Илья Франк - Английский язык с Робин Гудом стр 8.


maid [meId], young [jAN], leave [li:v]

It was a very sad day for Maid Marian when the Sheriff of Nottingham took the Earl of Huntingdon's castle and made young Robin leave it.

For a few years, she heard nothing about Robin (несколько лет она ничего не слышала о Робине). Then, one day, she heard two men talking about the outlaws of Sherwood Forest (затем однажды она услышала, как двое мужчин разговаривали о разбойниках Шервудского Леса).

«There are more than a hundred of them (их больше сотни человек),» one man said. «They shoot the King's deer (они убивают: «стреляют в» королевских оленей), and they take money from the rich (и отбирают деньги у богатых).»

heard [hq:d], nothing ['nATIN], about [q'baut], then [Den], talking ['tO:kIN], outlaw ['autlO:], king [kIN], money ['mAnI]

For a few years, she heard nothing about Robin. Then, one day, she heard two men talking about the outlaws of Sherwood Forest.

«There are more than a hundred of them,» one man said. «They shoot the King's deer, and they take money from the rich.»

«Yes,» said his friend, «but they give that money to the poor (но они отдают деньги бедным). And they never take anything from women or from poor people or good yeomen (и они никогда ничего не отбирают у женщин, бедных людей или добрых крестьян). They have a fine leader (у них прекрасный предводитель; leader — руководитель, глава, лидер). His name is Robin Hood (его зовут Робин Гуд), and he is the friend of all good country people (и он друг всех добрых селян; country — страна, местность; деревня, сельская местность; people — народ, нация; люди, жители; country people — деревенские жители).»

never ['nevq], anything ['enITIN], women ['wImIn], people [pi:pl], yeoman ['jqumqn], leader ['li:dq], country ['kAntrI]

«Yes,» said his friend, «but they give that money to the poor. And they never take anything from women or from poor people or good yeomen. They have a fine leader. His name is Robin Hood, and he is the friend of all good country people.»

«They say (говорят),» the first man added (добавил первый мужчина), «that there is no better bowman in the country (что нет лучшего лучника во всей стране).»

Maid Marian thought about their words (девица Мэриан размышляла над их словами; to think — думать, мыслить; размышлять, обдумывать). «It sounds like my Robin (похоже на моего Робина; to sound — звучать, издавать звук; it sounds like — похоже на). I'll go and see this Robin Hood (я пойду и встречусь с этим Робином Гудом).»

first [fq:st], thought [TO:t], their [Deq], word [wq:d]

«They say,» the first man added, «that there is no better bowman in the country.»

Maid Marian thought about their words. «It sounds like my Robin. I'll go and see this Robin Hood.»

She put a boy's clothes on (она надела мужской костюм; to put on — надевать), with a green hood that hid her hair and most of her face (с зеленым капюшоном, который скрывал ее волосы и большую часть ее лица; to hide — прятать, скрывать). Then, with her bow and arrows and a strong quarterstaff, she left Lord Fitzwater's castle (после чего, /взяв с собой/ свой лук, стрелы и крепкую дубинку, она покинула замок лорда Фитцуотера; strong — сильный, обладающий большой физической силой; крепкий; выносливый /о предметах, материалах/). Nobody saw her go (никто не видел, как она ушла).

clothes [klquDz], hair [heq], nobody ['nqub(q)dI], saw [sO:]

She put a boy's clothes on, with a green hood that hid her hair and most of her face. Then, with her bow and arrows and a strong quarterstaff, she left Lord Fitzwater's castle. Nobody saw her go.

A few days after that, Marian was in Sherwood Forest (через несколько дней после этого Мэриан оказалась в Шервудском лесу). She was very hungry (она была очень голодна), and she was glad to see a nice fat deer (и она обрадовалась, увидев прекрасного жирного оленя). With an arrow on the string of her bow (/приложив/ стрелу к тетиве своего лука; string — веревка, ремешок; струна, тетива), she began to move very quietly through the trees towards the deer (она начала двигаться очень осторожно между деревьями по направлению к оленю; quietly — спокойно, тихо, бесшумно).

«Boy (юноша)!» said a loud voice (сказал громкий голос). «What are you doing (что это ты делаешь)?»

few [fju:], hungry ['hANgrI], glad [glxd], fat [fxt], string [strIN], move [mu:v], quietly ['kwaIqtlI], through [Tru:], towards [tq'wO:dz], loud [laud], voice [vOIs], doing ['du(:)IN]

A few days after that, Marian was in Sherwood Forest. She was very hungry, and she was glad to see a nice fat deer. With an arrow on the string of her bow, she began to move very quietly through the trees towards the deer.

«Boy!» said a loud voice. «What are you doing?»

Away went the deer (олень ускакал прочь)! Marian turned quickly (Мэриан быстро обернулась). The man whose loud voice had driven away her food was quite near her (мужчина, чей громкий голос прогнал прочь ее пищу, был совсем рядом с ней; to drive away — прогонять). He had a big quarterstaff (у него была большая дубинка), but he was not carrying a bow (но лука у него с собой не было: «он не нес с собой лук»), and he had no sword (и меча у него /тоже/ не было). She couldn't see his face because he was wearing a big hood (но она не могла видеть его лицо, потому что он носил = на нем был большой капюшон). He looked very strong, but Marian was angry with him (он выглядел очень сильным, но Мэриан была очень сердита на него).

turn [tq:n], turned [tq:nd], quickly ['kwIklI], whose [hu:z], driven [drIvn], quite [kwaIt], near [nIq], carrying ['kxrIIN], sword [sO:d], because [bI'kOz], wearing ['weqrIN], angry ['xNgrI]

Away went the deer! Marian turned quickly. The man whose loud voice had driven away her food was quite near her. He had a big quarterstaff, but he was not carrying a bow, and he had no sword. She couldn't see his face because he was wearing a big hood. He looked very strong, but Marian was angry with him.

«You saw what I was doing (ты видел, что я делал),» she said, «and you have driven my deer away (и ты прогнал = вспугнул моего оленя).»

«These are the King's deer, boy (это королевские олени, юноша)! You mustn't shoot them (ты не должен стрелять в них). Go away (проваливай)!»

«I won't go away (я не уйду),» said Marian. «I'm not afraid of you (я не боюсь тебя). I'm not afraid of any man who hides his face (я не боюсь мужчины, который прячет свое лицо).» She dropped her bow and went towards him with her quarterstaff (она бросила свой лук и подошла к нему со своей дубинкой; to drop — капать; ронять, бросать /вниз/).

The man laughed, and took his quarterstaff in both hands (мужчина расхохотался и взял свою дубинку в обе руки).

these [Di:z], mustn't [mAsnt], won't [wqunt], I'm [aIm], afraid [q'freId], both [bquT]

«You saw what I was doing,» she said, «and you have driven my deer away.»

«These are the King's deer, boy! You mustn't shoot them. Go away!»

«I won't go away,» said Marian. «I'm not afraid of you. I'm not afraid of any man who hides his face.»

She dropped her bow and went towards him with her quarterstaff.

The man laughed, and took his quarterstaff in both hands.

It was a good fight (это был хороший поединок). The man was very strong (мужчина был очень сильным), and his quarterstaff flew through the air very fast (и его дубинка пролетала по воздуху очень быстро).

But it was clear that he didn't want to hurt the «boy» (но было очевидно, что он не хочет причинить вреда "юноше"; clear — ясный; очевидный, явный). His staff often touched Marian, but never hit her really hard (его дубинка часто касалась Мэриан, но ни разу не ударила ее по-настоящему сильно; to touch — прикасаться, трогать; нанести легкий удар). She could move very quickly (она была очень проворной: «могла двигаться очень быстро»).

fight [faIt], flew [flu:], through [Tru:], air [eq], fast [fQ:st], clear [klIq], hurt [hq:t], often [Ofn], touch [tAC], really ['rIqlI]

It was a good fight. The man was very strong, and his quarterstaff flew through the air very fast.

But it was clear that he didn't want to hurt the «boy». His staff often touched Marian, but never hit her really hard. She could move very quickly.

Marian's staff travelled fast too (дубинка Мэриан тоже быстро проносилась /по воздуху/; to travel — путешествовать, странствовать; двигаться, перемещаться). The man had to use his staff quickly to stop Marian's (мужчине приходилось быстро пользоваться = орудовать своей дубинкой, чтобы остановить дубинку Мэриан). And sometimes she was too quick for him (и иногда она была слишком проворной для него), and he got a good bang on the head (и он получал хороший удар по голове; bang — громкий удар, сильный удар).

At last the man said (наконец мужчина сказал), «Let's stop (давай прекратим). I'll say I'm sorry about your deer (и я скажу, что мне очень жаль, /что я вспугнул/ твоего оленя). I like you (ты мне нравишься). You're very young (ты очень молод), but you're going to be a fine fighter (но из тебя выйдет прекрасный боец). Will you come and be one of Robin Hood's merry men (станешь ли ты одним из славных товарищей Робина Гуда)?»

travel [trxvl], sometimes ['sAmtaImz], bang [bxN], last [lQ:st], let's [lets], fighter ['faItq]

Marian's staff travelled fast too. The man had to use his staff quickly to stop Marian's. And sometimes she was too quick for him, and he got a good bang on the head.

At last the man said, «Let's stop. I'll say I'm sorry about your deer. I like you. You're very young, but you're going to be a fine fighter. Will you come and be one of Robin Hood's merry men?»

Marian threw back her hood (Мэриан отбросила свой капюшон; to throw back — бросать обратно, назад; отбрасывать назад). The man stood quite still (мужчина стоял совершенно неподвижно). Then he threw back his own hood (после чего он отбросил свой капюшон).

«Robin!» cried Marian (вскричала Мэриан).

Robin Hood looked at the lovely face and hair of the woman (Робин Гуд взглянул на прекрасное лицо и волосы женщины) who, as a young girl, had been his little friend (которая, когда была юной девушкой, была его маленьким другом).

Robin Hood and Maid Marian came to Robin's greenwood tree (Робин Гуд и девица Мэриан пришли к дубу Робина). Will Scarlet was there (там был Уилл Скарлет).

threw [Tru:], stood [stud], own [qun], lovely ['lAvlI]

Marian threw back her hood. The man stood quite still. Then he threw back his own hood.

«Robin!» cried Marian.

Robin Hood looked at the lovely face and hair of the woman who, as a young girl, had been his little friend.

Robin Hood and Maid Marian came to Robin's greenwood tree. Will Scarlet was there.

«Where's Friar Tuck (где брат Тук)?» Robin asked.

«He's gone into the forest to pray (он ушел в лес, чтобы помолиться),» said Will Scarlet, laughing (смеясь, сказал Уилл Скарлет). «He took his bow and arrows with him (он взял с собой свой лук и стрелы).»

«Please find him and bring him here (пожалуйста, разыщи его и приведи его сюда),» said Robin.

Some men ran to find the friar (несколько человек побежали на поиски: «чтобы найти» монаха). They soon came back with him (вскоре они вернулись вместе с ним). He was carrying a fat deer on his back (он нес на спине жирного оленя).

friar ['fraIq], gone [gOn], pray [preI], laughing ['lQ:fIN], please [pli:z], find [faInd], bring [brIN]

«Where's Friar Tuck?» Robin asked.

«He's gone into the forest to pray,» said Will Scarlet, laughing. «He took his bow and arrows with him.»

«Please find him and bring him here,» said Robin.

Some men ran to find the friar. They soon came back with him. He was carrying a fat deer on his back.

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