In BETRAYED (Book #3 in the Vampire Journals), Caitlin Paine awakes from a deep coma to discover she has been turned. Now a true, fullbred vampire, she marvels at her new powers, including her ability to fly, and her superhuman strength. She finds that her true love, Caleb, is still by her side, wai
In DESIRED (Book #5 in the Vampire Journals), Caitlin Paine wakes to discover that she has once again traveled back in time. This time, she has landed in eighteenth century Paris, an age of great opulence, of kings and queens – but also of revolution.
Reunited with her true love, Caleb, the two of t
In BETROTHED (Book #6 in the Vampire Journals), Caitlin and Caleb find themselves, once again, back in time – this time, in the London of 1599.
London in 1599 is a wild place, filled with paradoxes: while on the one hand it is an incredibly enlightened, sophisticated time, breeding playwrights like
In FOUND (Book #8 of the Vampire Journals), Caitlin and Caleb awake in ancient Israel, in the year 33 A.D., and are amazed to find themselves in the time of Christ.
Ancient Israel is a place of holy sites, of ancient synagogues, of lost relics. It is the most spiritually charged place in the univers
In RESURRECTED (Book #9 in the Vampire Journals), 16 year old Scarlet Paine finds herself changing in mysterious ways. She is becoming sensitive to light, able to read peoples’ thoughts, and is faster and stronger than she’s ever been. She doesn’t understand what’s happening to her, and tries to ign
Caitlin and Caleb embark together on their quest to find the one object that can stop the imminent vampire and human war: the lost sword. An object of vampire lore, there is grave doubt over whether it even exists.
If there is any hope of finding it, they must first trace Caitlin’s ancestry. Is she
In FATED, 16 year old Scarlet Paine struggles to understand what’s happening to her, as she wakes and realizes she’s becoming a vampire. Alienated from her parents and her friends, the only person she has left to turn to is Sage, the mysterious boy who has quickly become the love of her life. Yet Sa
In VOWED (Book #7 of the Vampire Journals), Caitlin and Caleb find themselves in medieval Scotland, in 1350, a time of knights and shining armor, of castles and warriors, of the quest for the Holy Grail said to contain the key to true vampire immortality. Landing on the shores of the ancient Isle of
In CRAVED (Book #10 in the Vampire Journals), 16 year old Scarlet Paine struggles to find out exactly what she’s becoming. Her erratic behavior has alienated her new boyfriend, Blake, and she struggles to make amends, and to make him understand. But the problem is, she doesn’t understand herself wha
In DESTINED (Book #4 in the Vampire Journals), Caitlin Paine wakes to discover herself back in time. She finds herself in a cemetery, on the run from a mob of villagers, and seeks refuge in the ancient cloisters of Assisi, in the countryside of Umbria, Italy. There, she learns of her destiny and her
Rise of the Valiant
In the wake of the dragon’s attack, Kyra is sent on an urgent quest: to cross Escalon and seek out her uncle in the mysterious Tower of Ur. The time has come for her to learn about who she is, who her mother is, and to train and develop her special powers. It will be a quest fraught with peril for a
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«Хлопець стояв на найвищому пагорбі нижньої країни у Західному Королівстві Кільця, дивлячись на північ, споглядаючи схід сонця. Перед ним чередою долин та вершин розкинулися розлогі зелені пагорби, подібні до верблюжих горбів. Яскраві помаранчеві промені першого сонця затримувалися та виблискували у
Rise of the Dragons
From #1 Bestselling author Morgan Rice comes a sweeping new epic fantasy series: "Rise of the Dragons" ("Kings and Sorcerers" – Book 1).
Kyra, 15, dreams of becoming a famed warrior, like her father, even though she is the only girl in a fort of boys. As she struggles to understand her special skill
The Weight of Honor
THE WEIGHT OF HONOR is book #3 in Morgan Rice's bestselling epic fantasy series KINGS AND SORCERERS. In THE WEIGHT OF HONOR, Kyra finally meets her cryptic uncle, and is shocked to discover he is not the man she expected. She embarks on a period of training which will test her stamina and her frustr
A Realm of Shadows
The #1 Bestselling series, with over 400 five star reviews on Amazon!
"A Realm of Shadows" is book #5 in Morgan Rice’s bestselling epic fantasy series "Kings and Sorcerers"!
In "A Realm of Shadows", Kyra finds herself in the midst of a burning capital, attacked by a host of dragons, clinging for lif
Night of the Bold
The #1 Bestselling series, with over 400 five star reviews on Amazon!
"Night of the Bold" is book #6 – and the final installment – in Morgan Rice’s bestselling epic fantasy series "Kings and Sorcerers"!
In "Night of the Bold", Kyra must find a way to free herself from Marda and return to Escalon wit