Илья Франк - Английский язык с Робин Гудом стр 6.


In Fountains Dale, beside the river, he saw the curtal Friar (в Фаунтейн Дейл, у реки, он увидел монаха в короткой рясе; beside — рядом с; близ, около). Friar Tuck had an iron cap on his head, and a sword at his side (у брата Тука был железный шлем на голове и меч на боку).

iron ['aIqn], cap [kxp], beside [bI'saId]

Robin Hood put an iron cap on his head. He put his sword at his side. Then, with his bow in his hand, he went to Fountains Dale.

In Fountains Dale, beside the river, he saw the curtal Friar. Friar Tuck had an iron cap on his head, and a sword at his side.

Robin Hood called out (Робин Гуд крикнул), «Carry me across the river, Friar Tuck, if you want to stay alive (перенеси меня через реку, брат Тук, если хочешь остаться в живых; to carry — везти, перевозить; нести, носить; to stay — оставаться, не уходить; пребывать, оставаться /в каком-либо состоянии или положении/; alive — живой, в живых).»

The Friar took Robin on his back, and carried him across the river (монах посадил Робина себе на спину и перенес его через реку). He said nothing to him all the way (за всю дорогу он не сказал ему ни слова: «ничего»).

Robin jumped down from the Friar's back (Робин спрыгнул со спины монаха). Friar Tuck quickly drew his sword (Брат Тук тут же выхватил свой меч; to draw — тащить, волочить; вытаскивать). «Now, young man (а теперь, молодой человек),» he said, «carry me back over the river, or you'll be sorry (отнеси меня назад через реку, или ты пожалеешь; sorry — огорченный, сожалеющий, полный сожаления).»

carry ['kxrI], across [q'krOs], stay [steI], alive [q'laIv], quickly ['kwIklI], drew [dru:]

Robin Hood called out, «Carry me across the river, Friar Tuck, if you want to stay alive.»

The Friar took Robin on his back, and carried him across the river. He said nothing to him all the way.

Robin jumped down from the Friar's back. Friar Tuck quickly drew his sword. «Now, young man,» he said, «carry me back over the river, or you'll be sorry.»

Robin Hood took Friar Tuck on his back, and carried him across the river (Робин Гуд посадил Брата Тука себе на спину и перенес его через реку). He said nothing to him all the way (за всю дорогу он ничего не сказал ему).

This time, it was Robin who drew his sword (на этот раз Робин вытащил свой меч). «Carry me over the river, Friar Tuck, if you want to stay alive (перенеси меня на другой берег реки, Брат Тук, если ты хочешь остаться в живых).»

Robin Hood ['rObIn'hud], Friar Tuck ['fraIq'tAk], over ['quvq]

Robin Hood took Friar Tuck on his back, and carried him across the river. He said nothing to him all the way.

This time, it was Robin who drew his sword. «Carry me over the river, Friar Tuck, if you want to stay alive.»

The Friar took Robin on his back again (монах снова посадил Робина себе на спину). He said nothing to him before they were halfway across the river (он ничего не говорил ему, пока они не прошли половину пути через реку; halfway — на полпути). And there, in the deepest part, he threw Robin into the water (и там, в самом глубоком месте, он сбросил Робина в воду; part — доля, часть) — and fell on top of him (и сам навалился сверху; on top of — поверх; top — вершина, верхушка, верхняя часть). He was a very heavy man (он был очень тяжелым человеком).

half-way ['hQ:f'weI], deepest ['di:pIst], part [pQ:t], threw [Tru:], into ['Intu, 'Intq], water ['wO:tq], top [tOp], heavy ['hevI]

The Friar took Robin on his back again. He said nothing to him before they were halfway across the river. And there, in the deepest part, he threw Robin into the water — and fell on top of him. He was a very heavy man.

After that, there was a great sword fight (после этого произошла длительная схватка на мечах; great — большой, огромный; длительный, продолжительный).

From ten o'clock in the morning to four in the afternoon, they fought with their swords (с десяти утра до четырех /дня/ они сражалась на мечах). Robin Hood was a very good swordsman (Робин Гуд был очень хорошим фехтовальщиком), but Friar Tuck was just as good (но Брат Тук был точно так же хорош).

after ['Q:ftq], o'clock [q'klOk], afternoon ['Q:ftq'nu:n], just [dZAst]

After that, there was a great sword fight. From ten o'clock in the morning to four in the afternoon, they fought with their swords. Robin Hood was a very good swordsman, but Friar Tuck was just as good.

At last Robin said (наконец Робин сказал), «Can we stop this for a minute (можем ли мы прервать схватку на минутку; to stop — останавливаться; прекращаться, кончать)? I must sound my horn (я должен протрубить в рожок; sound — звук, шум; to sound — звучать, издавать звук; давать сигнал /к чему-либо/).»

The fight stopped, and Robin Hood sounded his horn three times (схватка прекратилась, и Робин Гуд трижды: «три раза» протрубил в свой рожок). Fifty yeomen, with their bows ready, came running down to the river (пятьдесят крестьян, с луками наготове, прибежали к реке).

«What men are these (что это за люди)?» asked Friar Tuck.

«Then are my men (это мои люди),» said Robin Hood.

stop [stOp], minute ['mInIt], sound [saund], horn [hO:n], fifty ['fIftI], ready ['redI], running ['rAnIN]

At last Robin said, «Can we stop this for a minute? I must sound my horn.»

The fight stopped, and Robin Hood sounded his horn three times. Fifty yeomen, with their bows ready, came running down to the river.

«What men are these?» asked Friar Tuck.

«Then are my men,» said Robin Hood.

«Well, I don't have a horn, and I don't have fifty bowmen (что ж, у меня нет рожка, и у меня нет пятидесяти лучников). But let me put two fingers in my mouth (но позволь мне вложить два пальца в рот). Then we'll see what happens (тогда мы увидим, что произойдет).»

Friar Tuck put two fingers in his mouth and sent out a very loud high sound (Брат Тук вложил два пальца в рот и издал очень громкий высокий = пронзительный звук; to send — послать; to send out — отправить; издать /напр., звук/; high — высокий; высокий, звонкий, резкий, пронзительный /о звуке/). Fifty great dogs came running to the Friar (к монаху подбежали пятьдесят огромных собак). Two of them went at once to Robin Hood (двое из них подбежали тотчас же к Робину Гуду). They took his coat of Lincoln green in their teeth, and tore it off him (они вцепились зубами в его ярко-зеленую куртку и сорвали ее с него; to tear — рвать, разрывать; to tear off — отрывать; срывать).

don't [dqunt], finger ['fINgq], mouth [mauT], happen ['hxp(q)n], loud [laud], high [haI], dog [dOg], once [wAns], coat [kqut], tore [tO:]

«Well, I don't have a horn, and I don't have fifty bowmen. But let me put two fingers in my mouth. Then we'll see what happens.»

Friar Tuck put two fingers in his mouth and sent out a very loud high sound. Fifty great dogs came running to the Friar. Two of them went at once to Robin Hood. They took his coat of Lincoln green in their teeth, and tore it off him.

The outlaws couldn't shoot the dogs that were round Robin Hood (разбойники не могли стрелять в собак, которые были вокруг Робина Гуда; outlaw — закоренелый преступник, рецидивист; лицо, объявленное вне закона). The Friar had taught all his dogs to catch arrows in their mouths (монах научил всех своих собак ловить стрелы пастями; to teach — учить, обучать; mouth — рот, уста). Only Little John's arrows flew too fast for them (только стрелы Малыша Джона летели для них слишком быстро; to fly — летать, лететь).

«Call your dogs away (отзови своих собак; to call away — отзывать),» shouted Little John. «Call them away, or I'll kill them — and you (отзови их, или я убью их и тебя)!» And he began to shoot (и он начал стрелять).

outlaw ['autlO:], round [raund], taught [tO:t], catch [kxtS], only ['qunlI], flew [flu:], fast [fQ:st], away [q'weI], began [bI'gxn]

The outlaws couldn't shoot the dogs that were round Robin Hood. The Friar had taught all his dogs to catch arrows in their mouths. Only Little John's arrows flew too fast for them.

«Call your dogs away,» shouted Little John. «Call them away, or I'll kill them— and you!»

And he began to shoot.

Ten of the friar's great dogs were soon wounded or dead (десять из огромных собак монаха вскоре лежали ранеными или мертвыми; wound — рана, ранение; to wound — ранить; wounded — раненый).

«Stop, good yeoman (остановись, добрый крестьянин; good — хороший; добрый),» said Friar Tuck. «Whose man are you (вы чьи люди)?»

«I am Little John, Robin Hood's man (я — Малыш Джон, человек Робина Гуда). You must stop fighting and be his friend (ты должен перестать сражаться и стать его другом).»

Friar Tuck had kept Fountains Dale for seven years (Брат Тук удерживал /в своем владении/ Фаунтейн Дейл семь лет; to keep — держать, не отдавать; вести /что-либо/, управлять /чем-либо/). No knight or lord had fought with him and won (никто из рыцарей или феодалов, сражавшихся с ним, не побеждал; to win — победить, выиграть).

wounded ['wu:ndId], dead [ded], whose [hu:z], kept [kept], seven [sevn], won [wAn]

Ten of the friar's great dogs were soon wounded or dead.

«Stop, good yeoman,» said Friar Tuck. «Whose man are you?»

«I am Little John, Robin Hood's man. You must stop fighting and be his friend.»

Friar Tuck had kept Fountains Dale for seven years. No knight or lord had fought with him, and won.

«I'll stop (я прекращу),» he said, and he called his great dogs away (сказал он и отозвал своих огромных собак). «But what do you want (но что ты хочешь)?»

Robin Hood answered (Робин Гуд ответил), «I want you to come with us to Sherwood Forest (я хочу, чтобы ты пошел с нами в Шервудский Лес). You can live with us, and be our outlaw friar (ты можешь жить с нами и быть нашим разбойничьим духовником). You'll get one gold piece every month (ты будешь получать по золотой монете каждый месяц), and new clothes three times a year (и новую одежду три раза в год).»

And that is how the outlaws got their own friar (вот как разбойники заполучили своего собственного духовника).

live [lIv], with [wID], our ['auq], piece [pi:s], month [mAnT], year [jq:], how [hau], own [qun]

«I'll stop,» he said, and he called his great dogs away. «But what do you want?»

Robin Hood answered, «I want you to come with us to Sherwood Forest. You can live with us, and be our outlaw friar. You'll get one gold piece every month, and new clothes three times a year.»

And that is how the outlaws got their own friar.

Chapter 6


(Робин Гуд возвращает свои деньги)

One year from the day Sir Richard of the Lee borrowed four hundred pieces of gold (через год с того самого дня, когда сэр Ричард из Ли занял /у него/ четыреста золотых монет), Robin Hood was waiting for him (Робин Гуд ожидал его). He sent his three best bowmen to meet the knight (он отправил трех своих самых лучших лучников встретить рыцаря). Little John, and Much the miller's son, and Will Scarlet (/а именно/: Малыша Джона, Мука, сына мельника, и Уилла Скарлета).

one [wAn], from [frOm], of [Ov], four [fO:], gold [gquld], for [fO:], bowman ['bqumqn], John [dZOn], son [sAn]

One year from the day Sir Richard of the Lee borrowed four hundred pieces of gold, Robin Hood was waiting for him. He sent his three best bowmen to meet the knight. Little John, and Much the miller's son, and Will Scarlet.

They didn't meet Sir Richard, but they met a fat churchman, a monk (они не встретили сэра Ричарда, а встретили упитанного священнослужителя, монаха; fat — жир; полнота, тучность; fat — толстый, упитанный, тучный).

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