All good things come to an end.
Every event, no matter how enjoyable, must end at some point.
All the world loves a lover.
Everyone loves to see people in love.
All things come to him who waits.
You will get what you want if you are willing to wait for it patiently.
All's fair in love and war.
Where powerful emotions are concerned, there can be no firm rules of behavior.
All's well that ends well
A happy ending to a difficult situation can help you forget or disregard the earlier trouble.
Better to die with honor than live with shame.
It is more honorable to do the right thing even if you will be punished or have to die for it than to live as a coward or a liar.
Bitter pills may have blessed effects.
Something may be unpleasant or painful, but it can help you in the long run.
Books and friends should be few but good
You do not need to have too many friends or read too many books in order to live a balanced, fulfilled and complete life as long as the friends and books you do have are full of substance.
Boys will be boys.
Often applied to men who act childishly.
Brain is better than brawn.
Intelligence is more valuable than physical strength.
Bread always falls buttered-side down.
Of two possibilities, it often seems that the more negative one will occur.
Brevity is the soul of wit.
When you want to sound clever, it is better to be brief rather than long-winded
Different strokes for different talks.
You need different plans or strategies in managing different people as people are different in personality and temperament.
Diligence is the mother of good fortune.
Working hard will bring you riches and success.
A good name is better than riches.
A good reputation is precious, difficult to earn and cannot be bought.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
Knowing only a little about something can cause you to distort the truth or overestimate, misunderstand something.
A man is known by the company he keeps.
You can tell about a person by observing who he spends time with.
A man is ruled by his passions.
Your character, personality, attitude etc can be overtaken by your emotions if they are strong enough.
Divide and rule.
A method of ruling or managing people where you separate them into different groups to make sure they do not join forces against you.
East or West, home is best.
You feel safest, most comfortable and most at peace in your own home.
Every bird loves to listen to himself sing.
People who know they are good at something tend to boast about their ability.
Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard.
Every family has their secrets.
Every man has his faults.
No one is perfect.
Business before pleasure.
It is better to finish your work before you have a good time.
By timely mending save much spending.
Fix a problem as soon as you discover it to save money, expense, worry, etc having to deal with it later when it has become a bigger problem.
Chance favors the prepared mind.
You should always be prepared to act so that when opportunities present themselves, you are ready to seize them.
Faith will move mountains.
Miracles will happen when you believe that they will.
Familiarity breeds contempt.
People tend to lose respect for people they are close to or in close company with all the time.
Fear is stronger than love.
Fear is often a stronger emotion or motivation than even love.
Cheapest is dearest.
Some items may save you money because they are cheap, but their quality may be poor, and this may cost you a lot of money in repairs and getting replacements later.
Clothes make the man.
The way you dress tells people something about you, and can influence their opinion of you.
Confessed faults are half-mended.
When you own up to a fault, mistake or wrongdoing, you are halfway to changing into a better person.
Courtesy costs nothing.
Politeness should be a way of life for everyone.
Fear of death is worse than death itself.
Fear is often a crippling emotion because it is so powerful.
Fine feathers make fine birds.
You can pretend to be rich, famous etc. by dressing the part.
Even a broken/stopped clock is right twice a day.
No one is ever wrong all the time.
Even a dog can distinguish between being stumbled over and being kicked.
Do not let people bully you, but be alert to when you are being taken advantage of.
Every ass loves to hear himself bray.
Conceited people love to boast about their achievements.
Fine words butter no parsnips.
Just talking about something is not going to get the job done.
First deserve, then desire.
Before you begin to hope about possessing something, make sure you are qualified for it.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Some changes are only outward, the actual problems remain the same.
The only stupid question is the one that is not asked.
The more questions you ask, the more you learn, so do not be shy or afraid to ask questions.
There is many at a true word that is spoken in jest.
A remark, such as something about a person's character, that is said jokingly, is often true to some extent.
Cowards die many deaths.
A coward is afraid of everything, and therefore, faces every problem or challenge with great fear.
Crime does not pay.
However much you may earn or make as a criminal, a life of crime does not pay because the law will catch up with you eventually.
Curses are like chickens, they come home to roost.
Curses you place on others may find their fulfilment in you, so it is best not to curse anyone
Danger and delight grow on the same stalk.
Some pleasures will lead you to danger.
Death is the great leveler.
Death, which comes to everyone without discrimination, makes everyone equal.
Deeds are fruits, words are but leaves.
Taking action is far better than just talking about problems or negative situations.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Sometimes, a situation is so urgent or unexpected that you have to resort to doing things you normally would not.