We then started talking about various ordinary things, and my friend didnt once toss up his beard but was very friendly. Eventually, the old tax collector got up to leave, and my friend said, I hope we can share a drink together next year. No, no, he replied, I will be dead by then. I have also lost sons, the other said in a gentle voice. But your sons were not like my son. And then the two men parted ways, with an angry flush[76] and bitter hearts. If I hadnt intervened[77] with some common words, they might not have parted but instead engaged in an angry argument about the worth of their dead sons. If I didnt have compassion for all dreamers, I would have let them fight it out, and I would now have many remarkable oaths[78] to record.
One day, a friend of mine was drawing a picture of my Knight of the Sheep. The old mans daughter was there, and when the conversation turned to love, she said, Oh, father, tell him about your love story. The old man took his pipe out of his mouth and said, Nobody marries the person they love, and then chuckled[79], There were fifteen women I liked more than the woman I married, and he mentioned many womens names. He then told me that when he was a little boy he had worked for his grandfather. And at that time he was called by his grandfathers name, which we will say was Doran.He had a close friend named John Byrne, and one day they went to Queenstown[80] to wait for a ship that would take John Byrne to America. While walking along the quay, they saw a girl sitting and crying, with two men arguing in front of her. Doran said, I think I know whats wrong. That man must be her brother, and the other man must be her lover. The brother is sending her to America to separate her from the lover. Shes crying so much, but I think I could comfort her myself. Eventually, the lover and brother left, and Doran started talking to her, saying things like, Nice weather, Miss. She responded after a while, and the three of them began talking. The ship didnt arrive for a few days, so the three of them happily explored the area in horse-drawn carriages. When the ship finally came, Doran had to tell her that he wasnt going to America. She cried more for him than she did for her first lover. Before boarding the ship, Doran whispered to Byrne, Now, Byrne, I dont envy you, but dont get married young.
He continued the story, telling how he wrote Byrne the same advice when he received a letter about Byrnes engagement to the girl. Years passed, and he heard nothing. Finally, he went to America to find out, but he couldnt find any information. More years went by, his wife passed away, and he grew older, becoming a rich farmer with many responsibilities. He found an excuse to go back to America and resume his search. One day, he struck up a conversation with an Irishman on a train and asked about emigrants from certain places, including the millers daughter from Innis Rath[81], mentioning her name. The man replied, Oh yes, shes married to my friend, John MacEwing. She lives on such-and-such street in Chicago. Doran went to Chicago and knocked on her door. She opened it herself and hadnt changed a bit. He told her his real name, which he started using again after his grandfather passed away, and the name of the man he met on the train. She didnt recognize him but invited him to stay for dinner, saying her husband would be happy to meet someone who knew his old friend. They talked about many things, but for some reason, he never revealed his true identity to her. During dinner, he asked about Byrne, and she put her head down on the table and started crying. He was worried that her husband might get angry, so he didnt dare ask what had happened to Byrne. He left shortly after and never saw her again.
In Ireland, we dont hear much about dark powers, and its rare to meet someone who has seen them. These dark powers are said to be always around us, like bats[83] on an old tree. We dont hear much about them because dark magic is not commonly practiced. I have met very few people in Ireland who try to communicate with evil powers, and they keep their activities hidden. They are usually small clerks and meet in a room with black curtains for their practices. They didnt let me into that room, but since I had some knowledge of the mysterious arts, they showed me what they could do in another place. Their leader, a clerk from a flour-mill[84], invited me to join them and witness spirits who can talk to us face to face, in solid and heavy forms like our own.
On the agreed night, I arrived around eight oclock and found the leader sitting alone in a small dim room. He was wearing a black robe that covered him completely, except for his eyes that peered through two small holes. On the table in front of him, there was a dish with burning herbs, a large bowl, a skull with painted symbols, two crossed daggers[85], and some tools shaped like stones. The sorcerer took a black rooster out of a basket and used one of the daggers to cut its throat, letting the blood flow into the large bowl. He opened a book and started an invocation in a language I couldnt understand. Before he finished, another sorcerer entered the room and sat on my left side. I had the invoker directly in front of me, and I began to feel a strange effect from his eyes. I struggled against their influence, and my head started to ache. The invocation continued, and nothing happened in the first few minutes. Then the invoker stood up and turned off the light in the room, so there was no light except for the herbs burning on the dish.
Then the person on my left started moving and exclaimed, Oh God! Oh God! I asked him what was wrong, but he didnt realize he had spoken. A moment later, he said he could see a large snake moving around the room. I didnt see anything with a clear shape, but I felt like dark clouds were forming around me. I knew I had to resist[86] entering a trance state caused by this influence, which felt evil. After a struggle, I managed to dispel the dark clouds and regain[87] my normal senses. The two sorcerers began to see black and white columns moving in the room, and eventually, they saw a man in a monks robe[88]. They were confused that I couldnt see these things because, to them, they appeared as solid as the table in front of them. The invoker seemed to be gaining more power, and I felt as if a wave of darkness was emanating[89] from him and surrounding me. I also noticed that the person on my left had fallen into a deep trance. With a final effort, I pushed away the dark clouds. However, since those clouds were the only shapes I could see without entering a trance, and I didnt particularly like them, I asked for lights to be turned on. After the necessary ritual, I returned to the ordinary world.
For several days, I couldnt shake off the feeling of having deformed and grotesque figures lingering around me. The Bright Powers are always beautiful and desirable, and the Dim Powers can be beautiful or strange. However, the Dark Powers manifest their imbalanced nature through shapes of ugliness and horror.
One day, an old woman from Mayo[90] told me that something very bad had come down the road and entered the house across from hers. She didnt say what it was, but I understood. Another time, she shared a story about two of her friends who have met the devil. One of them was standing by the roadside when the person on horseback[91] asked her to join him for a ride. When she said no, he disappeared. The other friend was waiting for her boyfriend on the road late at night when something rolled towards her. It looked like a newspaper, but suddenly it flew up into her face. It was the Irish Times[92]! Then it turned into a young man who invited her to go for a walk. She said no, and he was gone.