hearth [hɑ:θ], Connaught ['kɒnɔ:t], quarrel ['kwɒr(ǝ)l]
There was a fire on the old hearth, and there were dip candles stuck in bottles, and there was a black quart bottle upon some boards that had been put across two barrels to make a table. Most of the men were sitting beside the fire, and one of them was singing a long wandering song, about a Munster man and a Connaught man that were quarrelling about their two provinces.
Hanrahan went to the man of the house and said, “I got your message (Ханрахан подошел к хозяину дома и сказал: «Я получил твое послание»; man – человек, мужчина; хозяин)”; but when he had said that, he stopped (но сказав это, он запнулся; to stop – останавливаться; замолкать, делать паузу), for an old mountainy man that had a shirt and trousers of unbleached flannel (поскольку старик-горец, на котором были рубаха и штаны из неотбеленной фланели: «поскольку старый горный человек, который имел рубаху и штаны из неотбеленной фланели»), and that was sitting by himself near the door (и который сидел в одиночестве возле двери; by oneself – один, в одиночестве), was looking at him (смотрел на него), and moving an old pack of cards about in his hands and muttering (и вертел в руках старую колоду карт, /что-то/ бормоча; to move about – переставлять с места на место; pack – узел, связка; колода /карт./).
mountainy ['maʋntɪnɪ], unbleached [ʌn'blɪ:tʃt], mutter ['mʌtǝ]
Hanrahan went to the man of the house and said, “I got your message”; but when he had said that, he stopped, for an old mountainy man that had a shirt and trousers of unbleached flannel, and that was sitting by himself near the door, was looking at him, and moving an old pack of cards about in his hands and muttering.
“Don”t mind him,” said the man of the house (не обращай на него внимания, – сказал хозяин дома; to mind – помнить /устар./; обращать внимание); “he is only some stranger came in awhile ago (он просто чужеземец, зашедший /сюда/ не так давно: «некоторое время тому назад»; only – только; просто, всего лишь; stranger – незнакомец; чужестранец), and we bade him welcome, it being Samhain night (и мы приютили его, ведь это ночь Самайна; to bid – просить, настаивать; приглашать /устар./; to bid smb. welcome – приветливо встретить кого-л., оказать гостеприимство), but I think he is not in his right wits (но мне думается, он не в своем уме; right – правильный; в нормальном состоянии, здоровый; wits – разум, ум). Listen to him now and you will hear what he is saying (вот прислушайся-ка к нему, и ты услышишь, что он говорит).”
They listened then, and they could hear (тут они прислушались и смогли услышать) the old man muttering to himself as he turned the cards (как старик бормочет про себя, когда переворачивает карты), “Spades and Diamonds, Courage and Power (пики и бубны, храбрость и могущество; diamond – алмаз; diamonds – бубновая масть /карт./); Clubs and Hearts, Knowledge and Pleasure (трефы и червы, знания и удовольствия; club – дубинка; clubs – трефовая масть; heart – сердце; hearts – червонная масть).”
diamond ['daɪǝmǝnd], courage ['kʌrɪdʒ], knowledge ['nɒlɪdʒ], pleasure ['pleʒǝ]
“Don”t mind him,” said the man of the house; “he is only some stranger came in awhile ago, and we bade him welcome, it being Samhain night, but I think he is not in his right wits. Listen to him now and you will hear what he is saying.”
They listened then, and they could hear the old man muttering to himself as he turned the cards, “Spades and Diamonds, Courage and Power; Clubs and Hearts, Knowledge and Pleasure.”
“That is the kind of talk he has been going on with for the last hour (подобного рода разговоры он ведет в течение последнего часа; to go on – много говорить, болтать /разг./),” said the man of the house (сказал хозяин дома), and Hanrahan turned his eyes from the old man (и Ханрахан отвел взгляд от старика; eyes – глаза; взгляд, взор) as if he did not like to be looking at him (как будто ему не нравилось смотреть на того).
“I got your message,” Hanrahan said then (я получил твое послание, – сказал тогда Ханрахан); “he is in the barn with his three first cousins from Kilchriest (он в амбаре с тремя своими двоюродными братьями из Килкриста; first cousin – двоюродный брат, двоюродная сестра),” the messenger said (сказал посланец), “and there are some of the neighbours with them (и с ними там еще кое-кто из соседей).”
hour ['aʋǝ], eye [aɪ], neighbour ['neɪbǝ]
“That is the kind of talk he has been going on with for the last hour,” said the man of the house, and Hanrahan turned his eyes from the old man as if he did not like to be looking at him.
“I got your message,” Hanrahan said then; “he is in the barn with his three first cousins from Kilchriest,” the messenger said, “and there are some of the neighbours with them.”
“It is my cousin over there is wanting to see you (это мой кузен, вон там, /который/ хочет видеть тебя; over there – вон там; to want – испытывать недостаток /в чем-л./; хотеть, желать),” said the man of the house, and he called over a young frieze-coated man (сказал хозяин дома и подозвал молодого мужчину в ворсистой куртке; to coat – покрывать оболочкой, слоем /чего-л./; одевать), who was listening to the song (который слушал песню), and said, “This is Red Hanrahan you have the message for (и сказал: «Это Рыжий Ханрахан, для которого у тебя есть послание»).”
“It is a kind message, indeed,” said the young man (это сердечное послание, на самом деле, – сказал молодой человек), “for it comes from your sweetheart, Mary Lavelle (ибо оно происходит от твоей возлюбленной, Мэри Лэвелл; to come – приходить; происходить, иметь происхождение).”
“How would you get a message from her (как же ты получил послание от нее), and what do you know of her (и что ты знаешь о ней)?”
frieze [frɪ:z], young [jʌŋ], sweetheart ['swi:thɑ:t]
“It is my cousin over there is wanting to see you,” said the man of the house, and he called over a young frieze-coated man, who was listening to the song, and said, “This is Red Hanrahan you have the message for.”
“It is a kind message, indeed,” said the young man, “for it comes from your sweetheart, Mary Lavelle.”
“How would you get a message from her, and what do you know of her?”
“I don”t know her, indeed (на самом деле-то я и не знаю ее), but I was in Loughrea yesterday (но вчера я был в Лафри), and a neighbour of hers that had some dealings with me was saying (и один ее сосед, у которого были кое-какие торговые дела со мной, говорит; to deal – распределять, раздавать; покупать и продавать) that she bade him send you word (что она просила его передать тебе сообщение; to bid; to send a word – «послать сообщение», известить, сообщить; word – слово; известие, сообщение), if he met any one from this side in the market (если он встретит кого-нибудь с этой стороны на рынке; to meet), that her mother has died from her (что ее мать уже отпустила ее, померев; from – от, из /в пространственном значении указывает на исходный пункт действия или движения/; указывает на освобождение, избавление /кого-л./), and if you have a mind yet to join with herself (и ежели ты еще желаешь сочетаться с нею; to have a mind to do smth. – быть не прочь, быть склонным /сделать что-л./; to join – соединять/ся/), she is willing to keep her word to you (она готова сдержать свое обещание, /данное/ тебе; word /зд./ – обещание, заверение).”
indeed [ɪn'di:d], die [daɪ], herself [hɜ:'self]
“I don”t know her, indeed, but I was in Loughrea yesterday, and a neighbour of hers that had some dealings with me was saying that she bade him send you word, if he met any one from this side in the market, that her mother has died from her, and if you have a mind yet to join with herself, she is willing to keep her word to you.”
“I will go to her indeed,” said Hanrahan (конечно, я поеду к ней, – сказал Ханрахан; indeed – в действительности, в самом деле; безусловно, конечно /усил./).
“And she bade you make no delay (и она просит тебя не мешкать; to make no delay – не задерживаться), for if she has not a man in the house before the month is out (поскольку, если у нее не будет мужчины в доме, прежде чем минет месяц; to be out – кончаться /о календарном периоде/), it is likely the little bit of land will be given to another (очень может быть, что тот маленький кусочек = участок земли отдадут другим; likely – вероятный, возможный).”