Then the gentleman went on his travels again (затем джентльмен пошел путешествовать: «отправился в свои путешествия» снова); and he came to a village (и пришел в деревню), and outside the village there was a pond (и снаружи = возле деревни был пруд), and round the pond was a crowd of people (а вокруг пруда была толпа людей). And they had got rakes (и у них были кочерги; to have got иметь: «иметь полученным»; to get получать), and brooms (и метлы), and pitchforks (и вилы) reaching into the pond (тянущиеся в пруд = и они совали все это в пруд); and the gentleman asked what the matter was (и джентльмен спросил, в чем было дело).
Why (как же), they say, matter enough (большое событие: «дела достаточно» архаич. разг.)! Moons tumbled into the pond (луна свалилась в пруд), and we cant rake her out anyhow (и мы никак не можем вытащить ее)! So the gentleman burst out a-laughing (тогда джентльмен разразился смехом), and told them to look up into the sky (и сказал им посмотреть вверх в небо), and that it was only the shadow in the water (и что это было лишь отражение на воде: «тень в воде»). But they wouldnt listen to him (но они не хотели слушать его), and abused him shamefully (и оскорбляли его стыдно = нехорошими словами; shame стыд, позор), and he got away (и он убрался) as quick as he could (так быстро, как /только/ мог).
crowd [kraʋd], shadow [ʃædəʋ], abuse [əbju:z]Then the gentleman went on his travels again; and he came to a village, and outside the village there was a pond, and round the pond was a crowd of people. And they had got rakes, and brooms, and pitchforks reaching into the pond; and the gentleman asked what the matter was.
Why, they say, matter enough! Moons tumbled into the pond, and we cant rake her out anyhow! So the gentleman burst out a-laughing, and told them to look up into the sky, and that it was only the shadow in the water. But they wouldnt listen to him, and abused him shamefully, and he got away as quick as he could.
So there was a whole lot of sillies bigger than them three sillies at home (так что было много: «целая куча» дураков бóльших, чем те три дурака дома; them «их» разг. простореч. вместо опред. артикля the). So the gentleman turned back home (так что джентльмен повернул назад домой) and married the farmers daughter (и женился на дочери крестьянина), and if they didnt live happy for ever after (и если они не жили счастливо всю жизнь: «навсегда после»), thats nothing to do with you or me (это не касается ни вас, ни меня: «это имеет ничего, чтобы делать с вами или мной»).
turned [tɜ:nd]So there was a whole lot of sillies bigger than them three sillies at home. So the gentleman turned back home and married the farmers daughter, and if they didnt live happy for ever after, thats nothing to do with you or me.
How Jack Went to Seek His Fortune
(Как Джек ходил искать свое счастье)
Once on a time (однажды) there was (жил да был: «там был») a boy named Jack (мальчик по имени: «названный» Джек), and one morning (и одним утром) he started to go (он пустился в путь: «отправился идти») and seek his fortune (и искать свое счастье).
He hadnt gone very far (он не ушел очень далеко = не успел еще далеко отойти) before he met a cat (прежде чем = как встретил кота; to meet).
Where are you going, Jack (куда ты идешь, Джек)? said the cat (сказал кот).
I am going to seek my fortune (я иду искать мое счастье).
May I go with you (могу я пойти с тобой = можно, я пойду с тобой)?
Yes, said Jack (да, сказал Джек), the more the merrier (чем больше /народу/, тем веселее; merry веселый).
So on they went (так дальше они пошли = и они пошли дальше), jiggelty-jolt, jiggelty-jolt (топ-топ).
fortune [fɔ:tʃən]Once on a time there was a boy named Jack, and one morning he started to go and seek his fortune.
He hadnt gone very far before he met a cat.
Where are you going, Jack? said the cat.
I am going to seek my fortune.
May I go with you?
Yes, said Jack, the more the merrier.
So on they went, jiggelty-jolt, jiggelty-jolt.
They went a little further and they met a dog (они прошли немного дальше и встретили пса; further дальше; far далеко).
Where are you going, Jack (куда ты идешь, Джек)? said the dog.
I am going to seek my fortune (я иду искать мое счастье).
May I go with you (могу я пойти с тобой)?
Yes, said Jack, the more the merrier (чем больше, тем веселее).
So on they went (и они пошли дальше), jiggelty-jolt, jiggelty-jolt.
They went a little further and they met a goat (они прошли немного дальше и встретили козла).
Where are you going, Jack (куда ты идешь, Джек)? said the goat.
I am going to seek my fortune (я иду искать мое счастье).
May I go with you (могу я пойти с тобой)?
Yes, said Jack, the more the merrier (чем больше, тем веселее).
So on they went, jiggelty-jolt, jiggelty-jolt.
further [fɜ:ðə], goat [ɡəʋt]They went a little further and they met a dog.
Where are you going, Jack? said the dog.
I am going to seek my fortune.
May I go with you?
Yes, said Jack, the more the merrier.
So on they went, jiggelty-jolt, jiggelty-jolt.
They went a little further and they met a goat.
Where are you going, Jack? said the goat.
I am going to seek my fortune.
May I go with you?
Yes, said Jack, the more the merrier.
So on they went, jiggelty-jolt, jiggelty-jolt.
They went a little further and they met a bull (и встретили быка).
Where are you going, Jack?
I am going to seek my fortune.
May I go with you?
Yes, said Jack, the more the merrier.
So on they went, jiggelty-jolt, jiggelty-jolt.
They went a little further and they met a rooster (петуха).
Where are you going, Jack? said the rooster.
I am going to seek my fortune.
May I go with you?
Yes, said Jack, the more the merrier.
So on they went, jiggelty-jolt, jiggelty-jolt.
bull [bʋl], rooster [ru:stə]They went a little further and they met a bull.
Where are you going, Jack?
I am going to seek my fortune.
May I go with you?
Yes, said Jack, the more the merrier.
So on they went, jiggelty-jolt, jiggelty-jolt.
They went a little further and they met a rooster.
Where are you going, Jack? said the rooster.
I am going to seek my fortune.
May I go with you?
Yes, said Jack, the more the merrier.
So on they went, jiggelty-jolt, jiggelty-jolt.
Well, they went on (ну, они шли дальше) till it was about dark (пока не стало темнеть: «пока это было около тьмы» архаич., разг.), and they began to think of some place (и начали думать о каком-нибудь месте) where they could spend the night (где они могли бы провести ночь). About this time (около этого времени) they came in sight of a house (они увидели дом; sight поле зрения, видимость), and Jack told them to keep still (и Джек сказал им сохранять тишину: «сохраняться/держаться тихими») while he went up (в то время как он подошел) and looked in through the window (и заглянул внутрь сквозь окно). And there were some robbers (и там было несколько разбойников) counting over their money (пересчитывавших свои деньги). Then Jack went back (тогда Джек пошел назад) and told them to wait (и сказал им пождать) till he gave the word (пока он не скажет: «не даст» слово), and then to make all the noise they could (и потом сделать столько шуму, сколько смогут: «делать весь шум /который/ они могли»). So when they were all ready (и когда они были все готовы) Jack gave the word (Джек сказал слово = дал команду), and the cat mewed (и кот мяукнул; to mew), and the dog barked (и пес залаял), and the goat bleated (и козел заблеял), and the bull bellowed (и бык заревел), and the rooster crowed (и петух закукарекал), and altogether (и все вместе/в целом) they made such a dreadful noise (они наделали такой ужасный шум) that it frightened the robbers all away (что он испугал и прогнал разбойников: «спугнул разбойников совсем прочь»).
sight [saɪt], mew [mju:], altogether [,ɔ:ltǝɡeðǝ]Well, they went on till it was about dark, and they began to think of some place where they could spend the night. About this time they came in sight of a house, and Jack told them to keep still while he went up and looked in through the window. And there were some robbers counting over their money. Then Jack went back and told them to wait till he gave the word, and then to make all the noise they could. So when they were all ready Jack gave the word, and the cat mewed, and the dog barked, and the goat bleated, and the bull bellowed, and the rooster crowed, and altogether they made such a dreadful noise that it frightened the robbers all away.