Shtoltc Eugeny - IT Cloud стр 9.


COPY ./package.json /src/app/package.json

WORKDIR / src / app

RUN npm install

COPY. / src / app

Using the base image template node: 7-onbuild:

$ cat Dockerfile

FROM node: 7-onbuild


$ docker build.

In this case, files that do not need to be included in the image, such as system files, for example, Dockerfile, .git, .node_modules, files with keys, they need to be added to node_modules, files with keys, they need to be added to .dockerignore .

–v / config

docker cp config.conf name_container: / config /

Real-time statistics of used resources:

essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / mongo-rs $ docker ps -q | docker stats


c8222b91737e mongo-rs_slave_1 19.83% 44.12MiB / 15.55GiB 0.28% 54.5kB / 78.8kB 12.7MB / 5.42MB 31

aa12810d16f5 mongo-rs_backup_1 0.81% 44.64MiB / 15.55GiB 0.28% 12.7kB / 0B 24.6kB / 4.83MB 26

7537c906a7ef mongo-rs_master_1 20.09% 47.67MiB / 15.55GiB 0.30% 140kB / 70.7kB 19.2MB / 7.5MB 57

f3916da35b6b redis 0.15% 3.043MiB / 15.55GiB 0.02% 13.2kB / 0B 2.97MB / 0B 4

f97e0697db61 node_api 0.00% 65.52MiB / 15.55GiB 0.41% 862kB / 8.23kB 137MB / 24.6kB 20

8c0d1adc9b9c portainer 0.00% 8.859MiB / 15.55GiB 0.06% 102kB / 3.87MB 57.8MB / 122MB 20

6018b7e3d9cd node_payin 0.00% 9.297MiB / 15.55GiB 0.06% 222kB / 3.04kB 82.4MB / 24.6kB 11

^ C

When creating images, you need to consider:

** changing a large layer, it will be recreated, so it is often better to split it, for example, create one layer with 'NPM i' and copy the code on the second;

* if the file in the image is large and the container is changed, then from the read-only image layer the file will be completely copied to the editing layer, therefore, the containers are supposed to be lightweight, and the content is usually placed in a special storage. code-as-a-service: 12 factors (

* Codebase – one service – they are a repository;

* Dependeces – all dependent services in the config;

* Config – configs are available through the environment;

* BackEnd – exchange data with other services via an API-based network;

* Processes – one service – one process, which allows in the event of a fall to unambiguously track (the container itself ends) and restart it;

* Independence of the environment and no influence on it.

* СI / CD – code control (git) – build (jenkins, GitLab) – relies (Docker, jenkins) – deploy (helm, Kubernetes). Keeping the service lightweight is important, but there are programs not designed to run in containers like databases. Due to their peculiarity, certain requirements are imposed on their launch, and the profit is limited. So, because of big data, they are not only slow to scale, and rolling-abdate is unlikely, and the restart must be performed on the same nodes as their data for reasons of performance of access to them.

* Config – service relationships are defined in the configuration, for example, docker-compose.yml;

* Port bindign – services communicate through ports, while the port can be selected automatically, for example, if EXPOSE PORT is specified in the Dockerfile, then when a container is called with the -P flag, it will be terminated to the free one automatically.

* Env – environment settings are passed through environment variables, not through configs, which allows them to be added to the service config configuration, for example, docker-compose.yml

* Logs – logs are streamed over the network, for example, ELK, or printed to the output, which is already streamed by Docker.

Dockerd internals:

essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / mongo-rs $ ps aux | grep dockerd

root 6345 1.1 0.7 3257968 123640? Ssl Jul05 76:11 / usr / bin / dockerd -H fd: // –containerd = / run / containerd / containerd.sock

essh 16650 0.0 0.0 21536 1036 pts / 6 S + 23:37 0:00 grep –color = auto dockerd

essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / mongo-rs $ pgrep dockerd


essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / mongo-rs $ pstree -c -p -A $ (pgrep dockerd)

dockerd (6345) – + – docker-proxy (720) – + – {docker-proxy} (721)

| | – {docker-proxy} (722)

| | – {docker-proxy} (723)

| | – {docker-proxy} (724)

| | – {docker-proxy} (725)

| | – {docker-proxy} (726)

| | – {docker-proxy} (727)

| `– {docker-proxy} (728)

| -docker-proxy (7794) – + – {docker-proxy} (7808)


* cleaning caches from package managers: apt-get, pip and others, this cache is not needed in production, only

takes up space and loads the network, but nowadays it is not often not relevant, since there are multi-stage

assembly, but more on that below.

* group commands of the same entities, for example, get APT cache, install programs and uninstall

cache: in one instruction – the code of only programs, with the spaced version – the code of the programs and the cache,

because if you do not delete the cache in one instruction, then it will be saved in the layer, regardless of

follow-up actions.

* separate instructions by frequency of change, so for example, if not split installation

software and code, then when you change something in the code, then instead of using the ready-made

layer with programs, they will be reinstalled, which will entail significant preparation time

image that is critical for developers:

ADD ./app/package.json / app

RUN npm install

ADD ./app / app

Docker alternatives

** Rocket or rkt – containers for the CoreOS operating environment from RedHut, specially designed to use containers.

** Hyper-V is an environment for running Docker on the Windows operating system, which is a wrapper (lightweight virtual machine) of the container.

Docker has branched off its core components, which it uses as primitives, which have become standard components for implementing containers such as RKT, bundled into the containerd project:

* CRI-O – OpanSource project aimed from the beginning to fully support CRI (Container Runtime Interface) standards,">Runtime Specification and">Image Specification as a general interface for the interaction of the orchestration system with containers. Along with Docker, support for CRI-O 1.0 has been added to Kubernetes (more on this) since version 1.7 in 2007, as well as MiniKube and Kubic. Has a CLI (Common Line Interface) implementation in the Pandom project, which almost completely repeats Docker commands, but without orchestration (Docker Swarm), which is the default tool in Linux Fedora.

* CRI (">Container Runtime Interface) – an environment for running containers, universally providing primitives (Executor, Supervisor, Metadata, Content, Snapshot , Events and Metrics) for working with Linux containers (process spaces, groups, etc.).

** CNI (Container Networking Interface) – work with the network.


The simplest monitoring option would be Portainer:

essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / microKubernetes $ cat << EOF> docker-compose.monitoring.yml

version: '2'




image: portainer / portainer

command: -H unix: ///var/run/Docker.sock

restart: always


– 9000: 9000


– /var/run/Docker.sock:/var/run/Docker.sock

– ./portainer_data:/data



essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / microKubernetes $ docker-compose -f docker-compose.monitoring.yml up -d

Monitoring with Prometheus

Monitoring – maintaining the continuity of work, tracking the current situation (identifying, localizing and sending about the incident, for example, in SaaS PagerDuty), predicting possible situations, visualization, building models for the normal operation of IAOps (Artificial Intelligence For It Operations, https: //www.gartner .com / en / information-technology / glossary / aiops-artificial-intelligence-operations).

Monitoring contains the following steps:

* identification of the incident;

* notification of the incident;

* localization;

* decision.

Monitoring can be classified by level into the following types:

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