Илья Франк - Английский язык c дружелюбным скелетом. Легенды североамериканских индейцев стр 5.


marvelous [`mQ:v(q)lqs], during [`djuqrIN], absence [`xbs(q)ns], venison [`venIs(q)n, venzn], maple [meIpl], sugar [`SHgq], honey [`hAnI]

Then he returned to the village; but there he found no people,—no, not one. For a marvelous thing had come to pass during his absence, which shall be heard in every Indian's speech through all the ages. For the men, being, as I said, simple, honest folk, did as boys do when they are hungry, and say unto one another, "What would you like to have, and what you?" "Truly, I would be pleased with a slice of hot venison dipped in maple-sugar and bear's oil." "Nay, give me for my share succotash and honey." Even so these villagers had said, "Suppose you had all the nice cold, fresh, sparkling, delicious water there is in the world, what would you do?"

And one said that he would live in the soft mud (и один сказал, что он жил бы в мягкой грязи), and always be wet and cool (и /ему/ всегда было бы мокро и прохладно).

And another (а другой), that he would plunge from the rocks (что он бы нырнул со скал), and take headers (и погружался /бы/; to take headers — разг.: погружаться, нырять головой вперед), diving into the deep, cold water (ныряя в глубокую, холодную воду) drinking as he dived (глотая ее при этом: «напиваясь, когда он нырял»).

And the third (а третий), that he would be washed up and down with the rippling waves (что он бы омывался вверх-вниз колыхающимися волнами = его бы накрывало волнами), living on the land (живя на суше), yet ever in the water (но /и одновременно/ всегда в воде).

Then the fourth said (тогда четвертый сказал), "Verily, you know not how to wish (поистине, вы не знаете, как желать), and I will teach you (и я научу вас). I would live in the water all the time (я бы жил в воде все время), and swim about in it forever (и плавал /бы/ в ней вечно)."

plunge [plAnG], header [`hedq], wave [weIv], verily [`verIlI]

And one said that he would live in the soft mud, and always be wet and cool.

And another, that he would plunge from the rocks, and take headers, diving into the deep, cold water, drinking as he dived.

And the third, that he would be washed up and down with the rippling waves, living on the land, yet ever in the water.

Then the fourth said, "Verily, you know not how to wish, and I will teach you. I would live in the water all the time, and swim about in it forever."

Now it chanced that these things were said in the hour (и случилось /так/, что эти вещи были произнесены в тот час) which, when it passes over the world (/в/ который, когда он проходит по миру), all the wishes uttered by men are granted (все желания, произнесенные людьми, сбываются: «даруются»). And so it was with these Indians (и так произошло: «было» с этими индейцами). For the first became a Leech (ибо первый стал Пиявкой), the second a Spotted Frog (второй — Пятнистой Лягушкой), the third a Crab (третий — Крабом), which is washed up and down with the tide (которого омывает вверх-вниз прибой), and the fourth a Fish (а четвертый — Рыбой). Ere this there had been in all the world (до этого /не/ было во всем мире /еще/; ere — поэтич.:до, перед) none of the creatures (ни одного из существ) which dwell in the water (что живут/обитают в воде), and now they were there (и теперь они были = и вот они появились), and of all kinds (и /притом/ всех видов). And the river came rushing and roaring on (и река пришла, стремительная и ревущая; to come on — приближаться, появляться, налетать), and they all went headlong down to the sea (и они все отправились вперед головой вниз к морю; headlong — головой вперед /о падении вниз, нырянии/; стремительно, безрассудно, очертя голову), to be washed into many lands over all the world (чтобы их смыло = унесло во многие земли/страны по всему миру).

leech [lJC], creature [`krJCq], ere [eq]

Now it chanced that these things were said in the hour which, when it passes over the world, all the wishes uttered by men are granted. And so it was with these Indians. For the first became a Leech, the second a Spotted Frog, the third a Crab, which is washed up and down with the tide, and the fourth a Fish. Ere this there had been in all the world none of the creatures which dwell in the water, and now they were there, and of all kinds. And the river came rushing and roaring on, and they all went headlong down to the sea, to be washed into many lands over all the world.

How the Toad and Porcupine Lost their Noses (как Жаба и Дикобраз потеряли свои носы; to lose)

In the old time (в былые времена: « в старое время»), far before men knew themselves (задолго до того, как люди узнали = осознали себя), in the light before the sun (в свете до солнца = когда еще не было солнечного света), Glooskap and his brother were as yet unborn (Глускап и его брат были также еще не рождены); they waited for the day to appear (они ждали дня, чтобы появиться). Then they talked together (тогда они беседовали вместе), and the youngest said (и младший сказал), "Why should I wait (почему я должен ждать)? I will go into the world (я пойду в мир) and begin my life at once (и начну мою жизнь немедленно; at once — сразу, немедленно)." Then the elder said (тогда старший сказал), "Not so, for this were a great evil (не так = не стоит так поступать, ибо это было бы великим злом)." But the younger gave no heed to any wisdom (но младший не обратил /никакого/ внимания на мудрость = мудрые слова; to give heed to smth. — обращать внимание на что-либо): in his wickedness he broke through his mother's side (в своей злобе = упорстве он пробился сквозь бок своей матери; to break — ломать; to break through — пробить/ся/; wicked — злой; безнравственный), he rent the wall (он разорвал преграду; to rend; wall — стена); his beginning of life was his mother's death (начало его жизни было = стало смертью его матери).

appear [q`pIq], talk [tLk], world [wq:ld], once [wAns], evil [Jvl], wisdom [`wIsd(q)m], wicked [`wIkId]

In the old time, far before men knew themselves, in the light before the sun, Glooskap and his brother were as yet unborn; they waited for the day to appear. Then they talked together, and the youngest said, "Why should I wait? I will go into the world and begin my life at once." Then the elder said, "Not so, for this were a great evil." But the younger gave no heed to any wisdom: in his wickedness he broke through his mother's side, he rent the wall; his beginning of life was his mother's death.

Now, in after years (так вот, впоследствии; in after years — впоследствии), the younger brother would learn (младший брат захотел узнать) in what lay the secret of the elder's death (в чем лежал = был секрет смерти старшего). And Glooskap, being crafty (и Глускап, будучи хитроумным; craft — ремесло; ловкость, умение, искусство; сноровка), told the truth and yet lied (сказал правду и все же солгал; to tell); for his name was the Liar (ибо имя ему было Обманщик), yet did he never lie for evil (однако никогда он не лгал ради зла) or aught to harm (или чего-либо, что могло навредить). So he told his brother (итак, он сказал своему брату) that the blow of a ball (что удар клубком/шариком), or handful of the down of feathers (или пригоршней пуха перьев; down — пух, пушок; перья), would take away his life (отнимет у него жизнь; to take away — забрать, отнять); and this was true (и это было правдиво = правдой), for it would stun him (так как это его оглушило бы), but it would not prevent his returning to life (но это не помешало бы его возвращению к жизни). Then Glooskap asked the younger for his own secret (затем Глускап спросил младшего о его собственном секрете = о секрете младшего брата). And he, being determined to give the elder no time (и он, будучи настроенным не дать старшему времени; to determine — определять, устанавливать; решать), answered truly and fearlessly (ответил честно и бесстрашно), "I can only be slain by the stroke of a cat-tail or bulrush (меня можно лишить жизни только ударом рогоза или камыша = только стукнув рогозом или камышом; to slay — убивать, уничтожать, лишать жизни)."

secret [`si:krIt], crafty [`krQ:ftI], liar [`laIq], feather [`feDq], true [trH], determine [dI`tWmIn]

Now, in after years, the younger brother would learn in what lay the secret of the elder's death.

And Glooskap, being crafty, told the truth and yet lied; for his name was the Liar, yet did he never lie for evil or aught to harm. So he told his brother that the blow of a ball, or handful of the down of feathers, would take away his life; and this was true, for it would stun him, but it would not prevent his returning to life. Then Glooskap asked the younger for his own secret. And he, being determined to give the elder no time, answered truly and fearlessly, "I can only be slain by the stroke of a cat-tail or bulrush."

And then the younger (и тогда младший), having gathered the down of bird's feathers (насобирав пуха птичьих перьев), struck the elder (ударил /им/ старшего; to strike), so that he fell dead (так что тот упал мертвый = замертво; to fall), and therein he told the truth (и тем самым он /старший/ сказал правду; therein — здесь, там, в этом, в том; в этом отношении). But he soon recovered (но он вскоре оправился/пришел в себя; to recover — вновь обретать; возвращать, получать обратно), and in that was his deceit (и в этом был его обман). Howbeit it was well for the world and well for him (как бы то ни было, удачно было для мира и удачно для него) that he then gathered bulrushes (что затем он насобирал камышей) and smote his younger brother (и ударил своего младшего брата; to smite — ударять, бить), so that he died (так, что тот умер). But the plant never grew that could harm the Master (но так и не выросло растение, что могло бы поразить Хозяина), wherefore he is alive to this day (поэтому он жив до сих пор: «до этого дня»).

gather [`gxDq], dead [ded], therein [Deqr`In], truth [trHT], recover [rI`kAvq], deceit [dI`sJt], plant [plQ:nt]

And then the younger, having gathered the down of bird's feathers, struck the elder, so that he fell dead, and therein he told the truth. But he soon recovered, and in that was his deceit. Howbeit it was well for the world and well for him that he then gathered bulrushes and smote his younger brother, so that he died. But the plant never grew that could harm the Master, wherefore he is alive to this day.

Who was his mother (кем была его мать)? The female Turtle was his mother (его мать была Черепахой; female — женский, /особа/ женского пола; самка).

The Master was the Lord of Men and Beasts (Хозяин был Господином Людей и Животных/Зверей). Beasts and Men, one as the other (Животными и Людьми, одними, как другими = и первыми, и вторыми), he ruled them all (он правил ими всеми). Great was his army (велика была его армия), his tribe was All (/и/ народом его были Все). In it the Great Golden Eagle was a chief (в нем /в этом народе/ Великий Золотой Орел был вождем); he married a female Caribou (он взял в жены женщину-Карибу[3]). The Turtle was Glooskap's uncle (Черепаха приходился Глускапу дядей); he married a daughter of the Golden Eagle and Caribou (он взял в жены дочь Золотого Орла и Карибу). Of all these things there are many and long traditions (от всех этих существ и /пошли/ многочисленные старинные традиции; long tradition — давняя, старинная традиция). Our people tell them in the winter by the fire (наш народ рассказывает их зимой у огня): the old people know them (старики: «старые люди» знают их); the young forget them and the wisdom which is in them (молодые забывают их и ту мудрость, которая /заключена/ в них).

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