The liberation of Russia from the Mongol-Tatar yoke took place in 1480, exactly one hundred years after the Battle of Kulikovo. Why does the victory at Kulikovo Field in 1380 occupy a more significant place in our minds than the final victory over the Golden Horde? Although all comparisons are conditional, let's turn to events of a huge scale that are quite close to us the Great Patriotic War. What was the most significant battle against the Nazis? The battles that determined the winners were the Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Kursk. The war did not end after them, but the course of the war and its outcome were determined. A man needs to carry a heavy load over the mountain. How difficult is the path to the truth! My strength is running out, so it seems that everything has run out. I want to drop the load, sink down next to him on the rocks and die. But a person, if he has the courage, gets to the top even if he crawls, and when he looks back from the top, when he sees the terrible steepness that he overcame, then the further path, even if it is also dangerous and difficult, will seem possible to him. And he will go through it with joy and enthusiasm. The Battle of Stalingrad was for the Soviet people the most difficult uphill climb, from the top of which the road to victory opened. And the Battle of Kulikovo for the Russian people became a milestone event in the fight against the Mongol-Tatars.
In the 16th century, a permanent Streltsy army was created in the Moscow state, the strength of which reached 40 thousand people during periods of intense external and internal situation in the 17th century. In the 17th century. in the Moscow state, the fees of datochny people (the germ of conscription) were established and the regiments of the "new system" were formed as a transitional form from the noble militia to the regular army. In 1680, the Moscow state had an army of about 165 thousand people. In addition, a significant number of Ukrainian and Don Cossacks were involved in military service during this period. Peter the Great was the creator of the regular Russian army and navy, which far surpassed the Western European standing armies in terms of manning and combat capability. Under Peter I, the Russian armed forces consisted of regular land regiments, the Navy, and military schools were established at the same time. By 1725, the Russian armed forces consisted of guards, artillery, 126 regiments of regular troops and 100,000 irregular Cossack and Kalmyk cavalry. During this period, the Baltic Fleet had 35 large linear sailing ships, 10 frigates and about 200 galley (rowing) vessels with 28 thousand. sailors and officers. In the warriors against foreign invaders in Russia, a large national people's militia was usually created, which courageously defended the independence of the Motherland. Russian Russian military art of the 18th century gained the opportunity for rapid development and became advanced in comparison with the military art of the permanent Western European armies, which were recruited by recruiting, due to the special nature of the progressive wars waged by the Russian people, a more advanced system of acquisition.