Найдите ошибку и исправьте:
1 Kudjo reads a new book yesterday.
2 Kudjo falled downstairs and got hurt.
3 He is knowing what to do now.
4 Kudjo always bark at the hoover.
5 He dont go for a walk last night.
6 Did he came home in time yesterday?
7 Kudjo didnt forgot about the present.
8 Kudjo teached his friend to speak English.
Отметьте правильный вариант:
1 Look at Kudjo! He ***** to climb the tree.
a is trying
b tries
c tried
2 We **** to the sea last summer.
a took our dogs and flied
b take our dogs and flew
c took our dogs and flew
3 Kudjo ***** salty water in the sea and got sick.
a drinked
b drinks
c drank
4 He usually ***** going by car.
a enjoys
b is enjoying
c enjoyed
5 He ***** to a dog show yesterday.
a went
b goes
c goed
6 Kudjo ***** the champion last month.
a becomed
b became
c becomes
7 Kudjo ***** a little kitten home last night.
a brang
b bringed
c brought
8 Kudjo ***** me make up sentences for the test at the moment.
a help
b is helping
c helped
Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple, Present Continuous и Past Simple:
1 Вчера Куджо поссорился со своим другом из-за игрушки.
2 Они сейчас лежат на полу и слушают новости.
3 Куджо обычно ест 2 раза в день.
4 Как ты провел свои каникулы?
5 Куджо не слышит тебя сейчас. Говори громче.
6 В прошлом году Куджо занял первое место на конкурсе самая милая мордашка.
7 Куда ты так бежишь? Я догоняю свою собаку, которая догоняет нашу кошку.
8 Как часто ты обнимаешь своего питомца?
Unit 5
Past Continuous Tense
Прошедшее продолженное время
Это время используется для обозначения действия, которое длилось в прошлом. Чаще всего эта длительность чем-то зафиксирована. Например, у нас есть конкретное время в прошлом или другое действие произошло в этот момент: At 5 pm yesterday Kudjo was reading a book about people. When he was reading, the light went off.
Время Past Continuous часто используется для создания фона или атмосферы повествования.The sun was shining.The birds were singing. The cats were mewing. Kudjo left the house for a walk.
Из примеров уже понятна структура предложения. Она очень похожа на конструкцию Present Continuous, но только глагол to be стоит в форме прошедшего времени was/were:
подлежащее + was/were + глагол с окончанием ing.
Look at Kudjo
What was he doing at 2 pm yesterday?
He was walking. He was standing on a bench. He was supporting his favorite football team.
Напишите, кто что делал вчера в это время, используя Past Continuous:
For example,
At 5 am we were sleeping.
1 At 7 am I was*****.
2 At 9 am my family were *****.
3 At 11 am my dad was *****.
4 At 2 pm my mum was *****.
5 At 4 pm I was *****.
6 At 6 pm my friend was *****.
7 At 7 pm my neighbors were *****.
8 At 11 pm I was *****.
9 At 2 am everybody was *****.
Давайте придумаем, что каждый делал в тот момент, когда приземлились инопланетяне на вашей улице. Используйте глаголы- подсказки в форме Past Continuous:
For example,
When aliens landed in our yard, we were having lunch.
1 play football
2 cook
3 swim in the pool
4 chase a cat
5 play hide-and-seek
6 grill salmon
7 water strawberries
8 eat raspberries
9 sunbathe
Отрицательное предложение строится таким образом:
подлежащее + was/were + not + глагол с окончанием ing.
He wasnt frolicking.
В разговорном английском мы используем сокращенные формы wasnt/ werent
Найдите нужный глагол и поставьте его в отрицательную форму: play, fight, walk, look, bark, read, watch, have, hide
That time yesterday
1 Kudjo ***** a book, he was sleeping on the sofa.
2 Kudjo ***** his favorite series, he was sleeping and having dreams.
3 Kudjo ***** in the park, he was sleeping at home.
4 Kudjo ***** lunch, he was sleeping fast.
5 Kudjo ***** at all, he was sleeping and snoring.
6 Kudjo ***** with another dog, he was sleeping and dreaming about it.
7 Kudjo ***** a bone, he was sleeping with the bone under the pillow.
8 Kudjo ***** football, he was sleeping like a log
9 Kudjo ***** out of the window, he was sleeping under a blanket.
Вопросительные предложения строятся по такому же принципу, как и вопросы в Present Continuous:
(вопросительное слово) + was/were + подлежащее+ глагол с окончанием ing?
What were you doing at 8 oclock last night?
Поставьте вопрос к выделенному слову:
1 Kudjo was chasing a crow.
2 Kudjo was helping me cook dinner.
3 We were walking in the park.
4 They were fighting because of a ball.
5 Kudjo was lying on the rug.
6 I was writing the book.
7 Kudjo was barking loudly at a garbage-truck.
8 He was sleeping under the table.
9 Kudjo was jumping around a tree to catch a squirrel.
Маркерами для этого времени являются слова и выражения, фиксирующие процесс:
when, while, as, at + время в прошлом. Самый главный маркер while используется для соединения двух одновременных действий:
He was sleeping curled up in a ball while I was working.
Соедините обе части предложения:
1 While I was cooking lunch,
2 When we were walking in the forest,
3 Kudjo was taking a nap
4 I was making up these sentences
5 Kudjo was playing with a ball next to the pool
6 While I was watching a documentary about dogs
7 As I came in,
8 While other dogs were fighting because of the bone,
9 Kudjo was sitting and waiting
a when Kudjo came up with his ideas.
b Kudjo found a hedgehog.
c when a fire alarm went off and frightened him.
d Kudjo was listening to an audiobook about the first people.
e Kudjo was licking clean his bowls.
f while I was looking for his leash.
g Kudjo stole it.
h Kudjo was lying in bed under my favorite duvet.
i when the ball fell in the water.
Напишите, что происходило вокруг вас, когда вы вчера вышли на улицу.
Можете использовать глаголы-подсказки в Past Continuous:
For example, snow It was snowing heavily outside.
1 run
2 play
3 walk
4 sing
5 chase
6 shout
7 bark
8 drive
9 blow
Поставьте глагол в форму Present Continuous или Past Continuous:
1 Listen! Kudjo / bark/ at something or somebody.
2 He /dig/ under the tree when I saw him.
3 I /sleep/ very fast and didnt hear him jump onto my bed.
4 I /buy/ some treats for Kudjo when he took a toy from the shelf.
5 Shhhhh. Kudjo is /kip/.
6 Dont open the drawer. I /hide/ Kudjos toys there and he mustnt see them.
7 We /talk/ about flying to France when Kudjo came up with his passport in his teeth.
8 Kudjo /eat/ my dinner while I /talk/ on the phone in the next room.
9 I didnt see Chilly because he /shelter/himself under Kudjo.
Найдите ошибки в 7 предложениях:
1 We walking home yesterday when a big fat rat ran into Kudjo.
2 He breaked his leg last winter in a skating-rink.
3 Kudjo was walking me in the park when you called.
4 We are having grilled meat or fish almost every day in summer.
5 Kudjo is try to find something to eat now.
6 When we were on a sea holiday, Kudjo sleeped in the fresh air.
7 Where did you flew last June?
8 I didnt bought anything for my pet yesterday
9 They were arguing very loudly when Kudjo started barking at them.
Кстати, если вы помните, мы используем Present Continuous с маркером always, чтобы показать недовольство. То же самое происходит в Past Continuous. Например, He always splashes water while drinking звучит нейтрально, а вот He was always splashing water показывает, что нас это раздражает.
Определите в каких предложениях лучше поставить Past Continuous, чтобы выразить недовольство, а где лучше просто Past Simple.
1 Kudjo always / jump/ and /run/ around when he was little.
2 Kudjo always /roll/ in the dirt when he was a puppy!
3 Little Kudjo always /jump/ onto big dogs and they didnt like it!
4 Little Kudjo always /run/ to everyone to kiss them.
5 Kudjo always /whine/ when he was alone!
6 When Kudjo was little, he always /tear/ new sheets!
7 Kudjo always /ask/ me to let him out when it was necessary.
8 Kudjo always /steal/ food from the table!