This task was accomplished by V. I. Lenin in his book "Materialism and Empirio-criticism" (1909). V. I. Lenin not only defended the theoretical and philosophical foundations of Marxism and gave a crushing rebuff to all kinds of opponents and "critics" of Marxism, but at the same time developed all the most important aspects of dialectical and historical materialism. V. I. Lenin's book provides a materialistic generalization of all the important and essential things that science, and above all natural science, acquired over a whole historical period. Thus, V. I. Lenin fulfilled the task of further developing materialistic philosophy in accordance with the new achievements of the sciences. By criticizing various directions of physical idealism, V. I. Lenin showed the inconsistency of the idealists' claims that "matter has disappeared." The latest discoveries in natural science, V. I. Lenin pointed out, do not refute, but, on the contrary, confirm the provisions of Marxist philosophical materialism about matter, motion, space and time. Only metaphysical materialism, which recognizes the existence of the last unchangeable particles of matter, has been refuted. But dialectical materialism has never stood and does not stand in the position of recognizing such unchangeable particles. V. I. Lenin stressed that the only "property" of matter associated with the recognition of materialism is its objective existence. In the struggle against the Machists, V. I. Lenin formulated the definition of matter as an objective reality that, acting on our senses, causes us sensations. V. I. Lenin stressed that the concept of matter is an extremely broad concept that covers everything that exists outside and independently of our consciousness. Idealistic attempts to detach movement from matter, to think of movement without matter, were subjected to scathing criticism by V. I. Lenin. Just as matter is unthinkable without motion, so motion is impossible without matter.