Dr. Roy, in his lantern lectures, sometimes meets with pleasant incidents. Recently, at East Saginaw, before the General Association of Michigan, coming to Fisk University on his programme, he had brought on his canvas pictures of the Jubilee Singers, Jubilee and Livingstone Halls and of Jowett, one of the students, and when he came to present Mr. Ousley and his wife, a venerable man jumped up and remarked, "We received Mr. Ousley and his wife at the Zulu Mission on their way to East Central Africa. So also Miss Jones. Within two weeks I have received from Mr. Ousley his photograph." This man was Rev. Dr. Rood, for forty years a missionary among the Zulus, just now back to this country. After the lecture, Mr. Rood told Dr. Roy that Mr. Ousley was one of the most level-headed men in the mission, and so had been made the treasurer of the missiona good tribute to one of Fisk's graduates.
Our readers will remember an account in our last month's magazine of a communion service held by Rev. T.L. Riggs at one of the out-stations where he was obliged to use the back of a hymnbook covered with a napkin for a plate, and a tin cup for a baptismal bowl. It gives us pleasure to say that Mr. Riggs has received from Mrs. Farnam of New Haven, a beautiful and complete traveling communion service closely packed in a small morocco case, with the needful linen, which also goes in the case. One piece fits into another in such a way that the whole service takes up scarcely more room than is required for the largest piece. Mrs. Farnam also sent suitable bags for the different pieces, so that Mr. Riggs, when he goes on horse-back can carry them in his saddle pouches. This is certainly the right gift in the right place.
The New York Sun says: The merchants of Chinatown have heard of the Johnstown disaster and have contributed their share to the relief of the survivors. Tom Lee explained the matter to them, and at a mass meeting at the Chinese municipal hall on Tuesday a subscription was opened. Here is a list of some of the subscribers: Tuck High, $15; Tom Lee, $50; Sang Chong, $15; Sinn Quong On, $15; Kwong Hing Lung, $15; Kwong Chin Cheong, $15; Yuet Sing, $10; Yuen Kee, $10; Wo Kee, $15; Ju Young Keau, $2; Wong Chin Foo, $3; Wing Wah Chong, $15; Jow Shing Pong, $3; Ham Lum Chin, $3; Mai Li Wa, $2; Kwong Yin Lung, $15; Quong Lung Yuen, $15 and Ung Wah, $10.
The New York Tribune says: It appears from a report made to the Presbyterian Assembly that the mountain districts of North Carolina, Southwest Virginia, Southern and Eastern Kentucky and Eastern Tennessee contain a population of about 2,000,000 white people, largely of Scotch Irish descent, of whom 70 per cent, can neither read nor write. This statement suggests the reflection that if there is one thing which is more essential than the education of the Southern Negroes it is the education of the Southern whites.
The Annual Meeting of the American Missionary Association will be held in Chicago, Ill., commencing October 29. Rev. R.R. Meredith, D.D., of Brooklyn, N.Y., will preach the sermon.
We would still call attention to our Leaflets for distribution in the pews on the taking of collections for our Association. We shall be happy to furnish them to those making application.
The New York Tribune says: "The Rev. Joseph Jordan, who was ordained in Philadelphia on Sunday, is the first colored man to enter the ministry of the Universalist Church. He is to engage in mission work in the South."
OPINIONS OF THE RELIGIOUS PRESSFrom The CongregationalistIf report be true, the South Carolina Episcopalians have compromised their difficulty in the matter of color in a manner which is not likely to be permanently satisfactory. A portion of the diocesan convention had seceded because the bishop declared that he could not exclude a regularly ordained minister who was black. The canon law now has been amended so as to exclude henceforth all other black men, and the seceders have returned, consenting to make the best of the one obnoxious colored man, but indignant because he has not been ejected. Whether the General Convention will endorse or repudiate this compromise remains to be seen. In either case the Episcopal branch of the church might as well abandon its efforts to make headway among the colored race in that State. So far as we can see, the bishop has made a manly stand, however, and deserves commendation and sympathy. But the seceders have shown a sad lack of the true spirit of Christ.