Remember me
Looking through the prism of love, even a rainy sky will become a grace for you.
Even the cold rain will become warm while washing you and cleansing you.
Through love, the most simple thing will become special.
The most ordinary actions will bring joy and bear fruits.
Look at the enemy with love and he will excite your compassion
Spread your love with people, who are in need and it will never be forgotten.
Share your love from the heart, not in the name of your ego.
Accept love with respect, with which a person came to you and shared it.
The path of love is simple, granting forgiveness and punishment, because even the punishment imposed with love will be for the benefit of others.
Determination and fearlessness in love, is so great that all the stumbling blocks will be useful.
A pure mind in love is devoid of emotions of self-destruction. Only by accepting love and filling your heart with it, you will cope with such emotions.
With absolute faith in true love, you will be rewarded in unity with your beloved person, who is your reflection in this world
The way of peace, the true way of the heart, listening to the heart, you gain the power of absolute love, which will help you overcome all obstacles on the way to your dream and your destiny, connecting the inner and outer worlds into one true path, the one that only you create