Хаматулин Дамир - Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus стр 8.


Despite the fact that this quatrain is very open and straightforward, it also has its own secret:

6-1 AVtour des monts Pyrenees grand a mas

De gent est range, secourir roy nouueau:

Pres de Garonne du grand temple du Mas ,

Vn R omain chef le craindra dedans l'eau.

6.2 En l'an cinq cens octante plus & moi ns ,

On at tendra le siecle bien est range :

E n l'an se pt cens, & trois cie ul x en tesmoings,

Que plusieurs regnes vn a` cinq fero nt change .

6.3 Fleuue qu' esp roue le nouueau nay Celti que

S era en grande de l' Empire discorde:

Le ieune prince par gent ecclesiasti que ,

Ostera le sceptre coronal de concorde.

6.4 La Celtiq fleuue change ra de riuaige,

Plus ne tiendra la cite' d'Agripine:

T out transmue' ormis le vieil langaige,

Sturne , Leo, Mars, Cancer en rapine.

The very beginning of the sixth Centuria, that's where it opens up. It doesn't hurt that much, in fact, Nostradamus wished and expected a sinister century. The word " senestre " is not fully realized perfectly: SEnESTRE , but two " Mas + que ", " se + ul ", " change ", " range ", " esp + ero + ns ", " est + at " at once, of course and century " siecle "  everything is here, on this site, far from the beginning of the second Centuria.


I send greetings again from my future already, regarding my own past records that I post here. Once upon a time, the beautiful quatrain 2-13 was just an explanation for me an explanation of the entire existence of the Centurian created by Nostradamus, just as obvious as in quatrain 2-10. Now I am burning with the desire to supplement this topic, but I will restrain myself from such an act. Still, in this quatrain philosophy takes place more than the disclosure of its secrets. ABOUT them , somehow , later . _ _

2-13 Le corps sans ame plus n'estre en sacrifice,

Iour de la mort mys en natiuite'.

L'esprit diuin fera l'ame felice,

Voyant le verbe en son eternite'.

A body without a soul is no longer a sacrifice

The day of death is the day of birth:

The divine spirit will make the soul happy,

Seeing the verb in its infinity.

The verb, that is, the word, is the body that Nostradamus is talking about, promising that not a single word will remain without a soul. The soul, or the hidden and secret numerical meaning inherent in any word of the "Prophecies", as I understand it, is fixed by this Edict of Nostradamus forever, that is, until the end of all the ends of the existence of the Centurian world. And this must be accepted, all verbs that have souls are ranked, that is, each word has its own passport.


Near the current location, quatrain 2-16 suggests celebrating, according to ancient Greek custom, a holiday Hecatomb.

2-16 Naples, Palerme, Secille, Syracuses,

Nouueaux tyrans, fulgures feuz celestes:

Force de Londres, Gand, Brucelles, & Suses,

Grand hecatombe, triumphe faire festes.

Naples, Palermo, Sicily, Syracuse,

New tyrants, the fires of heaven sparkle:

Strength from London, Ghent, Brussels and Susa,

Great hecatomb, triumph to arrange holidays.

"Hecatomb"  other Greek.  "one hundred bulls"  a solemn sacrifice of a hundred bulls. And the numeral "one hundred", in this case, of course, is key. If one of you were the Author of the "Prophecies", then, probably, it would not be such a difficult task to write out all the nouns from this quatrain on a separate sheet of paper and make sure that at the end of the book (seven Centuries) their total number equaled one hundred. Which, apparently, did Nostradamus. The only unwritten, but proven rule is not to include the word quatrain in the calculation tasks. Below all statistics :

"Naples"=5 (1-11, 3-25, 3-74, 5-43, 7-6);

"Palerme"=1 (7-6);

"Secille, Sicille" = 6 (1-11, 2-4, 2-71, 3-25, 5-43, 7-6);


"Tyran(s)"=7 (1-75, 1-94, 2-36, 2-42, 4-55, 6-76, 7-21);


"Force(s)"=10 (1-15, 1-33, 1-94, 3-71, 3-100, 4-50, 4-70, 4-73, 6-62, 7-33);

"Londres"=6(1-26, 2-51, 2-68, 4-46, 4-89, 6-22);

"Gand"=3 (2-50, 4-19, 5-94);

"Brucelles"=3 (2-50, 4-81, 6-47);

"Suses"=0, or =1(Suze- 6-6);

" Hecatombe " = 1 (5-18);

" Triumph "=0;

" Feste ( s )" = 2 (1-50, 1-58).

As a result, provided that " Suses " and " Suze " are different words, the sum of the words is 100. The hecatomb took place.


Let me skip for a while to the fifth Centuria, since its eighteenth quatrain contains the second hecatomb.

5-18 De dueil mourra l'infelix proflige',

Celebrera son vitrix l'heccatombe:

Pristine loy, franc edit redige',

Le mur & Prince au septiesme iour tombe.

The unfortunate vanquished will die of grief,

The winner of the hecatomb will celebrate it:

According to the old Frankish law, an edict was drawn up,

The Wall and the Prince fell on the seventh day

Here the situation is somewhat different, but the essence is the same. All the nouns of the quatrain are again sacrificed. According to the result of seven Centuries, the picture is as follows:

" Dueil "=2; " hecatombe "=1; " loy ( loi , lois , loix )"=30; " edit ( edict )"=5; " mur ( murs )"=13; " prince ( princes )" = 32; " iour ( iours )"=20.

As a result, the sum of words is equal to 103, which is more than "hecate", i.e. hundred.

The rules are the same as the third line of the quatrain says, but what is the wall and the prince for? The seventh day of Centuria is the section from the seventh " iour " to the eighth, i.e. from quatrain 2-41 to quatrain 2-71. On this interval, " mur " occurs twice (2-63) and once " prince " (2-43). I think it is they who should fall out of the count. Then the hecatomb will come true.


Hello , second Centuria, I'm back.

2-37 De ce grand nombre que lon enuoyera,

Pour secourir dans le fort assieges:

Peste & famine tous les deuorera.

Hors mis septante qui seront profiles .

Of such a large number that will be sent,

To help the besieged in the fort:

Plague and famine will devour them all.

Except the seventy who will be defeated.

Most likely, it's just almost a coincidence that there are seventy-two " qui " in the first seven Centuries, but given the Nostradamus ranking, it's just worth noting. But now is not about that. " Septante "  "seventy"  is present three more times in seven Centuries. One of these cases has already attracted particular interest, now his second entry into the arena. Yes, yes, I'm talking about quatrain 1-15, which foreshadows the seventy-time bloodshed. Near, in quatrain 1-19,  " grand nombre "  "large number", even closer, in 1-16 "plague and famine"  " Peste , famine ". A huge " FORT " is assembled from the capital letters of the quatrain 1-20, and "besieged" and "defeated" are found in the close environment: " ass + ie + ge " and " prof + lige ".

1-18 Par la discorde neg lige nce Gauloise,

Sera p ass aige a` Mahommet ouuert:

De sang trempe' la terre & mer Senoise,

Le port Phocen de voilles & nefz couuert.

1-19 Lors que serpens v ie ndront circuir l'are,

Le sang Troyen vexe' par les Espaignes:

Par eulx grand nombre en sera faicte tare,

Chef fuict, cache aux mares dans les saignes.

1-20 T ours, Orleans , Bloys, Angiers, Reims , & Nantes,

Cites vexees par subit chan ge ment:

Par langues estranges seront tendues tentes,

F leuues, dards Renes, terre & mer tremblement.

1-21 Prof onde argille blanche nourrir rochier


With the next quatrain, it turned out like this: in principle, then, at the very beginning of my research, I was on the right path, but I did not go far. Now there was some free time, so I will supplement this topic based on my current knowledge.

2-51 Le sang du iuste a` Londres fera faulte,

Brusles par fouldres de vinttrois les six:.

La dame antique cherra de place haute,

De mesme secte plusieurs seront occis.

The blood of the righteous in London will not take place,

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