Морган Райс читать онлайн 7 стр.

Before Dawn

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In BEFORE DAWN (Book #1 of Vampire, Fallen), Kate, 17, hates her life. An outcast in her own family, who doesn’t understand her, she is hated by her more popular and beautiful sister, and despised by her controlling mother, who favors her sister over her. Kate’s only solace is her friends and her sm


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In OBSESSED, 16 year old Scarlet Paine races to save her true love, Sage, before he is killed at the hand of the Immortalists. Alienated from her friends and family—and with only one night left before Sage is wiped out—Scarlet is forced to choose whether to sacrifice it all for him. Caitlin and Cale

Rogue, Prisoner, Princess

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17 year old Ceres, a beautiful, poor girl from the Empire city of Delos, finds herself forced, by royal decree, to fight in the Stade, the brutal arena where warriors from all corners of the world come to kill each other. Pitted against ferocious opponents, her chances of survival are slim. Her only

Arena 3

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After nearly freezing to death on their trek north, Brooke and her small group wake to find themselves in civilization. They have found the utopian city, hidden deep in a remote stretch of Canada. They have heat, food, comfortable beds, clean clothes, and security. Finally, they have made it. As Bro

Slave, Warrior, Queen

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17 year old Ceres, a beautiful, poor girl in the Empire city of Delos, lives the harsh and unforgiving life of a commoner. By day she delivers her father’s forged weapons to the palace training grounds, and by night she secretly trains with them, yearning to be a warrior in a land where girls are fo

Rebel, Pawn, King

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17 year old Ceres, a beautiful, poor girl from the Empire city of Delos, wakes to find herself imprisoned. Her army destroyed, her people captured, the rebellion quashed, she has to somehow pick up the pieces after being betrayed. Can her people ever rise again? Thanos sails for the Isle of Prisoner

Only the Worthy

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ONLY THE WORTHY (The Way of Steel—Book 1) tells the epic coming of age story of Royce, 17, a peasant farmer who senses, with his special fighting skills, that he is different from all the other boys in his village. There resides within him a power he does not understand, and a hidden destiny he is a

Knight, Heir, Prince

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17 year old Ceres, a beautiful, poor girl from the Empire city of Delos, finds herself alone at sea, drifting towards the mythic Isle Beyond the Mist—and towards the mother she never met. She is ready to complete her training, to finally understand her power, and to become the warrior she was meant

Soldier, Brother, Sorcerer

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17 year old Ceres, a beautiful, poor girl from the Empire city of Delos, has won the battle for Delos—and yet a complete victory still awaits her. As the rebellion looks to her as their new leader, Ceres must find a way to topple the Empire’s royalty, and to defend Delos from the pending attack from

Uma Terra De Fogo

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Gwendolyn está determinada a encontrar seu bebê, perdido no mar, e a levar sua nação do exílio para um novo lar. Ela viaja através dos mares estrangeiros e exóticos, enfrentando perigos inimagináveis, rebelião e fome, enquanto navega em direção ao sonho de um porto seguro. Thorgrin finalmente encont


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V knihe Premenená (Prvá kniha zo série Upírie žurnály), je osemnásťročná Caitlin Paineová nútená opustiť pokojné prostredie malého mesta a začať chodiť na nie príliš bezpečnú strednú školu v New Yorku, pretože sa jej matka opäť musela presťahovať za prácou. Jedinou svetlou stránkou celej situácie je


читать Prescelta
E' un libro che può competere con TWILIGHT e VAMPIRE DIARIES, uno di quei libri che vi catturerà e vi farà leggere tutto in un fiato fino all'ultima pagina! Se siete tipi da avventura, amore e vampiri, questo è il libro che fa per voi!Vampirebooksite.com (su Tramutata) In PRESCELTA, la sedicenne Sca

Un Cri D’ Honneur

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Dans UN CRI D’HONNEUR (tome n°4 de l’Anneau du Sorcier), Thor est revenu des Cent Jours et est devenu un guerrier endurci. Il doit à présent découvrir ce que signifie de se battre pour défendre sa terre natale, pour une question de vie ou de mort. Les McCloud ont envahi les terres MacGil comme jamai

De Opkomst Van De Heldhaftige

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Na de aanval van de draak wordt Kyra op een dringende missie gestuurd: ze moet naar de andere kant van Escalon om haar oom op te zoeken in de mysterieuze Toren van Ur. Het is tijd dat ze leert wie ze is, wie haar moeder is, en dat ze haar speciale krachten verder leert ontwikkelen. Het is een gevaar

Uppkomsten Av De Tappra

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Efter drakens attack, skickas Kyra på ett hastigt uppdrag: att korsa Escalon och leta reda på hennes farbror i det mystiska Tornet i Ur. Tiden har kommit för henne att lära sig om vem hennes mor är, och för att träna och utveckla sina speciella krafter. Det kommer att vara ett uppdrag fyllt med fara


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Herenigd met haar ware liefde Caleb, hebben ze samen een rustige, romantische tijd die ze eerder niet hebben gehad. Ze besteden hun sprookjesachtige tijd in de stad Parijs, en bezoeken de meest romantische plekken. Hun liefde wordt steeds dieper. Caitlin besluit de zoektocht naar haar vader op te ge