The pastor of the church and teacher of the Theological Department of Straight University writes us:
"The religious interest has so deepened that for several weeks I have been preaching three times a week. Four or five prayer meetings have been started by the students of their own accord in each other's rooms. Eleven united with us on profession of faith at our last communion, and as many more have made a start at different meetings, and will unite with us at the next communion. A remarkable feature about the work is the fact that numbers of the older students who are most deeply interested are Roman Catholics. One young man who united with us is a Spaniard from Matamoras, Mexico, and has been educated as a Roman Catholic. I believe he may be counted on to do loyal service in his native city. In this way the A.M.A. is ever doing 'foreign work,' and work which I believe will tell in Mexico, Cuba, and the Central American States.
"If some benevolent friend in the North would send us twenty-five copies of Stalker's Life of Christ, it would be of great help in this work."
Information respecting a very interesting revival of religion comes to us from Sherwood, Tenn.