Celebration series - Foreman Lewis

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Lewis Foreman

Celebration series


Frank is looking forward to celebrating the new year. Its coming soon. Already next week.

He was thinking over the party for a while. And now all is prepared to have the blast.

Frank bought all the stuff beforehand. He visited a big mall for that and spent a lot of money.

He invited his best friends to the party as well. There are going to be a lot of people there.

The party is going to be the best one.


George is looking forward to celebrating Christmas soon. The holiday is just in s fee days.

This year his family is coming over to see his place and him as well.

George sent an invitation later month cause he is really missing them all.

He works as a representative of a large company on another town that is 20 miles away. So he cannot see them really often.

His family is rather large and about 10 relatives will be at his home now.

George arranged all the best. He also prepared some gifts that everybody is going to like.

Birthday party

Amily is going to turn 21 next week. She is so happy.

It has been her dream for a while. So now she wants to make it quite memorable.

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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