The time has come and the queen began giving birth. The king celebrated this event with his main nobles and merchants. Then the maid came up to him and said:
Dear king, your daughter was born.
Quiet, everyone, Abid shouted and silence fell in the hall.
Repeat what you just said, Abid ordered.
You have a girl, answered the maid.
What is she saying, I had a son, not a daughter. Guards, I order you to burn this witch alive in the square, Abid shouted.
Amina Queen of Persia. Historical Fantasy
The action in the book takes place in ancient Persia. As a child, the girl Amina receives the gift of clairvoyance and extraordinary strength from an unknown elder to resist evil in the future. Amina grows up and fights vampires. At the same time, she crosses the wall of time into Russia and finds P
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