And then they went in (и тогда они вошли внутрь) and took possession of the house (и захватили дом: «взяли обладание домом»). Jack was afraid (Джек опасался: «был испуган») the robbers would come back in the night (что разбойники придут назад ночью), and so when it came time (и вот, когда пришло время) to go to bed (идти в кровать) he put the cat in the rocking-chair (он усадил: «поместил» кота в кресло-качалку; rocking-chair кресло-качалка: «качающийся стул»), and he put the dog under the table (и посадил пса под стол), and he put the goat upstairs (и поставил козла на втором этаже: «вверху лестницы»; upstairs вверх /по лестнице/, наверх; наверху, в верхнем этаже; верхняя часть здания, верхний этаж), and he put the bull in the cellar (и поставил быка в подвал), and the rooster flew up on to the roof (а петух взлетел на крышу), and Jack went to bed (а Джек пошел в кровать).
possession [pǝzeʃ(ǝ)n], afraid [ǝfreɪd]And then they went in and took possession of the house. Jack was afraid the robbers would come back in the night, and so when it came time to go to bed he put the cat in the rocking-chair, and he put the dog under the table, and he put the goat upstairs, and he put the bull in the cellar, and the rooster flew up on to the roof, and Jack went to bed.
By and by (тем временем; by and by вскоре) the robbers saw (разбойники увидели) it was all dark (что совсем стемнело: «было совсем темно») and they sent one man back to the house (и они послали одного человека назад к дому; to send) to look after their money (посмотреть за их деньгами = попробовать раздобыть их деньги). Before long (скоро: «раньше долгого») he came back (он пришел назад) in a great fright (в большом ужасе) and told them his story (и рассказал им свою историю; to tell).
I went back to the house (я пошел назад к дому), said he, and went in (и вошел внутрь) and tried to sit down in the rocking-chair (и попытался сесть в кресло-качалку), and there was an old woman knitting (а там была старая женщина, вяжущая = которая вязала; to knit вязать), and she stuck her knitting-needles into me (и она вонзила свои вязальные спицы в меня; to stick вонзить). That was the cat (это был кот), you know (/как/ вы знаете).
I went to the table to look after the money (я пошел к столу, чтобы поискать деньги), and there was a shoemaker under the table (а под столом был сапожник), and he stuck his awl into me (и он вонзил свое шило в меня). That was the dog, you know (это был пес, /как/ вы знаете).
awl [ɔ:l], axe [æks], shoemaker [ʃu:,meɪkə]By and by the robbers saw it was all dark and they sent one man back to the house to look after their money. Before long he came back in a great fright and told them his story.
I went back to the house, said he, and went in and tried to sit down in the rocking-chair, and there was an old woman knitting, and she stuck her knitting-needles into me. That was the cat, you know.
I went to the table to look after the money, and there was a shoemaker under the table, and he stuck his awl into me. That was the dog, you know.
I started to go upstairs (я начал идти = пошел вверх по лестнице), and there was a man up there threshing (а там наверху был человек, молотящий), and he knocked me down with his flail (и он сбил меня вниз своим цепом). That was the goat, you know (это был козел, /как/ вы знаете).
I started to go down into the cellar (я пошел вниз в погреб), and there was a man down there chopping wood (а там внизу был человек, колющий дрова), and he knocked me up (и он подбросил: «ударил» меня вверх) with his axe (своим топором). That was the bull, you know (это был бык, /как/ вы знаете).
But I shouldnt have minded all that (но я не стал бы обращать внимание на все это) if it hadnt been for that little fellow on top of the house (если бы не тот маленький парень на верху дома), who kept a-hollering (который все время вопил; to keep держать, не отдавать; продолжать делать /что-либо/), Chuck him up to me-e (подбросьте его наверх ко мне; to chuck бросить; кинуть; швырнуть)! Chuck him up to me-e! Of course, that was the cock-a-doodle-do (конечно, это было кукареканье).
hollering [hɒlerɪŋ], cock-a-doodle-do [kɒkədu:dldu:]I started to go upstairs, and there was a man up there threshing, and he knocked me down with his flail. That was the goat, you know.
I started to go down into the cellar, and there was a man down there chopping wood, and he knocked me up with his axe. That was the bull, you know.
But I shouldnt have minded all that if it hadnt been for that little fellow on top of the house, who kept a-hollering, Chuck him up to me-e! Chuck him up to me-e! Of course, that was the cock-a-doodle-do.
Nix Nought Nothing
There once lived a king and a queen (жили однажды король и королева) as many a one has been (каких много было). They were long married (они были долго женаты) and had no children (и не имели детей); but at last a baby boy (но наконец ребенок-мальчик) came to the queen (родился у королевы: «пришел к королеве») when the king was away in the far countries (когда король был в далеких странах; away далеко; прочь). The queen would not christen the boy till the king came back (королева не хотела крестить ребенка, пока король не вернулся назад), and she said (и она сказала): We will just call him Nix Nought Nothing until his father comes home (мы будем просто звать его Ничего-Ничего-Ничего, пока его отец не придет домой). But it was long before he came home (но прошло много времени: «это было долго», прежде чем он пришел домой), and the boy had grown a fine, bonny laddie (и мальчик вырос прекрасным крепким пареньком; bonny здоровый, цветущий, пышущий здоровьем, крепкий). At length the king was on his way back (наконец король был на своем пути назад = на пути домой); but he had a big river to cross (но он должен был пересечь большую реку), and there was a whirlpool (а там был водоворот), and he could not get over the water (и он не мог переправиться через воду). But a giant came up to him (но великан подошел к нему), and said (и сказал): Ill carry you over (я перенесу тебя). But the king said: Whats your pay (какова твоя цена: «плата»)?
nought [nɔ:t], length [leŋθ], whirlpool [wɜ:lpu:l], giant [ʤaɪənt]There once lived a king and a queen as many a one has been. They were long married and had no children; but at last a baby boy came to the queen when the king was away in the far countries. The queen would not christen the boy till the king came back, and she said: We will just call him Nix Nought Nothing until his father comes home. But it was long before he came home, and the boy had grown a fine, bonny laddie. At length the king was on his way back; but he had a big river to cross, and there was a whirlpool, and he could not get over the water. But a giant came up to him, and said: Ill carry you over. But the king said: Whats your pay?
Oh, give me Nix, Nought, Nothing (дай мне Ничего-Ничего-Ничего), and I will carry you over the water on my back (и я понесу тебя через воду на моей спине). The king had never heard that his son was called Nix Nought Nothing (король никогда/вовсе не слышал, что его сын был назван Ничего-Ничего-Ничего), and so he said (и потому он сказал): Oh, Ill give you that (я дам тебе это) and my thanks into the bargain (и мою благодарность в придачу: «в сделку»). When the king got home again (когда король снова добрался домой), he was very happy to see his wife again (он был очень счастлив увидеть снова свою жену), and his young son (и своего юного сына). She told him that she had not given the child any name (она сказала ему, что не дала ребенку никакого имени), but just Nix Nought Nothing (но просто /назвала/ Ничего-Ничего-Ничего), until he should come home again himself (пока он сам не вернется домой).
bargain [bɑ:ɡɪn], young [jʌŋ]Oh, give me Nix, Nought, Nothing, and I will carry you over the water on my back. The king had never heard that his son was called Nix Nought Nothing, and so he said: Oh, Ill give you that and my thanks into the bargain. When the king got home again, he was very happy to see his wife again, and his young son. She told him that she had not given the child any name, but just Nix Nought Nothing, until he should come home again himself.