Heres how it lays, men, said Big Swinton, in a subdued voice, to a knot of friends around him. Blowin hard as it has bin ever since we left England, it stands to reason that we must have pretty nigh got across the western sea to that noo land discovered by that man wi the queer nameI cant remember rightly
Columbus, you mean, cried George Blazer. Why, my father sailed with Columbus on his first voyage.
No, it wasnt Columbus, returned Swinton, in a sharp tone, an you neednt speak as if we was all deaf, Blazer. It was John Cabot I was thinkin of, who, with his son Sebastian, discovered land a long way to the norard o Columbuss track. They called it Newfoundland. Well, as I was sayin, we must be a long way nearer to that land than to Norway, an it will be far easier to reach it. Moreover, the Cabots said that the natives there are friendly and peaceable, so its my opinion that we should carry on as we go till we reach Newfoundland, an see whether we cant lead a jollier life there than we did in Old England.
But its my opinion, suggested Little Stubbs, that the skippers opinion on that point will have to be found out first, Swinton, for its of more importance than yours. You aint skipper yet, you know.
Thats so, Stubbs, said Squill, with a nod.
Let your tongues lie still, retorted Swinton, in an undertoned growl. Of course I know Im not skipper yet, but if you men have the courage of rabbits Ill be skipper before another sun risesor whoever you choose to appoint.
A sudden silence ensued for a few moments, for, although there had been mutinous whisperings before, no one had, up to that time, ventured to make a distinct proposal that action should be taken.
What! steal the ship? exclaimed a huge black-bearded fellow named Grummidge. NayIll have no hand in that.
Of course not; we have no intention to steal the ship, retorted Swinton, before any one else had time to express an opinion; we are all upright honourable men here. We only mean to take the loan of her. After all we have suffered we are entitled surely to a pleasure-trip, and when thats over we can return the ship to the ownersif so disposed. Youll join us in that, Grummidge, wont you? And well make you skipperor first mate, if youre too modest to take command. This sally was received with a subdued laugh, and with marks of such decided approval, that Grummidge was carried with the currentat all events, he held his tongue after that.
An earnest undertoned discussion followed, and it was finally arranged that Big Swinton should sound Master Trench about the propriety of running to Newfoundland instead of returning on their track to Norway. The seaman was not slow to act. That afternoon, while at the helm, he made the suggestion to the skipper, but met with a sharp rebuke and an order to attend to his duty.
No word did Big Swinton reply, but that very night he entered the cabin with a dozen men and seized the skipper, his son, and Paul Burns, while they slept. Of course, being greatly outnumbered, they were overcome and bound. The two officers of the vessel were also seized by another party on deck, and all the five were imprisoned in the hold.
Next morning they were brought on deck, and made to stand in a row before Big Swinton, who had, in the meantime, been appointed by the mutineers to the command of the ship.
Now, Master Trench, said Swinton, we are no pirates. We have no desire to kill you, so that whether you are killed or not will depend on yourself. If you agree to navigate this ship to Newfoundlandgood; if not we will heave you overboard.
Heave away then, growled the skipper, his nature being such that the more he was defied the more defiant he became.
Well, Master Trench, you shall have your way. Get the plank ready, boys, said Swinton, turning to the men. Now stand aside and let the first mate choose.
The same question being put to the two mates, they returned similar answers, and were ordered to prepare to walk the plank.
You dont understand navigation, I fancy, Master Burns, said Swinton to Paul, but as you can set broken bones, and things of that sort, we will spare you if you agree to serve us.
Thank you, replied Paul, with quiet urbanity. I prefer to accompany Master Trench, if you have no objection.
There was a slight laugh at the coolness of this reply, which enraged the new skipper.
Say you so? he exclaimed, jumping up. Come, then, shove out the plank, lads, and bring them on one at a time.
Stop! cried little Oliver, at this point. Youve forgot me.
No, my little man, I havent, returned Swinton, with a cynical smile. You shall accompany your amiable father; but first Ill give you a fair chance, he added, in a bantering tone: will you navigate the ship?
Yes, I will, answered Oliver promptly.
Indeed! exclaimed the new skipper, taken aback by the boys boldness, and at a loss for a reply.
Yes, indeed, retorted Oliver, only put me in command, with an auger, and Ill navigate the ship to the bottom of the sea, with you and all your cowardly crew on board of her!
Well said, little master, cried Grummidge, while a general laugh of approval went round.
Seeing that there was a symptom of better feeling among some of the men, Master Trench was about to make an appeal to them, when
Land ho! was shouted by the look-out in stentorian tones.
Chapter Two.
The Adventurers Land on the Island
The excitement caused by the sight of land was tremendous. Nearly every one ran to the bow or leaped on the bulwarks, and the prisoners were left unguarded.
Seeing this, Grummidge quietly cut their bonds unobserved, and then hurried forward to gaze with the rest. Even the man at the tiller left his post for a moment to get a better view of the land. On returning, he found Master Trench occupying his place, and Paul Burns standing beside him with a handspike in his grasp. Oliver had also armed himself with a marlinespike in default of a better weapon.
Go forard, my man, said the skipper, in a quiet voice, an tell your mates to get ready the anchor and stand by the cable. Haste ye, if you value life.
The man slunk away without a word.
We seem far from land yet, Master Trench; why such haste? asked Paul.
Look over the stern, was the skippers curt reply.
Paul and Oliver both did so, and saw that another squall was bearing down on them.
Is it Newfoundland? asked Paul.
Ay, and an ugly coast to make in a squall. Hallo! thereif ye would not be food for fishes lay aloft and take in all sail!
The skipper, as his wont was, gave the order in a stern tone of command, and resigned the tiller to Grummidge, who came aft at the moment. The men saw with surprise that a heavy squall was bearing down on them from the eastward. Mutiny flew, as it were, out at the hawseholes, while discipline re-entered by the cabin windows. Even Big Swinton was cowed for the moment. It may be that the peculiar way in which Paul Burns eyed him and toyed with the handspike had some effect on him. Possibly he was keenly alive to the danger which threatened them. At all events, he went to work like the rest!
And there was occasion for haste. Before the sails were properly secured, the squall struck them; the foremast was snapped off close to the deck; for a time the ship became unmanageable and drifted rapidly towards the land.