455. Portrait of Mrs. Locke, sen.Sir T. Lawrence.A Reubens-like portrait of a benevolent lady, and which we take to be an excellent likeness.
592. Portrait of John Parker, Esq. on his favourite horse Coroner, with the Worcestershire fox hounds.T. Woodward.We can relate a curious circumstance connected with this picture. While in the room, a country gentleman and his lady inquired of us the subjectwe turned to the number in the Catalogue, and gave him the desired information. "Ah," said he, "I was sure it was Parker, and told my wife the same, although I was not previously aware of his portrait being in the Exhibition." We should think the resemblance must be very striking.
The Antique Academy is almost covered with portraits, and the miniatures hang in cluster-like abundanceso that what with bright eyes and luxuriant tresses, this is not the least attractive of the rooms.
In the Library are several fine architectural drawings; among which is a view of Chatsworth, by Sir J. Wyatville, including, as we suppose, all the magnificent additions and improvements, now in progress there. Mr. Soane's Designs for entrances to the Parks and the western part of London, (which we alluded to in our No. 360,) are likewise here.
In the Model Academy, Messrs. Chantrey and Westmacott have some fine groups, and Behnes three fine buststhe Duke of Cumberland, Princess Victoria, and Lady Eliz. Gower.
It would be easy to extend this notice through the present and next number, but as other matters press, and as all the town go to Somerset House, we hope this notice will be sufficient; for it is not in our power to enumerate half the fine pictures in the Exhibition, much as we rejoice at this flourishing prospect of British art.
In a preceding number we stated that the copyright of this picture had been purchased for 1,000 guineas, and appropriated to the Artists' Fund, which a correspondent, and "a member of the Fund," informs us is not the fact. He assures us that the original picture was purchased some years since by his Majesty, who granted the loan of it to the society, at whose expense it was engraved; the sale of the prints producing 1,000l. to the Fund. Mr. Mulready has the merit of painting the picture and procuring the loan of it; but our version of the affair would make it appear otherwise. We copied our notice from the newspapers, where it was stated, as from the Lord Chancellor, at the Fund Dinner, that Mr. Mulready had relinquished his copyright to the picture for the benefit of the Fund, which had thus produced 1,000l.; but we thank our correspondent for his correction.
This is a work of pure fiction, and is one of the most splendidly imaginative books we have met with for a long time. It is attributed to the author of the "First and Last" sketches in Blackwood's Magazine, some of which have already been transferred to our pages. No further recommendation can be requisite; but to give the reader some idea of the vivid style in which the work is written, we detach two episodal extracts.