From the Cuban accounts that have reached us, it seems that they attribute the victory to the fine work done by a new artillery corps which General Garcia has just organized. An artillery corps is made up of a number of cannon, each having its regular number of gunners to serve it. The artillery is a very valuable assistance in all warfare.
The new corps of gunners had only lately landed on Cuban soil. It consists mainly of American sympathizers with the Cuban cause. The guns they serve are two heavy cannon, six rapid-firing guns, and one dynamite-gun.
The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 47, September 30, 1897
From the Cuban accounts that have reached us, it seems that they attribute the victory to the fine work done by a new artillery corps which General Garcia has just organized. An artillery corps is made up of a number of cannon, each having its regular number of gunners to serve it. The artillery is
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