Илья Франк - Английский язык с Э. Хемингуэем. Старик и море стр 4.


"Supper (ужин)," said the boy. "We're going to have supper (мы будем ужинать)."

"I'm not very hungry (я не очень голоден)."

"Come on and eat (давай есть). You can't fish and not eat (ты не можешь рыбачить и не есть)."

"I have (такое бывало)," the old man said getting up and taking the newspaper and folding it (сказал старик, вставая, беря газету и складывая ее). Then he started to fold the blanket (затем он начал складывать одеяло).

"Keep the blanket around you (оставь одеяло вокруг себя = не снимай одеяло)," the boy said. "You'll not fish without eating while I'm alive (ты не будешь рыбачишь не евши, пока я жив)."

"Then live a long time and take care of yourself (тогда живи долго и заботься о себе = береги себя)," the old man said. "What are we eating (что мы будем есть)?"

"Black beans and rice (черную фасоль и рис), fried bananas (жареные бананы), and some stew (и немного тушенного мяса; stew — блюдо из тушёного мяса или рыбы / обыкн. с овощами, рисом и т. п./).

supper ['sApq], stew [stju:], bean [bJn]

The boy left him there and when he came back the old man was still asleep.

"Wake up old man," the boy said and put his hand on one of the old man's knees.

The old man opened his eyes and for a moment he was coming back from a long way away. Then he smiled.

"What have you got?" he asked.

"Supper," said the boy. "We're going to have supper."

"I'm not very hungry."

"Come on and eat. You can't fish and not eat."

"I have," the old man said getting up and taking the newspaper and folding it. Then he started to fold the blanket.

"Keep the blanket around you," the boy said. "You'll not fish without eating while I'm alive."

"Then live a long time and take care of yourself," the old man said. "What are we eating?"

"Black beans and rice, fried bananas, and some stew.

The boy had brought them in a two-decker metal container from the Terrace (мальчик принес их в двухъярусном металлическом контейнере = в металлических судках с Террасы /из ресторана/; to bring). The two sets of knives and forks and spoons were in his pocket (два набора ножей, вилок и ложек были в его кармане) with a paper napkin wrapped around each set (с бумажной салфеткой, обмотанной вокруг каждого набора).

"Who gave this to you (кто дал тебе это)?"

"Martin. The owner (Мартин. Владелец /ресторана на Террасе/).

"I must thank him (я должен отблагодарить его)."

"I thanked him already (я его уже отблагодарил)," the boy said. "You don't need to thank him (тебе не нужно благодарить его)."

"I'll give him the belly meat of a big fish (я дам ему мясо с живота = самую мясистую часть большой рыбы)," the old man said. "Has he done this for us more than once (он делал это для нас больше, чем один раз = он помогает нам не первый раз)?"

"I think so (думаю, да)."

brought [brLt], once [wAns], belly ['belI]

The boy had brought them in a two-decker metal container from the Terrace. The two sets of knives and forks and spoons were in his pocket with a paper napkin wrapped around each set.

"Who gave this to you?"

"Martin. The owner.

"I must thank him."

"I thanked him already," the boy said. "You don't need to thank him."

"I'll give him the belly meat of a big fish," the old man said. "Has he done this for us more than once?"

"I think so."

"I must give him something more than the belly meat then (тогда я должен дать ему нечто большее, чем брюшную часть). He is very thoughtful for us (он очень заботится о нас; thoughtful — задумчивый, чуткий, внимательный)."

"He sent two beers (он послал = дал два пива; to send)."

"I like the beer in cans best (я люблю пиво в банках больше всего)."

"I know (я знаю). But this is in bottles (но это в бутылках), Hatuey beer, and I take back the bottles (и я отдам обратно бутылки; to take back — возвращать)."

"That's very kind of you (это очень мило с твоей стороны)," the old man said. "Should we eat (будем есть)?"

"I've been asking you to (я просил тебя об этом)," the boy told him gently (мягко). "I have not wished to open the container until you were ready (я не желал открывать контейнер, пока ты не будешь готов)."

"I'm ready now (теперь я готов)," the old man said. "I only needed time to wash (мне только нужно было помыться)."

thoughtful ['TLtful], beer [bIq], gently ['GentlI]

"I must give him something more than the belly meat then. He is very thoughtful for us."

"He sent two beers."

"I like the beer in cans best."

"I know. But this is in bottles, Hatuey beer, and I take back the bottles."

"That's very kind of you," the old man said. "Should we eat?"

"I've been asking you to," the boy told him gently. "I have not wished to open the container until you were ready."

"I'm ready now," the old man said. "I only needed time to wash."

Where did you wash (где ты помылся)? the boy thought. The village water supply was two streets down the road (деревенская колонка: «водоснабжение» была двумя кварталами: «улицами» ниже по дороге). I must have water here for him (я должен припасти ему воды), the boy thought, and soap and a good towel (и мыло, и хорошее полотенце). Why am I so thoughtless (почему я такой нечуткий = как я раньше об этом не подумал; thoughtless — безрассудный, беспечный; неразумный; thought — мысль)? I must get him another shirt (я должен достать ему другую рубашку) and a jacket for the winter (и куртку на зиму) and some sort of shoes (и какие-нибудь ботинки; some sort of — какой-нибудь) and another blanket (и другое одеяло = еще одно одеяло).

towel ['tauql], water ['wLtq], winter ['wIntq]

Where did you wash? the boy thought. The village water supply was two streets down the road. I must have water here for him, the boy thought, and soap and a good towel. Why am I so thoughtless? I must get him another shirt and a jacket for the winter and some sort of shoes and another blanket.

"Your stew is excellent (твое тушеное мясо превосходно)," the old man said.

"Tell me about the baseball (расскажи мне о бейсболе)," the boy asked him.

"In the American League it is the Yankees as I said (в Американской Лиге, как я и сказал, это «Янки» = выигрывают «Янки»)," the old man said happily (радостно; happily — счастливо; с удовольствием).

"They lost today (они сегодня проиграли)," the boy told him.

"That means nothing (это ничего не значит). The great DiMaggio is himself again (великий Ди Маджо снова в форме: «является собой снова»)."

"They have other men on the team (у них есть и другие люди в команде)."

"Naturally (конечно). But he makes the difference (но он решает исход игры: «он делает разницу»). In the other league (в другой лиге), between Brooklyn and Philadelphia I must take Brooklyn (между Бруклином и Филадельфией, я бы поставил на Бруклин; to take — брать; верить, считать истинным). But then I think of Dick Sisler (но потом я думаю о Дике Сислере) and those great drives in the old park (и те великие удары в старом парке; drive — спорт. удар по мячу)."

"There was nothing ever like them (не было ничего, чтобы могло когда-либо сравниться с ними /ударами/). He hits the longest ball I have ever seen (он бьет самые длинные мячи, которые я когда-либо видел)."

"Do you remember when he used to come to the Terrace (ты помнишь времена, когда он приходил на Террасу)? I wanted to take him fishing (я хотел взять его с собой на рыбалку) but I was too timid to ask him (но был слишком робок, чтобы предложить ему; timid — робкий, застенчивый). Then I asked you to ask him (потом я попросил тебя, чтобы ты попросил его) and you were too timid."

excellent ['eksqlqnt], happily ['hepIlI], timid ['tImId]

"Your stew is excellent," the old man said.

"Tell me about the baseball," the boy asked him.

"In the American League it is the Yankees as I said," the old man said happily."

"They lost today," the boy told him.

"That means nothing. The great DiMaggio is himself again."

"They have other men on the team."

"Naturally. But he makes the difference. In the other league, between Brooklyn and Philadelphia I must take Brooklyn. But then I think of Dick Sisler and those great drives In the old park."

"There was nothing ever like them. He hits the longest ball I have ever seen."

"Do you remember when he used to come to the Terrace? I wanted to take him fishing but I was too timid to ask him. Then I asked you to ask him and you were too timid."

"I know. It was a great mistake (это было большой ошибкой). He might have gone with us (он мог бы выйти с нами /в море/). Then we would have that for all of our lives (тогда у нас бы было это /воспоминание/ на всю жизнь = было бы о чем вспоминать до самой смерти)."

"I would like to take the great DiMaggio fishing (хотел бы я взять = вот бы взять на рыбалку великого Ди Маджо)," the old man said. "They say his father was a fisherman (говорят, его отец был рыбаком). Maybe he was as poor as we are and would understand (возможно, он был так же беден, как и мы, и понял бы /нас/ = не погнушался бы)."

"The great Sisler's father was never poor (отец великого Сайслера никогда не был беден) and he, the father, was playing in the Big Leagues when he was my age (и он, отец, играл в Большой лиге, когда был моего возраста).”

"When I was your age I was before the mast on a square rigged ship that ran to Africa (когда я был твоего возраста, я был на мачте большого парусного корабля, который ходил к /берегам/ Африки; square — широкий, массивный; rig — парусное вооружение) and I have seen lions on the beaches in the evening (и я видел львов на берегах вечерами)."

"I know. You told me (ты рассказывал мне)."

square ['skweq], Africa ['xfrIkq], beach [bJC]

"I know. It was a great mistake. He might have gone with us. Then we would have that for all of our lives."

"I would like to take the great DiMaggio fishing," the old man said. "They say his father was a fisherman. Maybe he was as poor as we are and would understand."

"The great Sisler's father was never poor and he, the father, was playing in the Big Leagues when he was my age.”

"When I was your age I was before the mast on a square rigged ship that ran to Africa and I have seen lions on the beaches in the evening."

"I know. You told me."

"Should we talk about Africa or about baseball (поговорим: «нам следует говорить» об Африке или о бейсболе)?"

"Baseball I think," the boy said. "Tell me about the great John J. McGraw (расскажи мне о великом Джоне Мак-Гроу)." He said Jota for J (он сказал «Хота» /исп. буква/ вместо «Джей» /англ. буква/).

"He used to come to the Terrace sometimes too in the older days (он тоже приходил иногда на Террасу в старые дни = раньше). But he was rough and harsh-spoken and difficult when he was drinking (но он был груб, ругался: «с грубой речью», и с ним было трудно = не было сладу, когда он выпивал). His mind was on horses as well as baseball (его ум был /направлен/ на лошадей так же, как и на бейсбол = кроме бейсбола, его интересовали лошади; as well as — так же как). At least he carried lists of horses at all times in his pocket (во всяком случае он носил список лошадей = программу бегов все время в своем кармане) and frequently spoke the names of horses on the telephone (и часто произносил имена лошадей по телефону)."

rough [rAf], frequently ['frJkwqntlI], horse [hLs]

"Should we talk about Africa or about baseball?"

"Baseball I think," the boy said. "Tell me about the great John J. McGraw." He said Jota for J.

"He used to come to the Terrace sometimes too in the older days. But he was rough and harsh-spoken and difficult when he was drinking. His mind was on horses as well as baseball. At least he carried lists of horses at all times in his pocket and frequently spoke the names of horses on the telephone."

"He was a great manager (он был великим тренером; manager — управляющий; тренер)," the boy said. "My father thinks he was the greatest (мой отец думает, что он был величайшим)."

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