I confess, this voluntary information, not less than the tone and language in which it was delivered, prejudiced me so little in favour of my companion, that I took up pencil and paper, and was shortly wrapped in the most agreeable reverie. Briefly, I was in the exquisite Land of Faerie: I beheld the beautiful little people; their tiny feet twinkled in the dance; their small arms waved lightly and gently; and their perfect forms were miniature models of all loveliness and grace;the rosy blush of affection tinted the delicate cheeks of the fair; their eyes gleamed, like the minute gems which cluster around the ice-plant;and lo! a pair, as far different from these as is darkness from light, now peered into my face, and a voice, very unlike the blissful tones of the gay music of Faëry Land, exclaimed,
"Um 'fear'd you ar'n't well, mum, hey?"
"Thank you, I am perfectly well."
"Are you indeed? why you set up your eyes, and looked as pale and peekin like, as if you'd seen a sperrit."
"Did I? perhaps I was thinking; and naturally I am very pale."
"Oh wellum glad 'tis no wuss; but setting there as you do, with your back to the osses, 'tis the most foolishest thing in the wuld, for a sickly-like-looking cretur, as I may say yourself, to think ondu come o' this side."
I declined the good woman's proposition, alleging that riding backwards I always found the best preventive of illness from the motion of the vehicle.
"Now really," I exclaimed she, almost aghast with astonishment, "that is curous! But um fear'd you're faint, though you won't tell me so. Here," handing to me a large basket, well stored, I perceived, with provender, "take a happle, or a bun, or a sandwage, or a bit o' gingerbreadand a fine thing too it is for the stomachor a pear, or a puff, or a chiscake;I always take a cup of chocolate, and a slice of rich plum-cake, every morning after breakfast: 'tis peticklar wholesome, a gentleman of my acquaintance says; and this I know, I should be dead in no time if I didn'tso du take something."
I could not be so ill-natured as to reject all the offers made me by this benevolent, but uncouth gentlewoman