Посмотрим, как это работает на примере самых распространенных глаголов из этого списка:
в значении полагать, иметь мнение только в Simple:
I think you are right.
в значении думать, размышлять может стоять в Continuous:
I am thinking of going on holiday.
в значении видеть, понимать только в Simple:
He sees very well, especially in the dark.
в значении встречаться может стоять в Continuous:
He is seeing his friend tonight.
в значении иметь, обладать только в Simple:
He has a lot of toys.
в глагольных сочетаниях (have breakfast, have a shower, have a walk, have a swim, etc.) может стоять в Continuous:
He is having a bath now.
в значении пахнуть только в Simple:
He smells fine after a shower now.
в значении нюхать может стоять в Continuous:
He is smelling his food. Why?
в значении быть на вкус только в Simple:
The meat tastes delicious.
в значении пробовать может стоять в Continuous:
He is tasting new food carefully at the moment.
в значении выглядеть только в Simple:
He looks so fluffy and cute now!
в значении смотреть и т. п. может стоять в Continuous:
He is looking for his ball but cant find it anywhere.
Поставьте глагол в каждой паре в Simple или Continuous :
1 have
a We *****a delicious dinner now
b We ***** a lot of books about dogs at home.
2 see
a I ***** that Kudjo is hungry.
b We ***** our family this weekend.
3 look
a He ***** so miserable now!
b Everybody ***** at Kudjo because he is carrying a big bone in his mouth.
4 smell
a He ***** so fruity now!
b He ***** the snow suspiciously.
5 taste
a His lunch ***** very good.
b He ***** a new bone
6 think
a Look at him! He ***** of doing something naughty!
b I ***** he wants to go out immediately.
7 have
a He ***** a lot of tasty food.
b He ***** a nap. Dont bother him.
Представьте свой идеальный день. Напишите: что вы делаете в данный момент и что вы обычно делаете в это время:
For example,
Its 8 a.m and Kudjo is running with our dogs in a garden where tasty treats grow in the trees.
He usually wakes up at 8 a.m.
Отметьте правильный вариант ответа:
1 Kudjo ***** football with professionals now.
a playing
b plays
c is playing
2 Kudjo ***** a robot-hoover.
a hate
b is hating
c hates
3 Kudjo ***** sleeping with toys.
a enjoys
b enjoy
c is enjoying
4 Kudjo hardly ever ***** for a walk without a leash.5 We ***** the shopping together today.6 Kudjo ***** milk because of the white color.7 Dont touch this toy! It ***** to Kudjo.EXERCISE 9
Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple and Present Continuous:
1 Куджо любит гулять зимой, когда ужасно холодно.
2 Мы сегодня идем выбирать новую игрушку для моей собаки.
3 Куджо редко играет дома, но всегда отнимает игрушки у других собак на улице! (это мне очень не нравится)
4 Ты видишь Куджо сейчас? Что он делает?
5 Он не смотрит дог-шоу, он крепко спит.
6 Он не понимает тебя сейчас. Говори по-английски.
7 Куджо сейчас обедает. Он всегда ест после прогулки.
Unit 4
Past Simple Tense
Простое прошедшее время
Прошедшее простое время показывает регулярное, законченное действие в прошлом. Все глаголы делятся на правильные и неправильные. Правильные глаголы (regular verbs) образуют форму Past Simple с помощью окончания -ed, в то время как неправильные (irregular verbs) имеют свою особую форму, которую можно найти в таблице неправильных глаголов в конце книги.
Например, купил -bought, закрыл-closed.
Утвердительное предложение выглядит так:
подлежащее + глагол в форме Past Simple.
Kudjo woke up five minutes ago.
Поставьте глагол в форму Past Simple:
When Kudjo /be/ a little puppy,
1 he /play/ all day long.
2 he /have/ too long legs and /fall/ down every time
3 he /love/ all the dogs that he /meet/.
4 he /taste/ everything that he /find/.
5 he /bark/ when he /be/ excited and he /be/ excited 20 hours a day!
6 he /can/ go 10 km non-stop.
7 he /enjoy/ looking at his reflection in mirrors and shop windows.
8 he /love/lying next to the laptop and watching me working.
Отрицательная и вопросительная формы строятся точно так же, как и в Present Simple при помощи вспомогательного глагола do в прошедшем времени- did.
Обратите внимание, что сам основной глагол при этом остается в нулевой форме.
Структура отрицательного предложения:
подлежащее+ did + not + глагол.
He didnt go downstairs on his own.
При этом сокращенная форма didnt звучит более естественно.
Поставьте глагол в отрицательной форме в Present Simple или Past Simple:
1 When Kudjo was little, he /not like/ sleeping much. But now he /not like/ waking up early.
2 When Kudjo was little, he /not want/ to stay alone. Now he /not mind / doing it.
3 When Kudjo was little, he /not come/ up to big boxes and bags, now he /not come/ up either.
4 Yesterday he /not stay/ out for a long time because of a biting frost.
5 He /not wear/ clothes because he has thick fur.
6 He even /not bark/ yesterday because it was too cold to open his mouth.
7 He /not get/ any treats yesterday.
8 He usually /not go/ to bed before midnight and he / not kip/ down so early last night.
Вопросительное предложение в Past Simple выглядит так:
(вопросительное слово) + did + подлежащее + глагол?
What time did he go to bed last night?
Поставьте вопрос к выделенному слову:
1 Kudjo met a lot of dogs at the exhibition last week.
2 Kudjo woke up very late last morning.
3 Kudjo ate a big bowl of meat for lunch yesterday.
4 Kudjo jumped off the bed very loudly and woke up everybody.
5 Kudjo lay down on the sofa and didnt move for ages.
6 Kudjo brought a strange toy from his walk.
7 Kudjo ran a lot during his night walk.
8 Kudjo gave his paw to a little boy, who was crying.
Сигнальными словами для времени Past Simple являются следующие слова и сочетания: yesterday, when, ago, last night (week, month, year, etc.),in 2023, in the past.
Поставьте правильный маркер: tonight, when, now, never, last January, usually, at the moment, last summer
1 Kudjo is watching boats fixedly *****.
2 Kudjo stole some raw meat and ate it ***** he was little.
3 Kudjo ***** lies next to me during my work.
4 Kudjo had a big birthday cake *****.
5 Kudjo is seeing his groomer *****.
6 We spent a great time in the country *****..
7 Look! Kudjo is digging out his toy*****..
8 Kudjo ***** eats shrimps. He hates them.
Напишите предложения о вашем выдуманном идеальном дне рождения, используя глаголы в Past Simple и наши подсказки-вопросы.
For example,
My last birthday was exciting! I woke up on the top of a hill, which was made from a lot of presents
1 wake up /what time? and where?/
2 see /what?/
3 eat /what?/
4 go /where?/
5 meet /who?/
6 do /what?/
7 return /where?/
8 have /what?/
Напишите глагол в форме Present Simple или Past Simple:
1 Kudjo usually /wake/ up at 8 am, but yesterday he /sleep/ till 10 in the morning.
2 Kudjo always /go/ for a walk three times a day, but yesterday he /go/ out only twice.
3 Kudjo never /play/ with other dogs, but yesterday he /run/ after a sheep-dog.
4 Kudjo rarely /take/a nap in the afternoon, but yesterday he /sleep/ all day.
5 Kudjo hardly ever /watch/ cartoons, but yesterday he /watch/ The Simpsons.
6 Kudjo usually /not fight/ with other dogs, but yesterday he /fight/ with a bulldog.
7 Kudjo often /ask/ me for something tasty, but yesterday he even /not look/ at the box with treats.
8 Kudjo /wag/ his tail every time somebody comes up to him, but yesterday he just /sit/ down and /raise/ his paw.
Поставь нужный глагол в пропуск в форме Past Simple:
Once Kudjo /get/ bored and /decide/ to invite his friend Chilly to have a little party at his place. They /go/ to the pet shop and /buy/ a lot of treats and /rush/ home to have a stag night. At first they /watch/ some series about alien dogs and then /play/ aliens.They /jump/ a lot, /play/ football and hide-and-seek and finally /become/ hungry and /open/ the bag with treats. When they /see/ those yummy pieces, they /forget/ about their friendship and /begin/ barking and roaring at each other. It /be/ so loud that a furious neighbor /come/ in, /grasp/ this bag and /threaten/ to splash water over them. He /sound/ so furious that the friends /get/ scared, /stop/ fighting immediately and /lie/ down on the sofa, hungry, tired and offended.