouse – маяк


shipwreck – кораблекрушение


shaking his head – покачивая головой


Heaven – Небеса, Провидение


he burst out into a strange kind of passion – он разразился страшным гневом


the fear to be laughed at among the neighbours – страх быть осмеянным соседями


Without false modesty – Без ложной скромности


fore-mast man – штурман


increased very considerably – значительно увеличил


trifles – мелочи, финтифлюшки


to keep an account of the ship’s course – рассчитывать направление судна


a violet calenture – тропическая лихорадка (болезнь жаркого климата, которой подвержены уроженцы более холодных стран, европейцы).


overshadow – омрачать


rover – пират


We crowded also as much canvas as our yards would spread – Мы подняли все паруса, какие могли выдержать наши реи


he came up with us – он поравнялся с нами


fell to cutting and hacking the sails and rigging – принялись резать и ломать паруса и снасти


we were obliged to yield – мы были вынуждены сдаться


nimble – шустрый, проворный


overwhelmed – ошеломленный, потрясенный


prophetic – пророческий


foresight and thrifty – предусмотрительность и запасливость

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