Several fresh meetings have been held in Athens to protest against the treaty of peace with Turkey. It is said that the people are becoming more violent, and are calling upon the King of Greece to continue the war.
At one of the meetings the other day, angry things were said about the King and the Crown Prince, the people blaming them for the unfortunate results of the war.
The cabinet ministers and the more thoughtful people in Greece are, however, of opinion that the best thing to be done is to bear, as best they may, the burdens which it puts on the country.
The Russian Minister in Athens has laid the treaty officially before the Greek minister of foreign affairs, and now all the necessary formalities have been gone through, and it only remains for the Greek parliament to accept or refuse the terms offered.
The Russian minister sent a note with the treaty, saying that the Sultan considered the Powers had done all that they could to restore peace, and he now waited for Greece to send her ministers to Constantinople to arrange the final document which will bind the two countries. The Russian minister also stated that the Powers offered to assist at the meetings, in case any fresh difficulties should arise.
You must not imagine from this that there are to be two treaties of peace. There will of course be but one; however, lest you should be confused as to how it is that the Powers, having arranged a treaty which was signed by Turkey, are now conveying a message to Greece asking her to send her ministers to arrange another treaty, it is best to explain the matter to you.