An Enterprising Woman
A letter from Louisiana says, "I visited a Negro family the other day in a settlement where there is no school, and found the following condition of things: A white lady was boarding with them and giving instruction for her board. She is teaching them how to live. Eight months ago no one in this family could read. The father only could speak English. Now all speak some English. All except the youngest can read a little in the Bible. They sang a gospel hymn for me and repeated quite a number of Bible verses and the Lord's prayer. The colored mother I believe to be one of the smartest women in America. With the help of her childrenthe father spends all he gets for whiskeyshe has built her house, supports her family, makes her own furniture, spins and weaves cloth from cotton she has raised, and has engaged this white lady to educate her and her children, she herself leading the class. The children are all very quick to learn. The home was tidy and well-kept. The children were clean and neat. I shall look to see something grand come from that family."
Letter From A School Girl To Her Pastor In One Of Our Institutions"I am a Christian and I think I enjoy it better than being a sinner, and always doing something on earth to please myself and not trying to please my Saviour who died for me, that through him I might be saved. I am enjoying this week of prayer, and it seems to me we would have better Christians if we had more prayer. I feel as if I need your prayers both night and morning. It does seem so hard for me to overcome my trials and temptations which come to me so very often. I hope you will join in earnest prayers to help me overcome my temptations."