Франк Илья Михайлович - Английские волшебные сказки / English Fairy Tales стр 12.

fowl [faʋl], worse [wɜ:s], nightfall [naɪtfɔ:l]

The giants daughter went out next morning with the lads breakfast, and found him in a terrible state, for always as he cleaned out a bit, it just fell in again. The giants daughter said she would help him, and she cried all the beasts in the field, and all the fowls in the air, and in a minute they all came, and carried away everything that was in the stable and made it all clean before the giant came home. He said: Shame on the wit that helped you; but I have a worse job for you tomorrow. Then he said to Nix Nought Nothing: There is a lake seven miles long, and seven miles deep, and seven miles broad, and you must drain it tomorrow by nightfall, or else Ill have you for my supper.

Nix Nought Nothing began early next morning (Ничего-Ничего-Ничего начал рано следующим утром) and tried to lave the water with his pail (и постарался вычерпать воду своим ведром), but the lake was never getting any less (но озеро так и не становилось хоть сколько-нибудь меньше), and he didnt know what to do (и он не знал, что делать); but the giants daughter called on all the fish in the sea (но дочка великана призвала всех рыб в море) to come and drink the water (прийти и выпить воду), and very soon they drank it dry (и очень скоро они выпили ее насухо). When the giant saw the work done he was in a rage (когда великан увидел работу сделанной = что работа сделана, он был в ярости), and said (и сказал): Ive a worse job for you tomorrow (у меня есть худшая работа для тебя завтра); there is a tree (есть дерево), seven miles high (семи миль высотой), and no branch on it (и ни ветки на нем), till you get to the top (пока ты не доберешься до верху), and there is a nest with seven eggs in it (и там есть гнездо с семью яйцами в нем), and you must bring down all the eggs (и ты должен принести вниз = спустить все яйца) without breaking one (не разбив ни одного: «без разбивания одного»), or else Ill have you for my supper (или иначе я съем тебя на мой ужин).

branch [brɒ:nʧ], without [wɪðaʋt]

Nix Nought Nothing began early next morning and tried to lave the water with his pail, but the lake was never getting any less, and he didnt know what to do; but the giants daughter called on all the fish in the sea to come and drink the water, and very soon they drank it dry. When the giant saw the work done he was in a rage, and said: Ive a worse job for you tomorrow; there is a tree, seven miles high, and no branch on it, till you get to the top, and there is a nest with seven eggs in it, and you must bring down all the eggs without breaking one, or else Ill have you for my supper.

At first the giants daughter did not know (сперва дочка великана не знала) how to help Nix Nought Nothing (как помочь Ничего-Ничего-Ничего); but she cut off first her fingers (но она отрезала сперва свои пальцы /на руках/) and then her toes (и затем свои пальцы /на ногах/), and made steps of them (и сделала ступеньки из них), and he climbed the tree (и он залез на дерево) and got all the eggs safe (и достал все яйца сохранными) till he came just to the bottom (пока он не спустился прямо к /самому/ низу), and then one was broken (и тогда одно было разбито). So they determined to run away together (поэтому они решили убежать прочь вместе), and after the giants daughter had gone back to her room (и после того как дочка великана вернулась: «пошла назад» в свою комнату) and got her magic flask (и взяла свою волшебную фляжку), they set out together (они отправились в путь вместе) as fast as they could run (так быстро, как они могли бежать). And they hadnt got but three fields away (и они не убежали кроме как за три поля прочь) when they looked back (когда они посмотрели назад = оглянулись) and saw the giant walking along (и увидели великана, идущего в ту же сторону) at full speed after them (на полной скорости за ними). Quick (быстро)! quick! called out the giants daughter (выкрикнула дочка великана), take my comb from my hair (возьми мой гребень из моих волос) and throw it down (и брось его вниз).

determine [dɪtɜ:mɪn], walking [wɔ:kɪŋ], comb [kǝʋm]

At first the giants daughter did not know how to help Nix Nought Nothing; but she cut off first her fingers and then her toes, and made steps of them, and he climbed the tree and got all the eggs safe till he came just to the bottom, and then one was broken. So they determined to run away together, and after the giants daughter had gone back to her room and got her magic flask, they set out together as fast as they could run. And they hadnt got but three fields away when they looked back and saw the giant walking along at full speed after them. Quick! quick! called out the giants daughter, take my comb from my hair and throw it down.

Nix Nought Nothing took her comb from her hair and threw it down (взял ее гребень из ее волос и бросил его вниз), and out of every one of its prongs (и из каждого из его зубцов) there sprung up a fine thick briar (вырос прекрасный частый шиповник; to spring up возникать, появляться; быстро расти) in the way of the giant (на пути великана). You may be sure (вы можете быть уверены) it took him a long time (ему потребовалось много времени) to work his way through the briar bush (пробраться: «проделать свой путь» через шиповниковый куст), and by the time he was well through (и ко времени, когда он пробрался: «был хорошо сквозь»), Nix Nought Nothing and his sweetheart had run far, far away from him (Ничего-Ничего-Ничего и его возлюбленная убежали далеко, далеко прочь от него). But he soon came along after them (но он скоро настиг их), and was just like to catch em up (и как раз было похоже, что догонит их = и уже почти догнал их; to catch up догнать, нагнать; to catch поймать) when the giants daughter called out to Nix Nought Nothing (когда дочка великана воззвала к Ничего-Ничего-Ничего), Take my hair dagger and throw it down (возьми мою заколку и брось ее вниз; dagger кинжал), quick (быстро), quick! So Nix Nought Nothing threw down the hair dagger and out of it grew as quick as lightning (и из нее выросла так быстро, как молния) a thick hedge (толстая/густая изгородь) of sharp razors placed criss-cross (из острых бритв, размещенных крест-накрест). The giant had to tread very cautiously (великану пришлось ступать очень осторожно) to get through all this (чтобы пробраться сквозь все это) and meanwhile they both ran hard (а тем временем они оба бежали изо всех сил; hard жесткий, твердый; энергичный), and on (и дальше), and on, and on, till they were nearly out of sight (пока они едва не скрылись из вида: «пока они были почти вне видимости»). But at last the giant was through (но наконец великан пробрался: «был сквозь»), and it wasnt long (и вскоре: «это не было долго») before he was like to catch them up (прежде чем он почти догнал их).

razor [reɪzǝ], cautiously [kɔ:ʃəslɪ], meanwhile [mi:nwaɪl]

Nix Nought Nothing took her comb from her hair and threw it down, and out of every one of its prongs there sprung up a fine thick briar in the way of the giant. You may be sure it took him a long time to work his way through the briar bush, and by the time he was well through, Nix Nought Nothing and his sweetheart had run far, far away from him. But he soon came along after them, and was just like to catch em up when the giants daughter called out to Nix Nought Nothing, Take my hair dagger and throw it down, quick, quick! So Nix Nought Nothing threw down the hair dagger and out of it grew as quick as lightning a thick hedge of sharp razors placed criss-cross. The giant had to tread very cautiously to get through all this and meanwhile they both ran hard, and on, and on, and on, till they were nearly out of sight. But at last the giant was through, and it wasnt long before he was like to catch them up.

But just as he was stretching out his hand (но прямо когда он протягивал свою руку) to catch Nix Nought Nothing (чтобы поймать Ничего-Ничего-Ничего) his daughter took out her magic flask (его дочка вытащила свою волшебную фляжку) and dashed it on the ground (и швырнула ее на землю; to dash бросить, швырнуть; ударять чем-либо о что-либо). And as it broke (и когда она разбилась; to break разбить/ся/), out of it welled a big, big wave (наружу из нее хлынула большая-большая волна) that grew, and that grew (которая /все/ росла и росла), till it reached the giants waist (пока /не/ достигла пояса великана), and then his neck (а затем его шеи), and when it got to his head (и когда она добралась до его головы), he was drowned dead (он утонул: «был утоплен замертво»; to drown тонуть; топить), and dead, and dead indeed (окончательно мертв: «и мертвый, и мертвый действительно»).

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