Ashley Skinny
Polemics of The Poor
'Religion is the sight of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.'
Karl Marx
The most well-known drug for silly, mediocre, grey mass is religion.
People find sedation in Jesus; understanding in Islam. It shows that worldview and сompensatory functions of religion are working (and at an unusually, extraordinary good level). But does it supposed to do it the way of lie, consolidation and phantasmagoria?
People beleive in gods to close the big empty abyss of their (how it says Bible) "sins". According to the history, we have the arguing facts versus religion. About ancient era, that started to deify some animals, things and dolls. But necessary to cover the mistakes (which are very helpful to evolve) are more needed than truth, unfortunately.
And actualy people created all these lists of problems that they`re trying to solve, surprisingly. New knowledge always were consumed for a tick in their notebooks. Most of them didn`t really studied for a result. Someone tries to do it the 'right way', but another barrier is directly the education. Especially in a couple of countries, like Russia, USA etc. And education lie on people`s shoulders too. We are making mousetraps, but don't catch mice we cath ourselves.