Aristotles father served as a court physician and was acquainted with Amyntas III, the grandfather of Alexander the Great. This allowed Aristotle to become a member of the royal court circle and study at the Platos Academy without impediment.
Yet, his hometown, Stagira, fell to the Macedonian King Philip II, leading to its destruction.
Aristotle commenced tutoring Alexander in his early teenage years. In his youth, Alexander demonstrated exceptional leadership abilities amongst his peers, prompting Aristotle to believe his future success as a great ruler.
Young Alexander and Aristotle. Artistic reconstruction by the author.
Young Chandragupta and Chanakya. Artistic reconstruction by the Author.
Ancient cities of India. Artistic reconstruction by the author.
Chanakyas literary works such as the Vishakhadatta drama, Mudrarakshasa, Ceylon chronicles, Puranic collections, and the contributions of Acharya Hemachandra were rewritten in the early twentieth century. For instance, the Arthashastra was published in 1909. These works were previously considered to be lost, however, at the beginning of the 20th century, they were «found» as new works rewritten from their original sources were discovered. The original sources, unfortunately, were not preserved.
Ancient cities of India. Artistic reconstruction by the author.
Manucius first published Aristotles works in Venice at the beginning of the 16th century.
Later, Erasmus of Rotterdam revised and corrected those texts, after which the revised edition was published in Basel in 1531.
Silburg in Frankfurt made another adjustment in 1584.
Boulez proceeded with a new edition in Greek and Latin, consisting of five volumes, in Zweibrücken and Strasbourg, and which was released between 1791 and 1800.
During the 19th century, the Berlin Academy led the effort of creating a comprehensive edition consisting of five volumes of Aristotles works, including commentaries, scholia, and fragments (Berlin, 183171).
This edition also served as a handbook for the French edition of Dido in Paris (5 vols. 18481874).
Unfortunately, the original ancient manuscripts that were transported from Constantinople to Venice in the mid-15th century, and served as the basis for new publications, either did not survive or were destroyed.
Aristotle is in exile. Artistic reconstruction by the author.
Following the death of Alexander the Great, Aristotle was accused of impiety, and subsequently exiled from Athens.
After relocating to Chalcida of Euboea, Aristotle eventually passed away a year later after ingesting poison.
Although some speculate that his death was intentional, alternative sources suggest that Aristotles demise resulted from a stomach ailment, which affected his ability to eat.
It is possible that this illness resulted from poisoning
Chanakya. Artistic reconstruction by the author.
Following the death of Chandragupta, Chanakya was subjected to slander and subsequently exiled. Later, he died as a result of a severe starvation, which is widely believed to have been a suicide. Another account attributes Chanakyas death to the poisoning by one of the ministers at court.
Aristotle. Artistic reconstruction by the author.
It is widely acknowledged that Aristotle influenced the pragmatic approach of Alexander the Great towards the Empires administration and organizational affairs, including those of a spiritual nature. He prioritized the practical interests of both the state and its stakeholders over established customs and laws. Additionally, Aristotle provided Alexander with moral and ethical guidance on ruling. He advised his student that a genuine leader should display empathy towards the vulnerable and defenseless, without feeling ashamed of compassion and refraining from cruelty. Furthermore, he counseled young Alexander to live a moral life, embodying the principles of morality through his actions while avoiding anger. He imparts to Alexander the true essence of power, not just its external facade.
Chanakya. Artistic reconstruction by the author.
Chanakya prioritized practical interests above all else. He believed that if the law was incompatible with the public interest, the latter should be given precedence. Furthermore, if he deemed the law to be in conflict with the public interest, then he advocated for the latter.
The Niti-sutra (or Chanakya-sutra) consists of aphorisms on appropriate conduct. Out of the known 455 sutras, approximately 216 of them pertain to the «Chanakya-raja-nitishastra,» a guide on what not to do when ruling a kingdom.
Chanakya utilized these sutras to educate the young Chandragupta. The foundation of these aphorisms is based on the moral aspect of virtuous governance.
The Niti-shastra, which is a guidebook for ethical conduct, primarily caters to the king and his retinues ideal way of living. The Arthashastra emphasizes that power upholds the sleeper, dominates all living beings, shields them, and maintains law and order. In fact, the Chanakyas doctrine delves into the core of state power and jurisprudence.
Platon Academy. Artistic reconstruction by the author.
Chapter 3. How Antiquitys History Was Rewritten
«Fools Dance» a Miniature Facsimile from a 13th Century Manuscript in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Freely Available.
The initial exhaustive Latin version of Aristotles oeuvre, was commented on by Andalusian Arab philosopher Averroes (11261198), was initially published in Venice in 1489; likewise, publisher and merchant Aldus Manucius issued the first Greek edition in Venice between the years 1495 and 1498.
The New Academy, founded by Manucius in Venice at the very end of the 15th century, consisted of 30 scholars who prepared the publication of each work by practically rewriting ancient manuscripts. By the close of the 15th century, Venice had accumulated a significant library of manuscripts obtained from Constantinople and penned by classical authors. On top of this, with the city housing a significant number of Greek immigrants who were recruited as translators, Venice quickly became a booming hub for publishing. After the revised ancient texts release, all the originals were nowhere to be found, despite their significant historical and material worth. The deliberate destruction of these manuscripts, which were exceedingly valuable and safeguarded like treasures, was not an accident but a calculated effort to manipulate world history according to a political agenda.
Accounting of ancient manuscripts exported from Constantinople. Venice. Artistic reconstruction by the author.
Whilst revising classical ancient texts, Manucius republished earlier printed works from Florence, Rome, and Milan.
He reviewed and amended the texts to make sure that there were no contradictions with the newly published editions, thereby paving the way for the beginning of the printing era. The printing presss invention year is widely accepted to be 1445. The Johannes Gutenbergs invention core idea was to utilize individual metal letters for typesetting, arranged in specific cells. The letters were manually painted and then pressed onto the paper by a machine, resulting in an exact reproduction of the book page. Over the course of half a century, this technology became widespread throughout Europe.