"Enough, we are observed," I replied; "Father Tom will wait on you this evening; and to-morrow morning, my lord, in the glen below Pilwiddle we will meet again."
"Father Tomglen!" ejaculated the Englishman, with genuine surprise. "What? do priests carry challenges and act as seconds in your infernal country?"
"Yes!" I answered, scornfully, "why should they not? Their services are more often necessary than those of a surgeon," I added significantly, turning away.
The party slowly rode off, with the exception of the Hon. Blanche Sackville, who lingered for a moment behind. In an instant I was at her side. Bending her blushing face over the neck of her white filly, she said hurriedly:
"Words have passed between Lord Somerset and yourself. You are about to fight. Don't deny itbut hear me. You will meet himI know your skill of weapons. He will be at your mercy. I entreat you to spare his life!"
I hesitated. "Never!" I cried passionately; "he has insulted a Denville!"
"Terence," she whispered, "TerenceFOR MY SAKE?"
The blood rushed to my cheeks, and her eyes sought the ground in bashful confusion.
"You love him then?" I cried, bitterly.
"No, no," she said, agitatedly, "no, you do me wrong. IIcannot explain myself. My father!the Lady Dowager Sackvillethe estate of Sackvillethe boroughmy uncle, Fitzroy Somerset. Ah! what am I saying? Forgive me. O Terence," she said, as her beautiful head sank on my shoulder, "you know not what I suffer!"
I seized her hand and covered it with passionate kisses. But the high-bred English girl, recovering something of her former hauteur, said hastily, "Leave me, leave me, but promise!"