Илья Франк - Английский язык с У. С. Моэмом. Театр стр 9.


The boy was so young, so shy, he looked as if he had such a nice nature, and

she would never see him again, she wanted him to have his money's worth;

she wanted him to look back on this as one of the great moments of his life.

She glanced at the photograph again. She liked to think she looked like that.

The photographer had so posed her, with her help, as to show her at her best.

Her nose was slightly thick, but he had managed by his lighting to make it

look very delicate, not a wrinkle marred the smoothness of her skin, and there

was a melting look in her fine eyes.

"All right (хорошо). You shall have this one (вы получите эту). You know I'm

not a beautiful woman (вы знаете, что я не красивая женщина), I'm not even a

very pretty one (я даже не хорошенькая); Coquelin always used to say (Коклен

всегда говорил) I had the beautй du diable (фр. = devilish beauty; что у меня

дьявольская красота). You understand French, don't you (вы понимаете по-

французски, не так ли)."

"Enough for that (достаточно, чтобы понять это)."

"I'll sign it for you (я подпишу ее для вас)."

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She sat at the desk (она села к столу) and with her bold, flowing hand wrote (и

своим четким, беглым почерком): Yours sincerely, Julia Lambert (искренне

Ваша, Джулия Лэмберт).

beautiful ['bju:tIf(q)l] pretty ['prItI] sincerely [sIn'sIqlI]

"All right. You shall have this one. You know I'm not a beautiful woman, I'm

not even a very pretty one; Coquelin always used to say I had the beautй du

diable. You understand French, don't you?"

"Enough for that."

"I'll sign it for you."

She sat at the desk and with her bold, flowing hand wrote: Yours sincerely,

Julia Lambert.


WHEN the two men had gone (когда мужчины: «двое мужчин» ушли) she

looked through the photographs again (она снова просмотрела фотографии; to

look smth. through — просмотреть что-либо до конца) before putting them

back (до того, как положила их обратно).

"Not bad for a woman of forty-six (не плохо для женщины сорока шести /лет/),"

she smiled (улыбнулась она). "They are like me (/конечно/ они похожи на

меня; like — подобный, похожий), there's no denying that (невозможно

отрицать этого; to deny — отрицать, не признавать, отпираться)." She

looked round the room (она оглядела комнату) for a mirror (/в поиске/ зеркала),

but there wasn't one (но /в комнате/ не было ни одного /зеркала/). "These

damned decorators (эти проклятые декораторы). Poor Michael (бедный Майкл),

no wonder (не удивительно) he never uses this room (/что/ он никогда не

пользуется этой комнатой). Of course (конечно) I never have photographed well

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(я никогда не выходила хорошо на фотографиях; to photograph well — быть


She had an impulse (она испытала желание; impulse — удар, побудительная

причина, порыв) to look at some of her old photographs (посмотреть на

некоторые свои старые фотографии). Michael was a tidy (Майкл был

аккуратным), business-like man (практичным /человеком/; business-like —

деловой, деловитый, пунктуальный), and her photographs were kept (и ее

фотографии хранились: «держались») in large cardboard cases (в больших

картонных коробках), dated and chronologically arranged (/все/ датированные и

расположенные в хронологическом порядке; to date — датировать,

проставлять дату, to arrange — приводить в порядок, систематизировать).

His were in other cardboard cases (его /фотографии/ хранились в других

картонных коробках) in the same cupboard (в том же стенном шкафу).

deny [dI'naI] mirror ['mIrq] chronologically ["krOnq'lOdZIkqlI]

WHEN the two men had gone she looked through the photographs again

before putting them back.

"Not bad for a woman of forty-six," she smiled. "They are like me, there's no

denying that." She looked round the room for a mirror, but there wasn't one.

"These damned decorators. Poor Michael, no wonder he never uses this room.

Of course I never have photographed well."

She had an impulse to look at some of her old photographs. Michael was a

tidy, business-like man, and her photographs were kept in large cardboard

cases, dated and chronologically arranged. His were in other cardboard cases

in the same cupboard.

"When someone comes along (когда появится: «придет» некто) and wants to

write the story of our careers (и захочет написать историю нашей карьеры) he'll

find all the material ready to his hand (он обнаружит: «найдет», /что/ все

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материалы готовы /и/ у него под рукой)," he said (сказал он).

With the same laudable object (по той же самой похвальной причине:

«намерению») he had had all their press cuttings (он хранил: «имел» все

вырезки из газет о них) from the very beginning (с самого начала) pasted in a

series of large books (вклеенными в ряд: «серию» больших альбомов: «книг»).

There were photographs of Julia (там были фотографии Джулии) when she was

a child (в детстве = когда она была ребенком), and photographs of her as a

young girl (фотографии ее как молодой девушки), photographs of her in her first

parts (ее фотографии в ее первых ролях), photographs of her as a young married

woman (ее фотографии как молодой замужней женщины), with Michael (с

Майклом), and then with Roger, her son, as a baby (и затем с Роджером, ее

сыном, /когда он был/ ребенком). There was one photograph of the three of them

(была и одна фотография их троих, /на ней/), Michael very manly and

incredibly handsome (Майкл очень мужественный и невероятно красивый;

handsome — красивый /о мужчинах/, статный), herself all tenderness looking

down at Roger (она сама, сама нежность, смотрящая /вниз/ на Роджера; tender

— нежный, мягкий, ласковый, любящий) with maternal feeling (с материнским

чувством; to feel — трогать, чувствовать, ощущать), and Roger a little boy

with a curly head (и Роджер, маленький мальчик с кудрявой головкой), which

had been an enormous success (которая имела огромный успех).

career [kq'rIq] laudable ['lO:dqb(q)l] paste [peIst] incredibly [In'kredqblI]

"When someone comes along and wants to write the story of our careers he'll

find all the material ready to his hand," he said.

With the same laudable object he had had all their press cuttings from the

very beginning pasted in a series of large books.

There were photographs of Julia when she was a child, and photographs of

her as a young girl, photographs of her in her first parts, photographs of her

as a young married woman, with Michael, and then with Roger, her son, as a

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baby. There was one photograph of the three of them, Michael very manly

and incredibly handsome, herself all tenderness looking down at Roger with

maternal feeling, and Roger a little boy with a curly head, which had been an

enormous success.

All the illustrated papers (все иллюстрированные издания; paper — бумага,

газета, журнал) had given it a full page (разместили ее: «дали ей» на целой

странице) and they had used it on the programmes (и они /сами/ разместили ее:

«использовали ее» на программках). Reduced to picture-postcard size

(уменьшенная до размеров почтовой открытки; to reduce — снижать,

сбавлять, уменьшать, сокращать) it had sold in the provinces for years (она

годами продавалась в провинции; to sell (sold) — продавать, торговать). It

was such a bore (так было обидно: «скучно»; bore — тоска, скука, зануда) that

Roger when he got to Eton (что Роджер, когда он поступил в Итон) refused to

be photographed with her any more (отказался фотографироваться с ней

/больше/; to refuse — отказывать, отвергать). It seemed so funny of him

(казалось смешным/странным, что он) not to want to be in the papers (не хочет

появляться в прессе: «быть в газетах»).

illustrated ['IlqstreItId] reduced [rI'dju:st] province ['prOvIns]

All the illustrated papers had given it a full page and they had used it on the

programmes. Reduced to picture-postcard size it had sold in the provinces for

years. It was such a bore that Roger when he got to Eton refused to be

photographed with her any more. It seemed so funny of him not to want to be

in the papers.

"People will think (люди подумают, что) you're deformed or something (ты

уродливый или что-нибудь еще; to deform — обезображивать, уродовать,

деформировать)," she told him (говорила она ему). "And it's not as if it weren't

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good form (и это не противоречит хорошим манерам; good form — хороший

тон, хорошие манеры). You should just go to a first night (тебе просто

необходимо посетить премьеру; first night — первое представление) and see

the society people (и посмотреть на светских людей) how they mob the

photographers (как они окружают фотографов; to mob — толпиться,

нападать толпой), cabinet ministers (министры, члена кабинета) and judges (и

судьи) and everyone (и все: «каждый»). They may pretend (они могут

притворяться) they don't like it (что им не нравится), but just see them posing

(но только посмотри, как они позируют) when they think (когда /они/ думают,

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