Илья Франк - Английский язык с Р.Л. Стивенсоном. Остров сокровищ стр 5.


1. He was only once crossed, and that was towards the end, when my poor

father was far gone in a decline that took him off. Dr Livesey came late one

afternoon to see the patient, took a bit of dinner from my mother, and went

into the parlour to smoke a pipe until his horse should come down from the

hamlet, for we had no stabling at the old 'Benbow.'

2. I followed him in, and I remember observing the contrast the neat, bright

doctor, with his powder as white as snow, and his bright, black eyes and

pleasant manners, made with the coltish country folk, and above all, with that

filthy, heavy, bleared scarecrow of a pirate of ours, sitting, far gone in rum,

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with his arms on the table. Suddenly he — the captain, that is — began to pipe

up his eternal song: —

3. 'Fifteen men on the dead man's chest

Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!

Drink and the devil had done for the rest

Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!'

1. At first I had supposed (вначале я полагал) 'the dead man's chest' to be that

identical big box of his (что «сундук мертвеца» — тот самый большой его

сундук) upstairs in the front room (/стоявший/ наверху в передней комнате =

выходящей окнами на главный фасад здания), and the thought had been

mingled in my nightmares (эта мысль смешивалась в моих ночных кошмарах)

with that of the one-legged seafaring man (с той /мыслью/ об одноногом


2. But by this time (но к этому времени) we had all long ceased to pay any

particular notice to the song (мы все давно перестали обращать какое-либо

особое внимание на эту песню); it was new, that night, to nobody but Dr Livesey

(она была новой, в тот вечер, для никого, кроме доктора Ливси = только для

доктора), and on him I observed (и на него, я заметил) it did not produce an

agreeable effect (она не произвела приятного эффекта), for he looked up for a

moment quite angrily (так как он поглядел /на капитана/ мгновение довольно

сердито) before he went on with his talk to old Taylor (прежде чем продолжил

свою беседу со старым Тейлором), the gardener (садовником), on a new cure

for the rheumatics (о новом лекарстве от ревматизма). In the meantime (тем

временем), the captain gradually brightened up at his own music (капитан,

постепенно разгоряченный своей собственной музыкой = пением; to brighten

up — наполнять радостью, прояснять), and at last flapped his hand upon the

table before him (наконец ударил рукой = кулаком по столу перед собой) in a

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way we all knew to mean — silence (в известном смысле, /который/ мы все

знали /что/ обозначает — молчание).

thought [TLt] particular [pq`tIkjulq] cure [kjuq] rheumatics [rH`mxtIks]

1. At first I had supposed 'the dead man's chest' to be that identical big box of

his upstairs in the front room, and the thought had been mingled in my

nightmares with that of the one-legged seafaring man.

2. But by this time we had all long ceased to pay any particular notice to the

song; it was new, that night, to nobody but Dr Livesey, and on him I observed

it did not produce an agreeable effect, for he looked up for a moment quite

angrily before he went on with his talk to old Taylor, the gardener, on a new

cure for the rheumatics. In the meantime, the captain gradually brightened

up at his own music, and at last flapped his hand upon the table before him in

a way we all knew to mean — silence.

1. The voices stopped at once (голоса замерли сразу), all but Dr Livesey's (все,

кроме /голоса/ доктора Ливси); he went on as before (он продолжал как

раньше), speaking clear and kind (говоря четко и дружелюбно), and drawing

briskly at his pipe between every word or two (попыхивая энергично трубкой

между каждым словом или двумя; to draw — вдыхать, тянуть). The captain

glared at him for a while (капитан свирепо посмотрел на него некоторое

время), flapped his hand again (ударил кулаком снова), glared still harder

(взглянул еще суровее), and at last broke out with a villainous, low oath (в конце

концов разразился мерзкой непристойной бранью; villain — /ист./ виллан,

крепостной; злодей, негодяй):

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2. 'Silence, there, between decks (молчать, там, на палубе: «между палубами»)!'

3. 'Were you addressing me, sir (вы обращались ко мне, сэр)?' says the doctor;

and when the ruffian had told him (хулиган сказал ему), with another oath

(другой бранью), that this was so (что это было так).

4. 'I have only one thing to say to you, sir (у меня есть только одна вещь, чтобы

сказать вам, сэр),' replies the doctor (отвечает доктор), 'that if you keep on

drinking rum (если продолжите пить ром), the world will soon be quit of a very

dirty scoundrel (мир вскоре избавится от одного очень грязного мерзавца)!'

drawing [`drLIN] oath [quT] ruffian [`rAfIqn] replies [rI`plaIz] scoundrel


1. The voices stopped at once, all but Dr Livesey's; he went on as before,

speaking clear and kind, and drawing briskly at his pipe between every word

or two. The captain glared at him for a while, flapped his hand again, glared

still harder, and at last broke out with a villainous, low oath:

2. 'Silence, there, between decks!'

3. 'Were you addressing me, sir?' says the doctor; and when the ruffian had

told him, with another oath, that this was so.

4. 'I have only one thing to say to you, sir,' replies the doctor, 'that if you keep

on drinking rum, the world will soon be quit of a very dirty scoundrel!'

1. The old fellow's fury was awful (ярость старика была ужасной). He sprang to

his feet (он вскочил на ноги), drew and opened a sailor's clasp-knife (вытащил и

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открыл матросский складной нож), and, balancing it open on the palm of his

hand (и, качая его открытым на ладони), threatened to pin the doctor to the wall

(угрожал пригвоздить доктора к стене).

2. The doctor never so much as moved (доктор даже не двинулся). He spoke to

him, as before (он говорил с ним, как раньше), over his shoulder (через плечо),

and in the same tone of voice (и в той же самой интонации /голоса/); rather high

(немного высоким = громче), so that all the room might hear (чтобы все в

комнате могли слышать), but perfectly calm ant steady (но совершенно

спокойным и твердым): —

3. 'If you do not put that knife this instant in your pocket (если вы не уберете этот

нож сейчас же в карман) I promise, upon my honour (обещаю, честное слово),

you shall hang at the next assizes (вы будете болтаться /на виселице/ при =

после ближайшей выездной сессии суда присяжных).'

fury [`fjuqrI] knife [naIf] palm [pRm] shoulder [`Squldq] honour [`Onq] assizes


1. The old fellow's fury was awful. He sprang to his feet, drew and opened a

sailor's clasp-knife, and, balancing it open on the palm of his hand, threatened

to pin the doctor to the wall.

2. The doctor never so much as moved. He spoke to him, as before, over his

shoulder, and in the same tone of voice; rather high, so that all the room

might hear, but perfectly calm ant steady: —

3. 'If you do not put that knife this instant in your pocket I promise, upon my

honour, you shall hang at the next assizes.'

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1. Then followed a battle of looks between them (затем последовала схватка

взглядов = они смерили друг друга враждебными взглядами); but this captain

soon knuckled under (но капитан вскоре уступил; knuckle — сустав пальца; to

knuckle — ударять, стучать костяшками пальцев; подчиняться, признавать

свое поражение), put up his weapon (убрал свое оружие), and resumed his seat

(и вернулся на место; to resume — возобновлять, вновь получить), grumbling

like a beaten dog (ворча, как побитый пес).

2. 'And now, sir (а теперь, сэр),' continued the doctor (продолжил доктор), 'since

I now know there's such a fellow in my district (так как я теперь знаю, /что/

подобный парень находится в моем округе), you may count I'll have an eye

upon you day and night (можете рассчитать, /что/ я прослежу за вами: «буду

иметь глаз на вас» днем и ночью). I'm not a doctor only (я не доктор только);

I'm a magistrate (я /еще и/ судья); and if I catch a breath of complaint against you

(если уловлю вздох недовольства = если до меня дойдет малейшая жалоба на

вас) if its only for a piece of incivility like to-night's (даже если /она будет/

связана с вашей грубостью: «кусочком невежливости», как сегодня вечером;

civil — гражданский; цивилизованный, воспитанный, культурный;

вежливый), I'll take effectual means to have you hunted down and routed out of

this (я приму действенные меры, чтобы вас поймали и вышвырнули отсюда;

to rout — выгонять, вытаскивать /кого-л. из постели, из дома и т. п./,

выставлять; выселять). Let that suffice (вот и все /что я скажу/; to let —

пускать, позволять; to suffice — быть достаточным, хватать).'

3. Soon after Dr Livesey's horse came to the door (вскоре лошадь доктора Ливси

прибыла к двери = подали лошадь), and he rode away (и он ускакал; to ride);

but the captain held his peace that evening (но капитан соблюдал спокойствие в

тот вечер), and for many evenings to come (и много вечеров затем; in days to

come — в будущем, в последующие дни).

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