Ruthra smiled again, and the listeners responded approvingly.
There is such a paradox in science entangled pairs. Simply put, it is when two particles-atoms fly apart, but keep an invisible and generally unexplained by science connection between them. What happens is this: when they fly apart, each particle spins around its axis; if one spins from left to right, the other spins strictly from right to left. This is the rule they always follow. However, this is not the real miracle. The miracle is that they somehow transmit information about their state to each other. For example, they can be caught in colliders, where the most powerful magnets are installed, and affect them. When you do, they instantly transmit that information to each other at incredible speeds. More than the speed of light. Much faster. Practically instantaneous. You say that violates the laws of physics. I'll tell you that's what a paradox is. Newton's laws and the fact is, they're not really Newton's. He borrowed the basic ones, just like Einstein, but that's not the point. Well, those laws were also fundamental. They still are, but quantum physics has added to the whole thing. Some say that Einstein's devil made a mess of God's orderly laws. But, but, butand again but. Because it works. So I decided to use this connection to transfer, to transmit these thought waves, the matrix of consciousness into the infinite reaches of space. And there is such a property here. That is, of course, we have experienced it on Earth. These waves of consciousness they find a shelter for themselves. It's natural. If you shout "help" in the forest, nobody but a human being will understand you. That is, the sound you make, having found a shelter in another brain, will cause a reaction corresponding to its meaning. Now for the interesting part. What I was talking about, we're going to connect everything. We took all these theories of probability and hypotheses; like the same Einstein, we did not begin to understand especially and decided there are worlds, and exact copies of them. We recorded billions of brain impulses, practically every thought, put them into a matrix, converted them and sent them into space by the influence of one particle on another to find their doppelgangers. After all, we, our brain, the whole planet and the whole galaxy, as well as everything else, constantly emit radiation, including these particles. So the whole universe is a broth of entangled pairs. Now, I should clarify here. When the influence of one particle on another is tested, it is done by holding them in the collider magnets so that we can observe and understand that influence. When we send the influence on the particles that make up our thought, the thought signal, we send as if at random, into space. If there is something like that out there, they will find each other. It's such a property, just like radio waves. Think of the same example with radio. If you send a signal, it is like the first part, and what catches it there and understands what that signal means is the second part. If they are strangers to each other, there will be no connection. Let's say you send one kind of radio waves, for example, KV, and there the receiver can only receive VHF. It seems to be close, but there will be no connection. But SOS signals, for example, are sent not specifically somewhere, but into the air. They find their target. Why? Because their target can be recognized, understood. Agree, you are not surprised that there is air around us, and its main component is nitrogen. There's a popular belief that air is made up of oxygen. It's only 23 percent oxygen. Perhaps there is a mass of something unknown around, carrying information about other worlds, but we do not understand it. We simply do not have the senses to perceive such things. For example, dolphins, having unique properties of signal communication, are completely deaf. Not only can't they hear us, they can't even imagine the existence of this kind of communication. Even if they developed the ability to understand human speech, they would need some kind of technical device to convert our speech into signals they could understand. Perhaps there is a world around us that is inaudible to us. After all, it's no secret that there is a limited range of human audible waves. And what is far to go. The same radio waves without a special device for us do not exist. So I thought that perhaps the kind of communication that other worlds use is simply unknown to us as a species. You're not surprised that we live in an ocean of all kinds of waves. Radio waves alone, that is, the ones that man has created, how many. We are not surprised that the universe is stitched with gravity, radiation. It was once thought to be filled with ether. And that made sense. The assumption was that sound waves bounce around material things like bumps and reach our ears. We thought that light should bounce on something. But it turned out to be the other way around. Light, on the contrary, needs as clean, empty space as possible. So it moves faster. Sound can't. That's why space is deaf. But radio waves, transmitting the same sound, can move like light and overcome obstacles. It doesn't surprise us that after all this, they turn into words we can understand. They're translated into that form. And the corresponding apparatus catches them. So why can't consciousness be brought into such a form that it can be transferred as a state of these particles and then converted into the same consciousness? The question remains: how will they get into another body or brain and replace consciousness there? Now remember hypnosis. You are given an order and you follow it. And now think why some people make you nervous, even if they don't speak. Why do full moons and natural phenomena affect the nervous system? Have you thought about it? Now I'll tell you if you know well, of course you do, you just haven't paid much attention to it. I'm talking about radiation from living organisms. The same waves emitted by the brain. If you're talking, you're somehow also receiving what other people are saying. Simply put, if your brain emits radiation, you also receive radiation. If your brain receives information from your eyes and ears, it's fine if it receives invisible inaudible information. You just have to make it dominant. So that it can overcome the natural state and replace what is there with itself. That's what we've accomplished by finding the code for this effect. And now we will conduct the experiment itself, and you will not only see everything with your own eyes, but also take part in it.
Childish smiles appeared on the faces of most of the people in the group, though they themselves were not only at a high and responsible status, but also a level of intelligence.
Rutra, of course, did not personally make such decisions related to the demonstration of the method. Therefore, if there were any representatives of science in the group, they were members of political or administrative-managerial structures, mainly of a closed subdivision of the UN Security Council. The decision on declassification, public demonstration of the method was made by him after a conversation with Parmen, a month before.
And it went like this.
Chapter 2: Testing the Future
Buddy, why don't we see what happens tomorrow?
When the "luminary of science" began in such a manner, which was expressed in the suggestion of something uninteresting, illogical and even stupid, Rutra immediately realized that he was up to something grandiose.