Rutra did his crowning trick again, looking at his listeners with a testy look.
A miracle is a miracle to be beyond our everyday understanding of reality. The idea is that what happens in our world is somehow reflected in that world. Fantastic? Quite. But only if it is said of a phenomenon on our planet, as if it were a real invisible parallel world. And then although it depends on how you look at it. And in the infinity of time and space why not to assume the existence of this reality, especially since we accept the theory of probability. There is a certain logical regularity and paradox at the same time. The point is this: you know very well that there is an antiproton, i.e. a representative of antimatter, a substance with opposite properties. Science is working on how to find other substances, or rather, antimatter. If there is such a reality, substances with opposite properties, then on this basis another logic is formed. If there is antimatter, substances with opposite properties, not the ones we are used to what kind of world do they make up? An opposite world? Then perhaps there is an opposite world near us. After all, there is an antiproton on Earth. When people first found, for example, uranium, they knew about the unusual nature of this substance, they just did not understand what it was. Perhaps, that is why we do not feel the parallel world, not having properties and technologies to look into it. For example, you are walking in the desert or taiga without radio receiver, it seems to you that everything is deserted, godforsaken place, but as soon as you turn on the radio receiver or, say, a radiotelephone, invisible life appears around. You already feel yourself a part of society. With the help of what devices can we define this world a little bit? For example, I will say that it is possible to record the new elements of the Mendeleev table only for some fractions of a second. They are like messengers from other worlds: they appeared, the devices recorded that there they are, and disappeared. It is proved in practice that there is a substance, but in fact not that you can touch it materially in fact it simply does not exist. That's enough information for you to start with, I think. And now let's move on to the technique. Please, come to our laboratory, familiarize yourself with new technological innovations that will surprise you. Don't be frightened.
He waved his hand, and the entire pulpit began to descend like a giant elevator, or rather, only the floor, walls, and ceiling remained in place. Soon the ceiling slid down from above, and they found themselves in a new room. To Ruthra's left now floated two magical-looking beds. If not for the instruments and indicator lights, each would have looked like a crystal coffin from a fairy tale. After giving the audience a moment to savor what they had seen, Ruthra continued:
So much of the fantastic is already in our world. We don't know it, and it's fantastic to us. You realize there are secret technologies. The technology that you are holding in your hands now, that you are using now, used to be secret. If you find out what levels there are in technology now, you will be very surprised. For example, there is technology that can be used to change your genes. Yes, yes. You can slowly change into a different person. If you put your brain into a monkey, you will have a monkey's body, but you will be you. What if you put information into that monkey brain, make it smarter? And if you take information from your brain, write it down and then put it into another person, then the appearance will be the same, but inside you will be you. That's Super Spy technology. It was originally born, as you realize from the name, for spy purposes. You can see why. All of these technologies are already on Earth. They're real. For example, it was once amazing that it was possible to recognize your conversation by deciphering with a special device the vibrations from a window. The vibrations that your voice creates. Even now it surprises many people. It is possible to read conversations in deep bunkers from space. You can read all the data from your computer through the electricity grid. It is possible to probe, let's say, a certain gathering of citizens by satellite and find out the content of their phone books, accounts, i.e. everything where they are registered, all transitions to addresses, pages, with whom they contacted, the content of storages, including cloud storages. And there is also technology where you can point a beam, for example, at a soda bottle, and the content will turn into poison. You drink it, and after a while you die. No one will know what it's from. Your heart will stop. Of course, there must be a special soda, but you can't tell it from the one you like. It is also possible to send a beam to your brain from a distance, to affect it in such a way that you have a hemorrhage. It can even be done through a cell phone. Make a call and send special inaudible sounds. And then there's this technology
Ruthra paused for a few seconds, scratched his beard that hadn't been shaved in days, raised his index finger up in an "attention" gesture, and said majestically:
And now for the magic technology. You can create clones in different places, send your consciousness over long distances via the Internet and instill it in the clones. It will be very convenient for business trips and traveling. By the way, it is possible not to instill in your body. For example, you want to be a famous actor, athlete, politician. True, this will require permission. To use the image. Just like now in advertising, for example. In the near future, perhaps, there will be such agencies that will keep different clones in different parts of the world. It will be possible to order your own, or maybe and a template for all to use. If you want to travel, go somewhere, let's say: you come to the agency, you are placed in a special apparatus, your body will have to be taken care of, and your consciousness will be transferred via the Internet to another agency, put into a clone, you will wake up there, go for a walk as you wish, and come back. You can, by the way, and in a woman, and in a man, and in a child. And you can do something even cooler: you can choose a person with different abilities, for example, in terms of endurance. Let's say, for example, you are afraid to jump with a parachute, or maybe you are lame at all, or maybe you are heat-loving and want to walk in Antarctica. Or you want to feel the adrenaline, participating in a real fight, and the outcome is likely to be fatal. Now let's go a little deeper into the topic. According to probability theory, there are other worlds. You're going to have to take that on faith. Because it makes sense. Let's think about infinity. You will say, or rather repeat the classic: then where are they? And you'll be right. But I'll tell you. Perhaps they are near, but we do not understand them. But there are certain markers that tell us about unusual phenomena. For example, phenomena like the wow signal! You know what I hope it is. So, somehow we wondered if they were using a connection that we don't understand. Imagine if some island had isolated life from primitive times, and the rest of the planet had modern level civilization, they would know absolutely nothing about us if, say, we tried to communicate with them by radio. So, I thought, maybe they communicate with us through thoughts. We dream and for some reason we think it's perfectly normal. We don't plan ahead of time what we need to see, what kind of dream we need to have. The dream comes by itself. We listen to music, watch movies, read books, look at pictures, that is, we perform conscious actions, but we cannot order the plot of the dream. They happen as a matter of course. Now let's ask ourselves why does human civilization need dreams? Why can't the brain completely shut down at night? After all, we not only see dreams, but also consider some kind of meaning. We see dreams, and then we compare them with some events, which are repeated with the same phenomena in the dream, and practically consider it as certain information. We try to translate them into real events, even ц fir "cipher" books have been created. That is, those that describe what this or that dream means. So called dreambooks. Now let's leave this topic and move on to another one, and then we will link everything together. Once I decided to make a record of the brain's thought process and send it into space exactly at that frequency. If there's something like that out there, they should find each other. It sounds a little fantastic, delusional, but think about it our body can recognize sunlight, but radiation waves emitted by the same Sun, no. So why can't something catch a thought? Maybe sleep is a state where the brain switches to a special mode? When we can receive information in a different way? Maybe in sleep we receive someone else's thoughts and that thought is extraterrestrial? Or maybe not only in dreams, but we don't realize it. Now I will tell you about one more technology. I'll go through it quickly, so you don't have to wait too long. But I need your word that you'll believe me.